I always make my own. Tastes way better, its simple to do and saves you $$$.Next time you go to kfc you gotta get the famous bowl.There so good.Its popcorn chicken,melted cheese,mashed potatoes,corn and gravy.
These are good.Next time you go to kfc you gotta get the famous bowl.There so good.Its popcorn chicken,melted cheese,mashed potatoes,corn and gravy.
$4 for the kfc bowl and about $14 for your bowl plus the time to prepare and cook it all. Yours is better if cooking for more than 1 person.I always make my own. Tastes way better, its simple to do and saves you $$$.
All you need is:
1 chicken breast
2-3 lbs of red potatoes
Herbs and/or seasoning
Chicken Gravy
Frozen Corn
I cut up a chicken breast into small bite size portions & then add some panko bread crumbs and bake until done.
Steam whatever type of potato(usually red potatoes...so creamy!) I have, then get turn them into mashed(or as I prefer, whipped) potatoes. Add some Trocomare to season the potatoes.
Then I heat up some home made gravy and put some frozen corn in it as well.
Get a nice big bowl, add the mashed/whipped potatoes, give it some cheese, gravy chicken and whatever else you want.
BOOM. Enjoy
And for around the same price as ONE KFC bowl you can make 3-4 times that amount at home.
It just looks unnaturally white. My buddy raises chickens and he is the one who turned me off on kfc.too white?
white is good, i eat hand reared hand plucked chickens, the meat is as white as white can beor is your concern that they don't use good chickens to the "premium quality" is most likely chemicals and additives?
chickens are a part of my work as well, amoung many other animals, and all i can say is that the stuff i eat is almost bleached white, a lovely colour, and these are the best of the best (can't go into deatails about work, but yeah)It just looks unnaturally white. My buddy raises chickens and he is the one who turned me off on kfc.
I know this is off topic but....chickens are a part of my work as well, amoung many other animals, and all i can say is that the stuff i eat is almost bleached white, a lovely colour, and these are the best of the best (can't go into deatails about work, but yeah)
either way though, KFC is undoubtedly rather inferior quality chicken. doesn't stop me eating it thoughagain and again and again. i smoke tobacco in my joints, and as such a good amount of it, cheap chiken is the alst of my concerns
I am really stoned and I read this twice and here is what I got off it. If you mix tobacco with marijuana then it is less obvious and you can smoke it in the open without getting caught. My buddy does this sometimes but not mixed together. he empties out the first half of a cigarette and fills it with ganja. He claims it is less obvious and there is no evidence when he is having his tobacco. I use a Dugout and have got away with smoking it in many public places without being noticed.many reasons.
one, it's all totally illegal and now class B and as such, for your money, you get sweet fuck all. i mean £10/$17 will get me maybe 2 smokes, that's a good bit of money for two smokes, so we try and elongate the experience.
secondly, we are all jsut brought up to smoke that way. blunts in the UK when younger is like a SHAMWOW prospect, totally mad, i get enough WOW comments when i roll a normal joint.
and i think i might be one of a kind, but i can smoke straights all day long and not get anything but sick. i can smoke jsut 1 rollup (as in plain rolled cigarette no weed) and i take no shame in saying it get's as high as a kite, and i've been smoking the stuff for goodness knows how many years, but yeah, one ciggie and i am totally unfit to drive. it's great at work, i get to get "high" and yet it's perfectly allowed haha
ideally i'd like to use nothing but weed, but A i just broke my roor with warm water, and B i am not growing enough yet to afford that luxuary