

New Member
simpleman laughs,

I've never ratted before, but i'm gonna get your info and turn you in.

just a matter of time.

This is the private message I got from simpleman1776. I would be well aware of this idiot from now on fellows, he claims to have a way of getting your private info from his posted links. I don't know what his status is, but threats like this should not be allowed on this site. I believe his posting priveledges should be revoked and he shouild be driven from the site, I am going to confer with a MOD.


New Member
I checked out this guys posts and he is scary...I for one do not feel comfortable with someone like him here...:peace:


New Member
Nice job, Med.

The guy seems pretty squared away to me. Perhaps he sent that PM to you in anger. But in any event, this is a pot grower's site and PMs like that have no place here.

With that said, what's to keep him from coming back with a different password and name?



Well-Known Member
Nice job, Med.

The guy seems pretty squared away to me. Perhaps he sent that PM to you in anger. But in any event, this is a pot grower's site and PMs like that have no place here.

With that said, what's to keep him from coming back with a different password and name?


he forwarded me another pm that the guy sent. it got a lot worse.:evil:

hopefully our secret powers will keep him out.:mrgreen:


New Member
Nice job, Med.

The guy seems pretty squared away to me. Perhaps he sent that PM to you in anger. But in any event, this is a pot grower's site and PMs like that have no place here.

With that said, what's to keep him from coming back with a different password and name?

Exactly. Heres another private message I got from this Idiot:

medicineman said:
Originally Posted by simpleman1776
read this asshole proof positive.

http://simpleman1776.3host.biz/thetruth.ht[/quoteFuck you, I don't want you knowing anything about me, just know that I know.

he he he, i'll get ya, better not click on any links from now on, i'll just make 3 more names or maybe 5 and wait a while then send you a link, i'll get ya little boy, then your fucked

Now that he's "got me" I suppose I should be worried, but fuck him, If I get busted, I have the passionate plea deal I can make in Nevada, and then I'll pay a small fine and get a liscence. I would appreciate the same info on him though, could maybe take my 7MMmag for a spin,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
he's a fuckin tweeked out redneck you can tell, and I'm pretty sure he's nothing to worry about, the ip he listed is out of china and their internet is hella restricted


New Member
I don't think he's "tweaked" out. I believe he's a super radical with very strong libertarian leanings. He's the type of guy, not to dissimilar, to the men who started the revolution in this country. Remember, 95% of the population of the colonies were against revolting against the Crown. He stopped filing income tax returns years ago. He's beaten the IRS in court. He's pretty much turned his back on "The System," and I say good for him. He has more guts than most of us here in the forum in that respect.

On the other hand ... there is no room for threats such as he made to Med. As a result, he's lost all credibility with me ... and obviously with the rest of you as well.



New Member
I don't think he's "tweaked" out. I believe he's a super radical with very strong libertarian leanings. He's the type of guy, not to dissimilar, to the men who started the revolution in this country. Remember, 95% of the population of the colonies were against revolting against the Crown. He stopped filing income tax returns years ago. He's beaten the IRS in court. He's pretty much turned his back on "The System," and I say good for him. He has more guts than most of us here in the forum in that respect.

On the other hand ... there is no room for threats such as he made to Med. As a result, he's lost all credibility with me ... and obviously with the rest of you as well.

Or so he said. He could just have been a government worm looking for miscreant tax evaders and pot growers. It always pays to make yourself look like a crook when looking for crooks. Vi you may have to worry about your creative tax returns.


Well-Known Member
well anyway. I dont like that guy I'm glad hes gone, and that is just downright scary, and evil... he is commiting a felony, and trying to get you busted for growing plants, what a cracked out world!
I hope our magic is strong enough to keep him out... but... is it? I''m not too sure. I WANT ASSURANCE!!! :P ;)


New Member
Too bad rollitup doesn't have a worm to send to his IP and destroy his harddrive, and if they do I say send away. There must be some creative hackers around the site.


Well-Known Member
well anyway. I dont like that guy I'm glad hes gone, and that is just downright scary, and evil... he is commiting a felony, and trying to get you busted for growing plants, what a cracked out world!
I hope our magic is strong enough to keep him out... but... is it? I''m not too sure. I WANT ASSURANCE!!! :P ;)

wish i could give you that. i figure they usually come right back and show themselves. most times it's not to hard to spot them.


New Member
Or so he said. He could just have been a government worm looking for miscreant tax evaders and pot growers. It always pays to make yourself look like a crook when looking for crooks. Vi you may have to worry about your creative tax returns.[/quote]

Not that creative, really. They dinged me for $1,250 on that audit I faced a couple of months ago. Fuck 'em.

And anyway, what kind of country have we evolved into when we have to worry about what we say on an Internet site? Let's ask ourselves that question for a change. What more proof do we need that we have a slave tax system, other than the paranoia we feel that someone "might" be from the IRS engaging in a fishing expedition here on the site? What more evidence do we need that we live in an overwhelming Nanny State than the paranoia we feel that someone from the DEA may be monitoring the site to catch simple closet growers?

How many of you espouse the continued growth of the Nanny State that enslaves you in your search for more "free" goodies from our leige lords in Washington? :blsmoke:

