Pics of my 2 first ladies


Well-Known Member
this could be one thing i may not be able to scrimp on. but then 150quid isnt that expensive for Co2.

i might have to sell an oz of the cheese then invest in some.



Well-Known Member
Ok here goes with my little Co2 Enrichment Budget version.

First i took the following out of my cupboards

2L bottle
1L bottle
Aquarium airline tube
A packet of easy yeast
Silicon sealant
super glue
Gaffa tape.

Firstly i made a hole in both the bottle tops

the black 2 litre bottle top has a straight hole through it.
The little bottle top i just pushed out the inner part of the drinking bit which made a complete hole all the way through it.

I then placed a piece of gaffa tape around the tubing to go inside the 2L bottle top. I pushed this inside only a little bit and glued around the tube once it fitted inside. This does not have to touch the water just sit inside the cap.
Once the glue was dry i then silicon sealed the tube around the cap just to make sure of any seals.

I then place the tube through the top of the 1L bottle cap and i want this to be submerged in the water of the 1L bottle to make an air lock this should then bubble and release out of the water through the top of the bottle as this is unsealed.

I will then add warm water, the packet of yeast and a table spoon of sugar and shake vigarously.

This hopefully will work and will be cheap. as in cost me nothing (thanks for the yeast mum lol)

Will be trying this later.




Well-Known Member
Another update of the Co2 bottles

Here is a pic with them filled before they go into my grow area. Just waiting for the yeast to activate before i place this as high in my room.




Well-Known Member
Another update of the Co2 bottles

Here is a pic with them filled before they go into my grow area. Just waiting for the yeast to activate before i place this as high in my room.

Nicely done there J lad. Great idea. And well put together too. Im sure your going to get a right yield from the SFS by the looks of things, so you'll defo have enough to sell and get the reg and bottle purchased....

I was just looking at the pic's you uploaded of them. They look awesome man. And i still cant belive how much growth the flowers have taken on in like 10 days... Hope mine do the same... I gave them there first dose of PK13/14 yesterday but im unsure of what this does????:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
The pk1314 gives them a boost of P and K potasium and Phospherous Which is what helps fruit development.
When a plant goes into reproductive mode which is flowering it needs a greater intake of P and K and thus the pk1314 supplies it added to your normal nutrient regime.
But as said before keep a shot of normal grow nutes Terra Vega in your case handy and alternate it here and there to keep them greener longer.

Like you saw on my monster girl i didnt have any grow nutes in her after she started flowering and the foliage died really quickly due to the extra P K that the plant was getting from the canna.

With the BBC girls i am adding a blast of grow every other week at the min just to keep them looking greener for longer. I will be cutting Grow nutes out completely from end of week6 going into week 7.

What week are you on??? Should you be adding PK1314 already???

Did that schedule i got you say to use the PK during week 4 onwards?



Well-Known Member
also a little update on the Co2

Seems to be working but i have placed it too low in my room i think as Co2 falls as it is heavier than Oxygen. So i will be placing this up on a shelf in front of an oscilating fan which is already in position.



Well-Known Member
Whoo Hoo

my Co2 is working with a bubble every 3 seconds lol

I cant believe it



Well-Known Member
The pk1314 gives them a boost of P and K potasium and Phospherous Which is what helps fruit development.
When a plant goes into reproductive mode which is flowering it needs a greater intake of P and K and thus the pk1314 supplies it added to your normal nutrient regime.
But as said before keep a shot of normal grow nutes Terra Vega in your case handy and alternate it here and there to keep them greener longer.

Like you saw on my monster girl i didnt have any grow nutes in her after she started flowering and the foliage died really quickly due to the extra P K that the plant was getting from the canna.

With the BBC girls i am adding a blast of grow every other week at the min just to keep them looking greener for longer. I will be cutting Grow nutes out completely from end of week6 going into week 7.

What week are you on??? Should you be adding PK1314 already???

Did that schedule i got you say to use the PK during week 4 onwards?

Hi J, Yeah im following the CANNA grow guide I have from the start and im on week 3 flower which tells me to start with the PK13/14 Only a small dose.

If you type in to google ( CANNA GROW GUIDE ) it tell you everything step by step and week by week. etc etc. Its a fantastic guide. I did read the schedule that you sent, Many many time's lol But as im on the CANNA GROW GUIDE and following it religiously I have to stick to it. But from the schedule that you sent and the Q i asked CANNA they said that it will be ok to do ether, and or both...

So the Co2 is working, Nice 1 pal.... Any pic's of it working. I.e bubbling throthing???



Well-Known Member
pics of the Co2 system. lol

trying to upload vid too

Tried to capture a bubble going up but no luck.

Now that its settled in and you can see the fermentation on the big bottle im getting a shot of co2 every second. lol

You'll see that from the vid if i get it uploaded somewhere.


Edit link for my bubble vid.



Well-Known Member
Yeah am here bro. lol just been filling my 1000 liter tank and its almost done. ready for the flush in a few days time.

That Co2 set up you have made is shit hot man. I might make one just out of interest now..... lol

Get that vid uploaded....


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

here is an upto date recipe for the homemade Co2.


1tblsp of DRIED YEAST
2 tblsp SUGAR

Mix the sugar with 300ml of boiling water
top up with cold to 600ml.
stir in the yeast until mixture is cloudy without any large clumps. about 2mins continuous stirring.
add this into your 2L bottle.
then add 500ml cold water into the mix. then add 500ml of warm water. shake well.

3/4 fill your 1L bottle with cold water.

screw together your 2L bottle with the tube cap.

place tube submerged in the 1L bottle

put it in your grow room at plant level.

In about an hour you should see a bubble release every 2ish seconds. after a few more hours this will settle to around 5seconds..
you can shake the 2L bottle to give it a little recharge when bubbles slow or you can add some boiling water with a teaspoon of sugar dissolved in it and shake it up.

hope you like this



Well-Known Member
HI All

Here is a little schematic i have just put together for you all to see my growing area.

After i harvest my BBC clones i shall be re-positioning the lamp by rotating it 90degrees so that i get a better light spread and hopefully can fit approx 6 plants in here.
the height of the room is around 7.5ft.





Well-Known Member
LOL if you would have waited 1 more

Love the design page J. Looks like a great set up.. Your going to tweek and tweek if i know you tho....

Big day for me tomoz. Flush... uuuuuurrrrggggghhhh Love it really.. 120 liters PH6 through each..12 of them tomorrow the another 12 on sunday.... Should be ok with the tank set up i have now..

You uploading some pic's of the BBC's tomorrow???



Well-Known Member
yep yep

just after lights on at 420pm

they're bulking up nicely.

cant wait for downtime tho.
im contemplating running a cooltube and ducting it through the door so that i can keep the closet door closed.

but then thats just an idea.

ooohhhh the flush!!!!

i really need to buy a water butt but the wife wont let me keep it in the spare room lol don't really want it outside as i dont have any plants in my garden and neighbours would get a bit suss.

did your spinosad turn up???

something else i have found out is that if you innoculate your plants with trichoderma it helps to stop soil pest. i read this in issue 15 of UGM it was in the mychorhaezel article.. it also says that it is never advertised about this benefit of trichoderma for some reason.
CANNA sell this too. right up our street!!!!!



Well-Known Member
yep yep

just after lights on at 420pm

they're bulking up nicely.

cant wait for downtime tho.
im contemplating running a cooltube and ducting it through the door so that i can keep the closet door closed.

but then thats just an idea.

ooohhhh the flush!!!!

i really need to buy a water butt but the wife wont let me keep it in the spare room lol don't really want it outside as i dont have any plants in my garden and neighbours would get a bit suss.

did your spinosad turn up???

something else i have found out is that if you innoculate your plants with trichoderma it helps to stop soil pest. i read this in issue 15 of UGM it was in the mychorhaezel article.. it also says that it is never advertised about this benefit of trichoderma for some reason.
CANNA sell this too. right up our street!!!!!

Yeah i have herd of that trichoderma when i was busy researching about pest control, Think i will look into purchasing some.

I think the spinosad has turned up. Thing is, i was out when it arrived so the post office are holding the package and i can get it until monday as the leaflet say to leave 48 hours until i can get it. ( what is that all about!!!!!! ) shitty British post huh....

The cool tube lighting systems look's great, If i cant afford the BC northern lights unit's then Im getting some of them for my next grow. I have just purchased an AC unit as the temp's are rising with this good old english weather were having. i have butchered it up so that i can fit a duct to it and put it in the attic instead of cluttering up the room. Its awesome. Ill load a couple of pic's up in my thread when its all set up and working.

Don't know if your attic hold's a water butt, but sometimes there is an old one up there, like i have an old one up in my attic ( bit small for my need's ) but it holds around 280 liter's. have a look you may have one, you never know.....

Cant wait to see what you BBC are looking like............


Well-Known Member
No water butt in the attic unfortunately and i dont really want to be leaving one up there. No easy access to attic other than a hatch.
I'll just have to buy the wife something nice in return for letting me keep one up there lol. No matter at the present anyway just will need one when i start growing in bigger pots.

Im going to get some trichoderma next week. So hold off buying some and i will give you some when you come round. Apparantly you only have to inoculate once through the cycle but i will confirm that before i use it.
