What.....The...Fuck. he's only helping the wounded, shoot him

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
WikiLeaks posts 'killing' video


this makes me utterly and totally sick. jsut wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf. who the hell do you people put behind the controls of those things!!!!

"they're getting the wounded, and maybe weapons, let me shoot let me shoot"

america, fuck yeah!


Well-Known Member
WHAT THE FUCK, imagine livin with that shit happenin around u, how much do u think all that shelling and bullets cost, i bet if we spent all the defense budgets of the world on feeding and clothing and educating EVERY SINGLE child, we wouldnt have terrorists, we live in a world where the people with power choose to kill for oil and we wonder why the muslims hate the west, when we look at the core principales of capitalism how can we choose it over a system like socialism, this system hasnt worked, 1/2 the world will go hungry tonight, 30,000 children died today because of curable illnesses, why do we allow this to happen.

p/s: those guys where some dumb fucks

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yup, but hey, we all already knew this about the US military anways so oh well. not surprised there are few responses. bow your heads in shame fellas!

Big P

Well-Known Member
how can you cry over this fraction of death when dead surounds you and all your being.

we are all already dead

its just that time has not caught up yet

how can you type on a computer. you should sell it and save a few starving mouths.

your basically letting them die as we speak

why dont you guys help them?

i know why i dont help them.

because I am selfish and i dont want to sell my computer I like my computer.

appeartly we all here would rather have our computers and let the 3 starving kids die instead

now am i being honest?

whos the hypocrate?

because these men died and many others did also in Iraq. Does this mean that many more will get the chance to live and flourish because of this sacrifice?

nothing is simpy black and white my friends.

the strongest man is the man who would kill his own son to save his 10 siblings

almost every war the united states has fought has ended up in a net increase of life and quality of life

so it can be argued that those poeple and many others did not die in vain

the only purpose of life is to live it. there is really no other purpose.

and everything man does to itself is a compleatly natural thing. or it would not happen

if you belive in god then you can blame him

if not then just blame it on the rain. its gonna happen has been happening and will keep on happening long after we are gone with humans all not even born yet.

try your best to keep your loved ones happy safe and secure.

theres not much else that can be do, without killing a few assholes in the process and that means killing some angels bymistake in the process

but if tha asshole was killing 5 angels a year anyway, if you kill the asshole and 2 angels with him bymistake. you have still done the "Right" thing.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what the bollocking hell has that got to do with the US military lying about a cituation, killing lots of people, lying some more, then taking down the wounded and as far as anyone can say, the field medics.

imagine the US outrage is some plucky sniper went and took out a team of medics handing out medical equiptment. niether party is doing ANY wrong. america is the enemy, not the iraqi's, they're allowed the ak47 (which was a camera, not the US, they're invading.

this has nothing to do with me going out of my way to save people, this is about people going out of their way to KILL people, wounded people, and people for al intents and purposes, were helping the wounded, like a field medic would............!

cus you know what, i thought that killing a medic was a war crime, and they showed a lot more evidence that they were helping the wounded than they did that the camera man was an insurgent! fucking disgusted!

and it doesn't even sou/nd like you watched the video, they saw a reuters cameraman, holding his camera, confirmed it was a gun, lit him up, then when he was trying to escape after the first shooting, they fire on him wounding him, knowingly, then watch as he drags himself along the ground to hopeful safety and when safety arrives, they blow the shit out of it


Well-Known Member
To the pilots I say one thing...GET SOME

First if your a combat cameraman and hang out with people who point the buisness end of an RPG at a longbow your gonna die. Second the kids were sad, but what were they doing in a van picking up bodies of insurgents there is no way to tell who that was on the ground he sure looked alot skinner in his pic than in that bad ass vid. Were not killing muslims we are killing terrorists and collateral damage is part of war. they should have thought about the consequences of fucking with the USA. I do however detest the HMMWV driver and the gunner joking about running over that dead bodie. This video has insurgent propaganda written all over it. great video thanks for entertaining me for 17 mins.


Well-Known Member
Looked like towelhead with weapons to me!

Guess Alibaba or whatever his name was, was trying to get some good pictures from the insurgents POV... and ya know, he got what was coming to him.

Good going army, and shame on YOU tip top for disrespecting my country's military.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
lol, what do you mean con sequences of fucking with the USA? you went to war with them for no apparent reason, just figured what the fuck, lie to the people get in some gun time! you are also aware that that "RPG " happens to be in the same vague location as the cameraman walked to?

and yeah sambo, it does, but i just read this, and if i read about another one, i'd be infuriated by that as well. that amount of tech at hand and you can't distinguish a fucking large camera to an assault rifle. come on.

my family happens to be friends with prominent UK officials and journalists, and all i'll say is all they ever have to say about ANY of the US servicemen they encountered was how gungho they are and that's not me just internet bullshitgging for sake of argument, i don't do that, why bother. they honestly stated to us that all they saw from US perosnlle was a fuck yeah attitude.

before you all forget, the world really doesn't like you as a country :) and for some reason, which you've yet to take in, it's not "their fault" it's yours.

and i don't give two damns who you or i or anyone is. if a party/agency/military yada yada in power does something like this i'll call a WTF on it, i'm not gonna sit here defending the UK either


Well-Known Member
I like this tactic.Baiting and your fishing rod is a high powered rifle GET SOME!!!!!



Well-Known Member
before you all forget, the world really doesn't like you as a country :) and for some reason, which you've yet to take in, it's not "their fault" it's yours.

Let him who is without sin cast the first stone...

I give you, the former British empire... you guys loved murder, rape, pillaging... oh yeah, you guys loveddddd it!

Oh hey, check that out! You guys at one time murdered and pillaged Iraq.... hmmm...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i'm not here ex[pecting to say any american opinions though, as y'all think shooting a burgler is the best option as opposed to simply hitting him with a bat, so of course noone will care :lol:


Well-Known Member
guess the geneva convention only applies to the US when it suits them and who they arbitrarily deem
to be worthy of receiving it.


Well-Known Member
i'm not here ex[pecting to say any american opinions though, as y'all think shooting a burgler is the best option as opposed to simply hitting him with a bat, so of course noone will care :lol:
Yes because burglars in America don't have firearms...

And also, because I know the burglar is just there to steal something, not rape my girlfriend or kill me....


You come into my house, you get shot, that's a NATURAL instinct.

Don't believe me, try walking into a bear's den.

Screw compassion when it comes to that crap.


New Member
When insurgents refuse to take the field of battle...but instead hide behind women and children (knowingly making them targets as well...nice)....there is always going to be collateral damage.

If the insurgents would "man up"...this wouldn't happen.

PS.... know your history folks.... the Geneva Convention only applies to nations which SIGNED it. Iraq never did..


Well-Known Member
When insurgents refuse to take the field of battle...but instead hide behind women and children (knowingly making them targets as well...nice)....there is always going to be collateral damage.

If the insurgents would "man up"...this wouldn't happen.

PS.... know your history folks.... the Geneva Convention only applies to nations which SIGNED it. Iraq never did..
Thank you CJ!

And of course they won't man up, they have NO problem strapping a goddamn pack of C4 to their chest and blowing up whole street corners FULL of women and kids, but ol' tip top joker there won't have any of it!


New Member
USA ... keeping Europe safe for 60 years... with little to no thanks.

Good thing we don't take it personal.... or the vodka would flow from Moscow to London now.
And unless you want to see this happening here you better stand behind the Guardians of the Free Republics and put the military back in check under the command of the people, not warmongering assholes with special interests.


New Member
How about we just win the wars we are in....:wink:

The ppl in command of the military?.... ur joking.

The ppl just elected Obama.... so much for trusting their judgment.


Active Member
This thread brought me out of a really good high. It also has reminded me how much I loathe my own country.