I figured out why I smoke.


Well-Known Member
I smoke for two reasons... Here they are: 1. Sometimes, for whatever reason, I can't wrap my mind around whatever explaination would best suit a problem in my life. (sativa helps me here.. i can connect the dots when high) 2. In worst case scenarios (where there is no explaination), I also smoke, to just forget it entirely, because I have no explaination! (indica helps me here.. cuz there are no dots to connect, lol)

Can anyone else relate to that?


Well-Known Member
i smoke mainly - cause i'm an asshole otherwise. no. wait. make that - i smoke otherwise i'm a bigger asshole than i already am.


Well-Known Member
i smoke to releive the stress of the day and to avert bordum, also helps you when u angry or in a bad mood.


Well-Known Member
I smoke to replace the meds. I hate them, they are the mark of the beast. I hate how western medicine thinks that the cure to every little health problem is a pill. Its ridiculous.
I also use it to just chill and relax after a stressful day. Oh and of course to get high.


Well-Known Member
I use it to prevent from going to jail.....my boss has no clue how many times pot has saved his life.


Well-Known Member
I hate how western medicine thinks that the cure to every little health problem is a pill. Mr.X
western medicine knows a pill is the key to your wallet.:-|

depends on when I smoke for me- sometimes it's for stress, sometimes it's for pain(foot crushed by a forklift 5 years ago) it really helps before and after a good run but most of the time i smoke to get high:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I use it to prevent from going to jail.....my boss has no clue how many times pot has saved his life.
LOL!!!!! that's probably the funniest one i've heard..


McLovin, thank god someone brought McLovin to the front lines...
