Ideas About God?


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering, for those of us who do feel that there may be some sort of higher power or higher do you define it?

i personally think that the universe itself is the entity that we call god. i think that its the source of life, the creator of our planets, its where all our energies come from. i dont know if it has an intelligence or consciousness to it...but im not going to rule out the possibility. I feel that in this sense, "god" is inside of, and around, every living thing. i think that this energy force is inside of everything, and i think that all that energy is connected. the reason i think this, is because of how i feel things. i can feel the energies from other people, animals, plants, etc..and while each individual has their own specific energies, it all still feels its all coming from the same place...the universe.

so what does everyone else think?

and i'll please ask that people keep this civil and polite. i'd really like to see friendly, open minded discussion, and not criticisms of beliefs. thanks! :mrgreen:


people...please...i specifically said at the very top of this thread that im asking the question to those of us who DO think there is something more out there. if you dont think theres any god or any higher power of any sort, i'll ask you to please not participate. THIS IS NOT A DISCUSSION ABOUT WHETHER GOD EXISTS. this is a discussion about defining what "god" is, or what a higher power is, to those of us who feel there is something bigger than us. thank you :)
I was just wondering, for those of us who do feel that there may be some sort of higher power or higher do you define it?

i personally think that the universe itself is the entity that we call god. i think that its the source of life, the creator of our planets, its where all our energies come from. i dont know if it has an intelligence or consciousness to it...but im not going to rule out the possibility. I feel that in this sense, "god" is inside of, and around, every living thing. i think that this energy force is inside of everything, and i think that all that energy is connected. the reason i think this, is because of how i feel things. i can feel the energies from other people, animals, plants, etc..and while each individual has their own specific energies, it all still feels its all coming from the same place...the universe.

so what does everyone else think?

and i'll please ask that people keep this civil and polite. i'd really like to see friendly, open minded discussion, and not criticisms of beliefs. thanks! :mrgreen:

I can agree with you on that sister, like everything is moving in harmony as one.

One mind, One heart, One love
I think God can be interpreted as the Universe - that's a very interesting and intellectual way to symbolise God.

However, I think the guy with the 6 year old wife got it wrong.

i like the idea of god being the universe. that never even crossed my mind. see i dont believe in any religions on this earth. i think they're all hyprocritical and ultimately man made ideologies. i know this next thing is gonna sound crazy but, i always considered the possibilty that we could be the "ultimate virus" which was created by an intelligent extra terrrestrial race. The definition of a virus is a being that cannot live without feeding off a host, our host is the earth. damn this is great homegrown!
so what does science say created the the galaxy? what created being? What created time? or space? Impossible for science to answer......
God doesnt exist.
would you like to elaborate at all on your statement? the very first line of my thread reads as such:

"I was just wondering, for those of us who do feel that there may be some sort of higher power or higher do you define it?"

so if you dont believe in god or any other higher power, perhaps this isnt a thread that you'd like to participate in. i dont mean to be rude at all, and i do sincerely apologize if i come off that way...but my thread was pretty clear in describing what this discussion should be about. this isnt a discussion about whether or not god exists, we dont know that. not even you :) hehe
you cant deny the hard facts, that are glaring, if not alarming, DNA structure; it is the best known holder of information known to man. We dont understand it but, it is real and evidence of a creator. The very fact that you exist on a perfectly situated planet is evidence enough of an intelligent creator, whether you wanna call it god or not is up to u.
believe me Im as logical as they come. but you really have no way to say YES there is 100% sure a God, or NO there is Defintly no God. Until you die, and still you may never know.... Unless you have some proof Im unaware of... Im all ears :)
btw sarah, i have no idea of what God is or where but I do believe if there is a God that he is a being that no one can describe in words.. Lol reminds me of Watchmen, "The worlds smartest man is no more of a threat to me than the worlds smartest insect" or something along those lines. But you get my point, right? God is undescribable to man, because man can only describe things that he is capable of understanding....
yoiu should really watch that video i posted sarah, i think ull find it very interesting
ok jn8 i see where ur coming from. kind of like how an ant can never comprehend how its ant farm came to be.
my point is more of, humans nature is to decipher the world around us... That is what we call science. Understanding the world around us is possible because we witness things and then figure out how and why they are like that. A supreme being, who created humanity, and the world around us, the galaxy, and most likely many other galaxies can not be understood or defined by one of his creations because he is on another level..... its kind of hard to explain, but someone who created everything can not be called kind, or evil, or any type of generaliztion such as that..

so kind of... :bigjoint:
I believe the Universe is conscious. it knows exactly what it is doing, even though it might not "think". You know one of the most amazing things I learned about space, was that it was actually shaped. Though we can't tell with our eye since the dark matter, but there are curves, and dips, hills, and even valleys. Even time is non-existent in some parts of space, and extremely over active in others. I think that once the human race fully learns to appreciate our mother Earth, that we may learn to appreciate the depths and mysteries of the skies. But done with what I think about that.

One thing I've been learning about is the Soul. And destinguishing it from the mind because those two can get mixed up. Feelings, and thoughts are from the mind. Though they may be triggered, or projected, or prompted from withing the Soul, you see. Have you ever saw someone, and automatically knew that you knew them, but your mind flips thru faces, and memories, and people you've met and your mind knows you've never met them in your life. Yet something in you recognizes them, and there's almost an aoura around them. That's because as our bodies do die, our Soul's don't. Can't. And Souls with special connections recognize each other. I'm not sure about all, but some carry on through other lives. Some purposes of these 'old souls' are to help people. Do good in the world. Help enlighten the human race which for so long has been slowly killing itself and everything around it. Recently, we've been able to see the human race evolve in great ways. Look at this "Green Age". Organic, sustainable agriculture, clean energy, rising respect for nature and a higher appreciation for LIFE itself. Its beautiful. Postive vibes tend to have a ripple effect and this is only the beginning. I see a bright future for our race, yet many hardships, hopelessness, and obstacles are still to come.

As I was saying, these old Souls rarely know about themselves. The ones that don't, tend to have a lot of trouble with themselves. Sometimes depression even kicks in. They tend to be great at anything they put their mind and heart into, and they don't understand why. Or they take it for granted.

I could go on and on, but I'm crazy tired. If anyones interested in more than lemme know and I'll share. But g'night for now. Peace.