Get High With Your Kids!


From: Ganja Wiser

Just to let you readers know this is written by someone who does not have any kids and does not plan on having any in the near future. This is written by someone who was not a kid to long ago and knows a lot about how these young ones think.

When I say “get high with your kids,” I don’t mean kids that need to be babysat. I’m referring to kids that are old enough to drive legally. The age where they are exposed to that kind of stuff and might show interest in it. If your child is interesting in getting high before that you might want to put a little more effort into the parenting thingy.

If you are a parent to a child approximately 16 and up and you enjoy ganja, why not be the one to introduce to the world of getting high? It can be a great bonding experience. This way when they want to smoke they would come to you instead of their officer attracting friends. BUT DO NOT GET HIGH WITH YOUR CHILD’S FRIENDS OR PROVIDE A PLACE FOR THEM TO GET HIGH. That can get you into a lot of trouble with some dateline NBC worshiping, quick to sue you ass, parents. Or the law of course. So tell your little brat to keep your smoke sessions on the hush-hush.

Again, I am no expert on child care and some studies have shown that smoking marijuana at a young age may stunt brain development. I’m basically explaining how I plan to do it and it seem plenty wise to me.

-Wise Words of Ganja Wiser.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
It's kind of true, if they are already getting high here and there then you might as well show them how it's done RIGHT rather than letting their dumb ass friends fill their heads with garbage and bullshit...

I had a friend whos been smoking with his dad since he was probably 16, maybe younger... He's doing fine, and has a good head on his shoulders - better than most really.


parenting is a cat and mouse game.
even being the cultivator i am i would not openly smoke with my children
(i have known clients to do this)


Well-Known Member
i smoked with my dad for the first time on sat nite and all i can say is doing drugs with parents is just wrong
im 30 hes 56
weird and strange

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
I think its a good point my self first time i smoked with my mom i was 15. She said she would rather me do it with her, than to be out running the streets with a bunch of idiots. she tought me all the shit i needed to know. i turned out just fine. Im an international contractor off and on and been to 41 countries. Thanks Mom.


I never truly had a bond with my father until we started smoking together. Couldn't agree more.


Well-Known Member
I stumbled into the grow room in diapers while my dad was tending to the garden. I started smoking in high school and all through college and did fine in both. Didn't smoke with my dad till I was 22 though. He knew when I was 16 but didn't care but never endorsed it even though he use to grow. I found it and fell in love on my own. I'm 23 now and impressed my dad with my green thumb (felt good). It's something cool we can share but like I said I found it on my own witch makes me think about the "in the blood"/ "in the genes"
Honestly it is a parents job to let their kids know about drugs, but I don't think kids should smoke pot until 18 because of developmental issues like you cited. Pot increases the chemical in the brain that wipes out useless memories, thus why the short-term memory issues, but they aren't permanent. I don't have an issue with adults smoking with their adult children but I think saying smoke with your kids isn't responsible. Yes it may help you bond but your job is to be a parent and not a friend to your kids. Being a friend to our kids has gotten us into the demoralized mess we are in now.

Kids shouldn't have a need to get high. If they are than unhappy or bored already then there are some parenting shortfalls going on IMO. These kind of comments are what scare non-users who don't understand. Kids need to learn stuff before they start forgetting it. Kids these days have NO common sense what-so-ever and since they are dropping out earlier and earlier we are going to face a time when the coming generation is just outright retarded in comparrison....though not like they teach the actual truth in school anymore anyway, at least not in history class...the history books I have from the 70's vs the books of today pretty much prove teachers don't teach facts anymore, just make up and spread liberal fairy tales....

Once you are intelligent I see no issue with smoking pot, but I know that I started smoking at 16 and I wish I hadn't done it so young. I have done several experiments and my IQ goes down 3pts when stoned, but since it was 132 to begin with it isn't any big deal for me but for some of us 3 points is the difference between communicating and if you are stupid or your kid is stupid, maybe ya might want to hold off on smoking with em til they know


Well-Known Member
you know , i dont want my kids growing up doing any drugs...

but , if they did ofcourse id perfer it to be the herb..

i wouldnt want them runnin the streets with their so called friends gettin fucked up..

they can be right here at home , where its safe from the street patrol...

i didnt need that phone call saying i need to come down to the station to pick my child up..ya know

but everyone has their own ways about them selfs.....

we all have our own methods on how we raise our children...

lets all just hope we do it right....:peace:


Well-Known Member
I've smoked around my parents, but not with them. If they asked for a hit, I wouldn't know how I felt.


Active Member
16 year old's that smoke with their parents would not be able to keep it a secret.
That is exactly what I was thinking. A 16 year old would be bragging to his buddies about how his parents are cool and how he smokes with them.. then by the time you know it, everyone knows. Not a good idea..


Active Member
I smoke with my mom once in a great while... but I'm 25 now so its all good. I couldn't imagine getting high with her when I was a teenager.. at that time I was trying my best to keep her from finding out about it lol


Well-Known Member
i know that if i have kids i will be completly honest about drugs to them, if they ask about weed i will tell them to smoke it if they really want to, i will tell them about the occasional paronoia and lack of interest in life sometimes, if they ask bout crack heroin etc etc i will tell them the truth, its the most amazin feelin of ur life, the catch is that to feel it you have to surrender your life to it. ill folloe the dutch exampl and draw my yout ona BIG TING, ya feel me:weed: