Germinating In AG


Active Member
Do i just cut the seeds in half and throw them in the baskets should i add nutes to the completly new at hydroponic.I no how to do the paper towel trick but since i can germinate them in the garden y not use it im in no rush


Well-Known Member
Do i just cut the seeds in half and throw them in the baskets should i add nutes to the completly new at hydroponic.I no how to do the paper towel trick but since i can germinate them in the garden y not use it im in no rush
nooo dont cut the seeds in half just throw them in there whole take like 4 days in the ag sometimes just use papertowl trick works better for me


Active Member
Do i just cut the seeds in half and throw them in the baskets should i add nutes to the completly new at hydroponic.I no how to do the paper towel trick but since i can germinate them in the garden y not use it im in no rush
why would you cut seeds in half? no reason you cant germ them in the aerogarden but use the humidity domes, though the paper towel way makes it easier to set the seed into your basket root facing down which helps things get off to a good start. you shouldnt need nutes to germinate either. youll have to do some research based on your setup and the nutes your using for when to start feeding them and at what strength


Well-Known Member
i put roots down but make sure you put the seed as far down as you can or they will get twiggy at first what i did was just soak a paper towel throw my seeds in the middle and put it between two plates for no light can get it they germed in like a day


Well-Known Member
Smokey21530: Dude, take your seeds and put them down on a flat surface; make sure you know the strand unless their bagseed, in which case no worries.
I take a dinner plate and place enough paper towel down on it so that the plate's surface is completely covered. I then use distilled water to drench the layer of paper towel I've placed down on the plate.
(Just tip out any excess water. I never want to have a puddle of water in the plate).

Place the seeds evenly apart and name accordingly. I usually write with a pen or marker on a piece of paper then apply tape to the paper on each side. Sort of like lamination. So the ink won't smear.

once seeds are down and labeled, place another layer of paper towel down and again throughly wet the top layer be sure not to leave a puddle.

Grab enough saran wrap and cover the plate; air tight. Now, take another evenly sized plate and place it atop the plate with seeds and saran wrap wrapped around it and place it (if possible in a dark warm area). I place it in the highest pantry in my kitchen; above the fridge.

Leave it there for 1 day. After which remove the saran wrap, un-peel the paper towel, take a peek.. u should see a indication of the root about to pop. Place the paper towel back on top of the seeds and again add the distilled water.
Repeat once.

the 2 1/2 - 3rd day you should be good to go.

i can make a personal suggestion. I use the sponges that come as an accessory to the aeregarden, but before I drop the germinated seeds in them I need to prep them abit more.

i tale a Chop Stick (Something similar and clean) and proceed to pierce the sponge; centre from the top (where the seed sits) right through to the bottom. Try to create a path for the root to take. -... gently place seed in root down.

** The reason I suggest that is due to some instances of the root growing "hard right" or left. When the root exists the sponge, there's no water at that level and the plant is SOL. **


Active Member
Well seeing i no the papertowel trick like i said im looking for someone that has germ them in the AG,If theres only a few days difference y not do it.I just needed to no which way to put the seeds in the sponges


Well-Known Member
I tried to germinate in the AG, fucked up.

The seed germinated and upon sprouting, it rooted horizontally. popped out of the sponge above the water.

You can prep the sponge, but I would still germinate via another manner other than the AG


Active Member
Well seeing i no the papertowel trick like i said im looking for someone that has germ them in the AG,If theres only a few days difference y not do it.I just needed to no which way to put the seeds in the sponges
you cant tell for sure which way the root is going to come out if you just germinate it in the sponge until it pops out, hence the paper towel method, your guarenteed to have your taproot facing directly down


Active Member
Smokey21530: Dude, take your seeds and put them down on a flat surface; make sure you know the strand unless their bagseed, in which case no worries.
I take a dinner plate and place enough paper towel down on it so that the plate's surface is completely covered. I then use distilled water to drench the layer of paper towel I've placed down on the plate.
(Just tip out any excess water. I never want to have a puddle of water in the plate).

Place the seeds evenly apart and name accordingly. I usually write with a pen or marker on a piece of paper then apply tape to the paper on each side. Sort of like lamination. So the ink won't smear.

once seeds are down and labeled, place another layer of paper towel down and again throughly wet the top layer be sure not to leave a puddle.

Grab enough saran wrap and cover the plate; air tight. Now, take another evenly sized plate and place it atop the plate with seeds and saran wrap wrapped around it and place it (if possible in a dark warm area). I place it in the highest pantry in my kitchen; above the fridge.

Leave it there for 1 day. After which remove the saran wrap, un-peel the paper towel, take a peek.. u should see a indication of the root about to pop. Place the paper towel back on top of the seeds and again add the distilled water.
Repeat once.

the 2 1/2 - 3rd day you should be good to go.

i can make a personal suggestion. I use the sponges that come as an accessory to the aeregarden, but before I drop the germinated seeds in them I need to prep them abit more.

i tale a Chop Stick (Something similar and clean) and proceed to pierce the sponge; centre from the top (where the seed sits) right through to the bottom. Try to create a path for the root to take. -... gently place seed in root down.

** The reason I suggest that is due to some instances of the root growing "hard right" or left. When the root exists the sponge, there's no water at that level and the plant is SOL. **
Alrigh i took your advice and am doin it wit paper towels and serain wrap


Active Member
lol the same nothings going on but i might wait a few more days because i forgot to use distilled water on the paper towels while i used water frm my brita and didnt check the ph


Active Member
Ok werid werid shit happened i checked them last night at midnight they werent even cracked yet i checked it now about 15hrs later and theres like a 3 inch tail on them all,i guess that plate paper towel trick is deff the best dam not even 2 days n there done . Thanks to whoever suggested it will get Rep+


Well-Known Member
Great to hear!

I hope you remember to prep those sponges before you drop the seed in; if not I'm sure (I hope) they'll be ok!

the best of luck!


Active Member
alrigh i put the roots facing down but its hard as hell to get them in the holes so some of them are like curled up in the hole is that alrigh cuz they keep wanting to just pot out


Active Member
alrigh i put the roots facing down but its hard as hell to get them in the holes so some of them are like curled up in the hole is that alrigh cuz they keep wanting to just pot out
Ok i started from seeds wit bout inch of root put them in and decided to start using Hygrozyme right away and one already shot up and is touching the dome yesterday with only one day looks like the other 5 are just about to peak out of the hole i added just one 75W daylight in there just to give it a lil boost heat is hooverin arounde 80-83


Active Member
Gotta quick question figured id post it in here and someone would answer instead of making another thread.Ok on the AGPro200 inorder to get it to 24-7 lighting you need to put it on strawberry setting hold the button down for 5 secs to ignite the 24hr setting then the germ light lights up...Should i keep it on this setting for the first 2wks considering im only on day 2 i just wanna make sure im doing everything right..Thanks again plus rep