Modern Warfare 2 vs. Battlefield Bad Company 2


Active Member
bad co 2 on PC blows MW2 on console out of the water

trust me i have about 3 days played time on bad company

its just fucking amazing, so much more fun than the idiots who hack glitch and exploit, as well as camp all day in mw 2

90% sure bad company has more weapons, it has vehicles, pretty much everything you could want

remember fps are always better on PC


Well-Known Member
you's are fucking crazy.MW2 shits all over bc2.Who gives a fuck about realism its a video game.I think when they try and make it more real it fucks it up and takes the fun out of it.


Active Member
you couldnt be more wrong

mw2 does not have anything bc2 doesnt

plus bc2 has vehicles, a greater emphasis on team play

and about a million less hackers and cheaters

oh yeah less campers too

mw2 is actually mw 1.5

same fucking game just new skins


Well-Known Member
you couldnt be more wrong

mw2 does not have anything bc2 doesnt

plus bc2 has vehicles, a greater emphasis on team play

and about a million less hackers and cheaters

oh yeah less campers too

mw2 is actually mw 1.5

same fucking game just new skins
I couldn't agree more but why fix what isn't broken?Not saying mw2 isn't fucked up but they probably didn't expect all of these hacks and glitches.I still think COD4 is the best online shooter.


Well-Known Member
bad company 2 is a badass game.
i don't play modern warfare2 because i play on a PC
and i heard the PC port of MW2 was bad and i wasn't
willing to deal with frustration on that level. I have been
super pleased with BFBC2. But you do need a decent gaming machine to play it.
Besides this is just a game to tide us PC gamers over 'till battlefield 3 three comes out.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry but MW2 is a kids game. 5 kills for an airstrike?! Fuck that, in BC2 just get a class that can call in strikes or hop in a Apache and rape everything with hellfire missles or have your gunner lay em out with the cannon

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
played MW and thought that the MP was utter and total shit so steared well clear away of MW2 MP, BC2 on the other hand is kickass fun :)


Well-Known Member
Not to mention by the time you start a match in BC2 to the time youfinish... The map has changed comoletely from a well covered map with trees and buildings to a leveld wasteland of charred craters and leveled buildings.

In MW2 I can sprint around getting 20 kills in a row with a fucking knife... In BC2 I can take out the bottom floor supports to a building and level it to the ground killing 3+ people hiding inside. you decide what's more freaking awesome hahaha

and if anyone hates on the damage of weapons in BC2... I don't know what you're talking about because hardcore mode is turned on for every game type for me ;)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
and with regard to the graphics of BC", they are hardly abd in any shape or form. don't go slagging off a games graphics because y'all are playing on a console now :)


Well-Known Member
MW2, its just more fun, dont get me wrong BC2 is a great game, it jst dont compare to MW2, the graphics are great on both, just turn them onto max(im on pc), i got MW2 on ps3 aswell for online and i have to say there is no multiplayer better than this.


Well-Known Member
i'm all but burnt out on mw2. SameShitDifferent Day..
while i only DL'd bad company 2 and played like 10-15 minutes, the difference in game play 'speed' threw me off.
mw2 kills come a dime a dozen. my K/D ratio makes me feel good about myself.. so much for 'team' play


Well-Known Member
Is anyone getting crysis 2 or brink?
They look pretty good.




Well-Known Member
I let my wife trade in MW2. All the pussies who boost and glitch not to mentiuon the campers ruined the game for me and I was an everyday player of MW2. I bought BC2 on its release date and have logged over 130 hr of online play so far. If theres a camper in that building just plant some C4 and blast him out. I love in BC2 the dogtag system, but i does have its problems. The biggest is the morter system, its not that its overpowered but it just cycles two fast and when the opposite team are all bushwookies it makes for a frusterating match.


Well-Known Member
Is anyone getting crysis 2 or brink?
They look pretty good.


I can't wait for Crysis 2! I fried my old video card on the first crysis hahahahaha

Such an amazing game


Active Member
whos fucking idea was it to make Alan Wake a fucking 360 exclusive....... idiots

there is a game coming out called I Am Alive that looks pretty sweet

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Battle field takes no skill. Like someone said, all you have to do is hop in an apche and start fucking shit up. In MW2 you gotta work for you shit