Ron Paul ... The Kook.


New Member
Do you support Ron Paul? You can't let this thread finish without stating that simple stance.
If you've read my postings in the past, you wouldn't have had to ask the question.

Not only do I support Ron Paul, I support his thinking. Ron Paul is a patriot ... and that's what scares the bejeezus out of those who make their living in Washington. Consider ... If Ron Paul were elected, which he won't be, millions of bureaucrats would be marching in the streets of Washington as their gravy trains started to unravel. Can't you just see it? Ron Paul gets up the day after inaugaration and says: "I hereby, through executive order, dissolve the Department of Education." Every crusty, dusty old bureaucrat in the Department of Education would be surrounding the White House within minutes. They would be joined by the Communists in the National Education Association and the majority of their union members. As soon at they were in place, all their family members would join in too. With the dissolution of that one agency, employees of all the other unconstitutional agencies would start to panic and begin to pour out from there dusty pigeon holes as well. And then the next day, Ron Paul says: "And now its time to fire all 110,000 of the employees at the IRS because they won't be needed anymore." Can you say "tanks and planes?"

There are WAY too many people in this country who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo, including the news media. Anyone who has a contract with the federal government, every welfare reciepent, every social security reciepient, those who run state governments, every federal employee ... plus more would be in protest. I'm afraid that we have become a dependent class of people, and I'm afraid that it was designed that way.

I hate to break it to you guys ... but Ron Paul will not be elected to the presidency of the United States. Not in our lifetimes, nor in the next. With that said, it doesn't mean that I don't support the man and his ideas. Its just reality.



Well-Known Member

Most elections are about finding a candidate that supports as many issues as an individule voter finds important. However, RP is a candidate of single issues.

where the hell do you get that ?

this is america, the constitution is the law of the land, it means what it says, it says what it means.

you've been socialised into the (it depends on the definition of is, is ?)mentality

maybe in the last elections it was about bullchitting people on both sides of the isle into electing them so they can turn around and say screw you i'm doing what I want.

ron paul is constitutional, if it's not in there, it's not constitutional, this applies to everyone equal and there's no azz kizzing involved.

I want someone who will follow the law, period and I dont care who he offends or pizzes off, as long as he follows the law, and stops these wars and gets rid of the socialist heavy progressive unconstitutional income tax fraud.

ron is the man to do that.

you sound like an obama man,...or worse a hiliary fabian socialist luver.

get real.

this is america and it's time to return to the ways of the founders, to do otherwise will cause revolt and revolution soon to restore our freedom

I for one will die before i become a good global citizen.

i support ron paul and freedom, the rest are all globaliost traitors and members of the subversive/treasonist CFR.

it's time for a change or time to kick azz.

It seems YOU did not read the post, or were too self absorbed to understand.
RP will attract many single issue voter groups because of his Constitutionalists positions. That is called demographics, and it is what defines a campaign.

So, some of the press core sling mud saying he is a kook, because of support from single-issue voters.

I never said RP is a single-issue candidate. And if you twist my words again I'll call you a liar.


Well-Known Member
hes definantly not at all a single issue canidate, do more research
hes got an answer to any question thrown at him


Well-Known Member
hes definantly not at all a single issue canidate, do more research
hes got an answer to any question thrown at him
For the THIRD time, I did not say he was a single issue candidate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, he attracts single issue voters.

That is real important information about candidates and election results. Perhaps, it is above the level of discussion here?


Well-Known Member don't need to explain mockingbird. those of us with brains understood the first time around. the thread before you post PEOPLE!


Well-Known Member
since "Mona" is willing to wallow in so many of the desperate lies and distortions about Ron Paul i wonder if "Mona" realizes that he offered to pay for a memorial to Rosa Parks with his own money? too bad the rest of Congress didn't think enough of her to do the same... there is so much misinformation out there, someone needs to make a simple side by side comparison of the issues for Ron Paul.

all it would take is a clean list of all the issues: immigration/sovereignty, free speech, taxes, war, right to bear arms, executive power, corporate subsidies, racism, etc. the huge majority of America supports Ron Paul, they just don't know it!

it doesn't have to be negative, just a simple and concise summary of his and the opponents views on all the important areas.

for example, immigration:

while mayor of NY city, Giuliani created the first sanctuary city for illegal aliens. Giuliani currently supports giving illegal aliens protection from existing immigration laws and increased access for illegals to taxpayer funded social benefits and education.

Hillary Clinton supported state driver's licenses for illegal aliens in 2007 then changed her mind on the subject. it is currently unknown what her stand on this issue is.

Ron Paul opposes amnesty and citizenship by birth when the parents are here illegally. he supports tougher penalties for hiring illegal aliens and more secure borders. his position on this subject has never changed while in public office.

maybe something like this would be easier for the soundbite driven masses to digest...

Why the Internet Community Supports Ron Paul



New Member
since "Mona" is willing to wallow in so many of the desperate lies and distortions about Ron Paul i wonder if "Mona" realizes that he offered to pay for a memorial to Rosa Parks with his own money? too bad the rest of Congress didn't think enough of her to do the same... there is so much misinformation out there, someone needs to make a simple side by side comparison of the issues for Ron Paul.

all it would take is a clean list of all the issues: immigration/sovereignty, free speech, taxes, war, right to bear arms, executive power, corporate subsidies, racism, etc. the huge majority of America supports Ron Paul, they just don't know it!

it doesn't have to be negative, just a simple and concise summary of his and the opponents views on all the important areas.

for example, immigration:

while mayor of NY city, Giuliani created the first sanctuary city for illegal aliens. Giuliani currently supports giving illegal aliens protection from existing immigration laws and increased access for illegals to taxpayer funded social benefits and education.

Hillary Clinton supported state driver's licenses for illegal aliens in 2007 then changed her mind on the subject. it is currently unknown what her stand on this issue is.

Ron Paul opposes amnesty and citizenship by birth when the parents are here illegally. he supports tougher penalties for hiring illegal aliens and more secure borders. his position on this subject has never changed while in public office.

maybe something like this would be easier for the soundbite driven masses to digest...

Why the Internet Community Supports Ron Paul

I must agree with you on this, although it pains me so~LOL~.


New Member
Med ...

I've noticed of late that you are beginning to agree with "us" more an more. Have you given up on the White Widow?

7x ... nice to see you posting again. Missed ya.



New Member
Med ...

I've noticed of late that you are beginning to agree with "us" more an more. Have you given up on the White Widow?

7x ... nice to see you posting again. Missed ya.

Hell yeah, after that idiot said he got me, I cleaned house, nothing like being careful, right, made a nice fire in my fireplace. I wonder if any of the neighbors got high,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
Geeze, it's so nice to have so many superior intellects on this site. I wonder, do you guys have a mirror in front of your monitors so you can admire yourselves while typing?
Well yes medicineman, I do have a mirror in front of me. But, what does that have to do with the point? Ron Paul DOES attract single issue voters. A fact most of my friends here I think have overlooked.


Well-Known Member
hey mockingbird whats the one issue these voters are concentrating on?
According to some analysts, Right to Life is a huge single issue voter block. Also, the NRA adores RP. For many of those people this election is single issue. Someone else spoke about illegal aliens (from Mexico, not Mars). That is a single issue for a block of voters. And what about here? I venture to bet that most marijuana uses, if they vote, will support RP.

Those are all huge demographics. If he gets close to these groups they could relate to primary upsets. The problems with a candidate like RP is some voters think he is a hopeless long shot. So they vote for the lesser of two evils. But if he keeps money rolling in and he knocks of Fred Thompson. He chances change.

Fred Thompson gets more press, but RP is about 3 points ahead in the NH and Iowa polls. Also, he is a statistical dead-heat with Huckaby.

Thompson and Huckaby are both going to draw Right to Life voters, but are more general appeal on other issues.

So that is why RP will gather votes from all over the place, and some of the media think he is in kook territory.