When to flower clones?


Active Member
I was just wondering when or what are the signs clones are ready to flower? When i first made the cuttings they were about 3 inches tall, they are now about 8 inches, but have not sprouted any branches, just fan leaves. Thanks for the help folks!


Active Member
its up to you, you could flower right after rooting or you could wait indefinetley. how much room and what lighting do you have?
Right now they are under a 250 watt mh, with three other plants started from seed. Those are still fairly young. I have a 400 watt hps that currently has two plants flowering. One for about 5-6 weeks the other for about 4-5 weeks. I also have a smaller cabinet with a 150 watt hps that i can start two plants flowering in 2.5 gallon buckets. I am not trying to rush them into flowering beings i still have between 4-6 weeks left on the two currently under the 400 hps. Just more curious, this is my first succesful attempt at cloning and i dont want to fuck it up lol I am thinking about another two weeks then i ll put them under the 150 hps for a week or two then move them under the 400.

Does this sound plausable?


Active Member
It sounds plausible to me, at least. I'm on my first grow with clones which I gave 4 weeks and then threw in to flower. I took cuttings a week ago and they are now ready to move to pots. Personally I would say that for me, about 7-9 inches tall is when to start flowering, but I fully understand that there are many more experienced people who might tell you otherwise based on their experiences.