How much weed do you get per plant?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
not enough :(

a plant can grow nothing and it can grow all the way to a realllllly good party! all depends on how it's grown


Active Member
All depends on a few things:
Genetics ( no idea on urs sorry)
Growing experience
Most important is enviroment, Crack your enviroment and your yields should follow.


Well-Known Member
how much do you guys get and how much does hollands hope give per plant?
There are way to many variables involved to give a definitive answer. Such as ...

seed genetics
ammt of light
vegging time
ammt of nutes
strain of plant
growing styles (indoors,outdoors,soil,hydro,lollypop,LST,super cropping, plus a host of others)
ammt of knowledge the grower has

there is an endless list of varibles to contend with to give an answer.