Does 1 plant=1 pound?


Well-Known Member
If you were caught cultivating, would one plant equal one pound of pot in the eyes of the law? Thanks!
Different laws apply to different states. Go to "NORMALS" website, there they have the answer to your question about your state
Thanks for the answers, but......I went to the norml website and it only tells you in poundage. Thats why I wonder, how exactly do they measure it? I know you could have ten plants about to finish flowering, but that does mean you got ten pounds of pot.


Well-Known Member
They pretty much weigh the whole plant, pot and all, each plant may be up to 10 pounds depending on when you last watered.


New Member
When my buddy got busted, they chop 'em and throw 'em in garbage bags and go by the # of plants and whatever final product you have laying around, take any cash that's laying around and rip all your gear down and take it too. They will give you a stiffer penelty if you have diff rooms on the go at the same time. You'll get Cultivation with the intent to distribute.


Well-Known Member
it depends.

they don't weigh it on the same scale you use. that much is a lie. they have their own well-calibrated scales for that.

to pump up the weight they weigh the whole plant, wet, sometimes chopped, sometimes the rootball n soil too. so a plant that might yield you 1 oz could be 2-5 lbs in their eyes.

on NORML's website check to see if your state measures mj by weight, or by specific amount of plants. you said weight earlier, so if the calvalry comes in they'll weigh the whole plant.

they'll also confiscate any cash you have in the house, even if you can prove it came from a legitimate source. you'll prob. waste mre money on attorney fees than from what they confiscated to get it back so consider cash gone.

that's why taking care of trash is important, if you have leaf trimmings lying around, uprooted males, etc. they'll weigh that as if it were bud too.....
its still a misdeameanor up to 8oz. The pound per plant ws when I was watching DEA on spike. The guy had like 10 plants randomly growing in his yard, all babies.