Superthrive..Yes or NO??

Mr. Blue

Active Member
Superthrive... Its like drinking a 5 hour energy drink every 4 hours throughout the day instead of eating meals... You might be the fastest guy on the floor, but where's it gonna get ya in the end?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I don't know what to tell you. I learned about it and some respected grower mentioned he uses it and since than I've always used it probably my last 4 or 5 grows but I never not used it too compare it to. from the label I assumed it was just all around good to add to your plant. Lately I've been hearing a lot of mixed reviews but in general people recommend it only for vegging and that the growth hormones inhibit flower production. I'm not sure I've used it throughout the whole grow a few times and never had any problems but I have now stopped using it for flowering since learning this. I try to add just a drop a gallon but have added a little more too since I don't have a eye dropper so sometimes you get a little extra and I don't see any weird problems. I do have some mutants right now though....they were germed with superthrive and I now sprouted some new ones with just plain tap water and the germ time was the same so I can say it's not necessary, but the seedlings were put under a lot of stress from high temps and low moiture levels(some died overnight I think it might have got over 100 degrees but surely the low 90s)so I think that was the cause of their strange growth but i could be wrong. I think I will stop using superthrive on one of my seedlings just to see if the growth rate is different.


Well-Known Member
i use it for veggin and i even soak my seeds in water w/ it and its done me very well!! its never givin me a reason to STOP usin it i can tell ya that!!


Well-Known Member
I liked this reply.. very informative and just an overall good post bro. props to ya. And thank you for explaining some of the benefits that users of Superthrive can possibly expect when using the product.

I too never really knew exactly what Superthrive did.. I had an idea of what it did for the plants.. but not what I know now.

And I owe it all to 'ClosetGrowth'!! Thanks for putting up a good and informative post bro!

Thank you :)

Very nice of you to say.

I like to help others, and I do new experiments, each and every grow.

I dont believe everything I hear.

Thats why I do the things I do.

And later on I reveal the "real" truth.

Best of luck to your garden, and have a great day! :)


Well-Known Member
lets hope its just nute coloring, if it is, youll be harvesting some dank from her soon:D


Active Member
Yes i really hope its nute coloring becasue its not slimy. I really want this blue cheese to come out perfect and losing it all together is not an option for me right now. IT MUST PRODUCE. lol. will be watching closely the next few days to see if any slime appears and see if growth is sunted.


Well-Known Member
lets hope its just nute coloring, if it is, youll be harvesting some dank from her soon:D
My Fox Farm made my roots look slightly brown after I used Big Bloom.

But, the plants grew fairly well.

What do you expect when you feed your plants seagull and bat shit? LOL!

Aint the first time I heard this problem.

And wont be the last.

Another reason I have switched to chemical nutes.


Active Member
Ya well im using advanced nutrients sensi grow A and B just added a little superthrive and thats it


Active Member
Ok i think it might be root rot. I dont know how since my res temps are min 67 and max 74 its stays around 70 and there is no light leak but what should i do?? Go buy some h202 and clean out the res??


Well-Known Member
Are your plants looking like they are starting to suffer? Wilt, turn weird colors and such. If not, I wouldn't worry too much about it unless the roots are slimy and shit. I don't think it would hurt to go buy some h2o2 and add some to your res. I think someone mentioned an amount earlier in the thread...