150W HPS Multi Strain Cab


Well-Known Member
Whatever...Either way The magazines was about $30 the nutes was $31 Then the root shit was $10 so thats $70 worth of shit they gave me.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea. Next time I go in I figure il spend like $100 and then turn around and ask for an entire sample of there organic line. Also he told me how to get humboldt to send me about $200 worth of free nutes XD


Well-Known Member
Yea dude I very rarely lie. Kind of a bad thing man I get in ALL KINDS of fights because im just honest and blunt...I really do want to tell you all I mean especially JN after he scored me my bio bizz samples, But I cant.


Well-Known Member
lol im really not worried about it.. I could sell ice to an eskemo... I could seriously get $1000s of nutes if i wanted to put the effort in.. Ive already got 3 free boxes so far..


Well-Known Member
I bet that he told you to say something along the lines that u want to become a distributer and ask them for a display set or something like that ;)


Well-Known Member
Okay so I need to do an update since this thread is about my grow. It hit mid 80's today and when I got home The lights had only been on an hour or 2 and temps already were in the high 90's. We cut the A/C on so my room is going to become a freezer with the door shut so the temp problem is already dealt with. I figure the cold air being trapped in my room with the heat from the HPS should even everything out. I forgot to water the girls again last night. This better be the last time I forget or im going to have to slap myself. I got it figured to watering every 2 days. Now I need advice on something. Think I should make there next feeding half and half of the bio bizz feeding and the GH feeding to ween them over? Or the next to waterings etc?


Well-Known Member
i just wrote all the companys a email telling them i heard good things and wanted to try them in a side by side comparison. a few companies responded and sent shit. just write them a nice email. peace


Well-Known Member
i just wrote all the companys a email telling them i heard good things and wanted to try them in a side by side comparison. a few companies responded and sent shit. just write them a nice email. peace
lmfao, love it how ppl pop in and tell me stuff i already know ;)


Well-Known Member
I figured I would show you what I have just to make sure I like my water conditions before I feed the girls. Its nice to have this because: 1: Bleach in the water 2: Flouride in it 3: Ammonia 4: Nitrites 5: Nitrates 6: PH 7: Dissolved Oxygen 8: Calcium 9: KH 10: dKH....The list goes on and on...Anyway if you have city water you NEED to worry about the first 3 and number 6 at the minimum. Thats why just my plant arsenal has so many test kits (Front row is low range PH Ammonia Nitrite and Nitrate. I also have high range PH) The bleach kills the bacteria In the filtration process witch causes die off witch rots and becomes ammonia. Thats why I ONLY use Distilled or RO/DI water in my tanks. My tap is 8.2 PH and 1.5 PPM of ammonia. If my tank has ANY ammonia I know it isnt cycled and not ready for fish. But! That cycle (Ammonia - Nitrite (Lethal) - Nitrate is what feeds plants...Especially aquatic plants. They use it for photosynthisis. Anyway I need to stop babbling...Heres the damn picture...



Well-Known Member
lmfao, love it how ppl pop in and tell me stuff i already know ;)
sorry for poppin in to try and help people get some stuff, sounded like people wanted some free shit i gave a option. no need i wont interject anymore. peacebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I know man I hate people like that. I had an idea awhile back about using the box my 55 gallon tank came in to grow and these 2 assholes kept saying I was talking shit and was stupid because I told them I was going to start 4 plants because I would probably end up with at least 2 males and probably kill at least 1 of the females. Fucking morons need to calm down.