Desert Grow


Active Member
Ok so i picked out a real nice hidden spot for my desert grow. This is going to be my first grow, ive been reasearching for awhile and am trying to put all this knowlege into good use but would like RIU's opion on some things. First off im going to be doing about 5-10 plants. I cannot grow in ground as the soil isss wayyyyyyy to rocky. So im growing in up to 5 gal pots. The mix i want to use is 2 parts soil (fox farm most likely) 2 parts vermiculite for extra water retention since this will be a desrt grow. 1 part perlite and i was thinking about 1 part peatmoss for added water retention since this is a desert grow but i just dont know enough about soil and the mix ins so far. Oh also some dolomite or whatever that lime stuff is for balence the ph if neccesary. Ok so now to the questions first one being is what do you guys think of this soil mix? I think it sounds good on paper but lack of experience keeps me cautious. Is there to much vermiculite? what could be problems with this mix? Is there a cheaper alternative to fox farm with comparable results? MORREEE questions. I am going to be starting off in smaller pots of coarse but once i get to five gallon im thinking of using Homedepot 5 gal buckets are these ok to use? Ok last bit of questions since this is a desert grow what troubles am i going to have with heat? it can get up to the 100 & teens i will be able to supply lots of water but what else can help? Also its not exposed to sun 100% of the day so this will help also will it not? Thinks thats it. :)
Any sound advice is welcome. Thank you everyone for helping me out. :)


Well-Known Member
I never heard of anyone on this forum growing in the desert, heat would be the main problem along with water but you have the water thing down. Better pick a strain from a hot place like north Africa, Middle East, of Afghanistan.
Avoid sun during the hottest part of the day. Soil sounds fine. HD 5 gal are fine, put holes in the bottom. I would start in the the 5 gal pots if possible.
Keep us informed on how it goes and good luck.


Active Member
I know mexicans do it south of the border where i live and bring the shitty weed up here to sell but other than that i havnt really heard much either. Thanks for aswering some of my questions. Much appreciated. :) One question though why start in the 5g pots i thought transplanting was good? Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Transplanting is only good if the plant outgrows the pot. When you transplant you run the risk of breaking roots, and this causes transplant shock which isn't good for the plant. If you can grow the whole time in just one large pot, that would be best for your plant.


Well-Known Member
I think your soil has to much Perlite, vermiculite, and peet moss. Using all three of these is O.K., but only 20% of your soil should be made up these items.
If you use the "2 parts FF soil, 2 parts perlite, 2 parts vermiculite, and 1 part peet moss" mix in the desert, I think you will burn up your plants. Seems that your root system would not be insulated in the hot desert sun.
Your biggest fight will be the heat, I would paint the pots white to reflect the sun off the pots, or bury them, I would use larger pots, 15 gallons should do the trick to keep that root system as cool as you can. ( I'm growing indoor using 3 and 7 gallon pots, the plants in the 7 gallon pots will yield close to double the what the 3 gallon pots will) I hate to say it, but Miracle Grow Moisture Control would be my first choice as soil to use. It's already designed to retain moisture, has ferts to feed the plant for a while, and you will get good results. A lot less guess work going this route. Or do a side by side comparison? See what works best.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
I use the Miracle Grow moisture control on a couple of plants that are in the woods and don't get visited that much.
The soil I use is Fox Farms Ocean Forest, Bio Bizz All Mix, and Kellogg's from Lowes all mixed together. If on a budget, use the Kellogg's soil from Lowes ($7-$8 for 3 cu ft.), but you will need to add 20% Vermiculite to it.
Good Luck,


Active Member
Thanks for the info treeman. :) really appreciate it. Ive decided to do a camparison grow now. I will be using the Mg-moisture is there anything i should add? I will also be using foxfarm but be adding things in to help keep moisture what do you think would be a good mix since you said only 20% for the verm pearlite and peatmoss? Also i want to use kellogs with some add-ins.
I am digging holes to place the pot in but i didnt know 5g wouldnt be enough so do you really think i need a 15g :/ i wouldnt even know where to get one i know my hydro shop doesnt have it. Money is an issue so i dont wanna go spending alot on pots also. I really hope they can be found at a good price.
Oh random question what about planting two plant in say a 20 gal, would that be ok or stupid cause i found some 20 for $8.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info treeman. :) really appreciate it. Ive decided to do a camparison grow now. I will be using the Mg-moisture is there anything i should add? I will also be using foxfarm but be adding things in to help keep moisture what do you think would be a good mix since you said only 20% for the verm pearlite and peatmoss? Also i want to use kellogs with some add-ins.
I am digging holes to place the pot in but i didnt know 5g wouldnt be enough so do you really think i need a 15g :/ i wouldnt even know where to get one i know my hydro shop doesnt have it. Money is an issue so i dont wanna go spending alot on pots also. I really hope they can be found at a good price.
Oh random question what about planting two plant in say a 20 gal, would that be ok or stupid cause i found some 20 for $8.
Mg Moisture Control When using the MG moisture control, I add nothing. Just straight from the bag...
Question; If you are able to dig into the ground to bury the pots, why not just grow in the ground? Your plants will do much better in the ground. The roots will stay cooler and have more room to grow and reach out.
Fox Farms Fox Farms Ocean forest already has per-lite in it, about 10%-15%. I know there is a product that you can add to the soil that retains the water. Not sure what it's called, but it swells up like a sponge and holds the water. I think the same product are in diapers, sucks up the pee/moisture.
Pot Size Yes it makes a big difference, remember this one thing....Bigger Roots Equal Bigger and More Buds! If starting now, or by the end of the month, your plants will be in that 5 gallon container for 5-6 months by the time you harvest. I guarentee a much larger harvest with the 15-20 gallon pots. I use 33 gallon trash cans, They go on sale here locally for $8.99, I cut them in half, use the bottoms as a 15 gallon pot, and the top part in my garden to create a raised bed. Makes watering much easier when the water can be retained within the trash can top half.
Growing 2 plants in 1 pot I suggest you don't do that. The two root systems will compete for space, and both will suffer in the long run. You can divide the pot into two halves, that might work.
Good Luck