The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
tramadol, solpadol, asprin paracetamol....nuthin is moving this fucking entire jaw hurts so much and my head feels like its full of concrete...i swear im gaunna get my fuckin toolbox out and pull the fucker out myself


Well-Known Member
tramadol, solpadol, asprin paracetamol....nuthin is moving this fucking entire jaw hurts so much and my head feels like its full of concrete...i swear im gaunna get my fuckin toolbox out and pull the fucker out myself
A spliff?????????


Well-Known Member
tramadol, solpadol, asprin paracetamol....nuthin is moving this fucking entire jaw hurts so much and my head feels like its full of concrete...i swear im gaunna get my fuckin toolbox out and pull the fucker out myself
you got access to morphine pills no??? if oxys,percs etc aint doing no good get ya arse to a fucking dentist!


Well-Known Member
you got access to morphine pills no??? if oxys,percs etc aint doing no good get ya arse to a fucking dentist!
shit man, i think ive got morphine sumwhere in here, glad i came back on line but im off now to hunt them out. nite again peeps


Well-Known Member
morning all

feeling ill this morning gumbyhash n vodka dont mix too well lol even if i dont pull a whitey whilst actually smoking when pissed i will always be ill in the morning if ive drunk n smoked.


Well-Known Member
ive still got fuckin toothachce and the pain killers are making me feel like shit.......on the plus side........there is no plus side.


Well-Known Member
Morning all av ya's read the thread titled I this a gud idea it's some lad asking should he grass his competition dealers up because his graft has gone to shit lol fuck me he needs a slap


Well-Known Member
yeah the kid is a mug bb i got bored arguing with him the other night he was going on about people laceing weed with smack!


Well-Known Member
youve had that tooth ache for ages now dura why aint ya gone dentist?
just manged to get a dentist appointment for half one today, thank fuck. its almost impossible to get a dentist round here if ur on benefits, they just wont take u on . ive gottta travel 20 miles to get there.


Well-Known Member
Fuck me 20miles that's shit that I avint got a dentist or doc didn't go for years then they took me off the list twats plus I would need to pay


Well-Known Member
just manged to get a dentist appointment for half one today, thank fuck. its almost impossible to get a dentist round here if ur on benefits, they just wont take u on . ive gottta travel 20 miles to get there.
glad got a app m8 tootache is harsh, i member reading bout all that malarky with the dentists up north 1000s of people queing to sign up with a nhs dentist.

never had a prob down ear tho, theres loads taking on nhs?