+Rep til I run out! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!

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So last week I created a thread for those of us that lost their accounts due to a crash. I offered to give those effected some of my worthless blue rep, mostly just as a way to cheer me and them up. A TON of folks stopped in to rep us all for our inconvenience (some very cool folks here). The last post I made to it was saying the we really didn't need any more rep because so many had given it already.
Now this week the thread is deleted. Not closed, but deleted. I mean wiped away. No sign of it.
No PM telling me that the thread was a problem, no email letting me know there was an issue.
Was it in violation of some policy? Was it making the site look bad? Who the fuck knows.
So to you folks that repped me, Chitownsmoking, Padawanbater, Priscilla 420, MoobyGhost, Boys n Da Hood, and everyone else that lost their accounts, THANKS!


Well-Known Member
well I can see why it got deleted instead of closed.I would of thought they told you about it though.


Well-Known Member
yes, it is a direct abuse of the rep system. it makes your rep meaningless. i can remove it all for you. it's tainted.

rep threads are against site rules.


Active Member
I dont' know, he lost a lot of rep and it means a lot to him, so I don't think it's tainted. It's not his fault his account crashed


Active Member
Under the circumstances (multiple peoples accounts crashing), I think one rep whore thread to try and re-establish people’s accounts is understandable.
Of course, you have exponentially more experience running forums than me, so it’s your word :peace:


Well-Known Member
FDD im surprised u havent closed this yet.... i dont uderstand ppl care so much about rep.. I rarely recieve rep when I help ppl, most the time its just for nonsense posts..


Well-Known Member
No one understands rep except for the members who have been here the longest...

I rep people on good shit all the time and I never get rep back...from most. But w.e idc :shock:


Well-Known Member
oh no never mind that like 1/7 of the users accounts were just magically deleted


god forbid we try to get rep back that was stolen from us
Well its obviously not hard to get rep so why bitch about it? ... Just post some awesome advice or w.e and get some rep! :joint:


Well-Known Member
It has taken RIU a very long time to respond to the thread, are the mods lacking?

the mods are NOT involved with the inner workings of the site. we have no access and i have been trying to get an answer for you all. you are welcome.

seems most of you care more about lost rep then ANY of your GROW INFO. is this a rep site or a grow site? i'd be pissed my journal was gone, not my rep. i see no "missing journal" threads. :-|

you all know if i could help i would. tear me a new one now. :hug::hug::hug:


Active Member
I was under the impression that all of the posts were still there, so is the name, however everything else said N/a


Well-Known Member
rep is for good advice. not to be better then any1 else on an internet site. youve made rep a battle for a stronger title wich is wrong on here. we're all about our plants and our growing advice. got what you diserved.


Well-Known Member
why do you care about rep is my point? does it make ur e-penis larger? wtf does it matter.. if you know what ur talking about people will listen to you regardless to ur rep bar... I just really dont get the hype..
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