stoner manners

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
I had a friend a long time ago who had only been married for ten months. We were doing a job near his house and he was like, "come on over for lunch....we can watch a movie and smoke a dooby".

Uhh, sure!

We get to his nice house and he pops in "Behind The Green Door"....

I'm like wtf? He was all into it....and was like '''"look at that cock!!".... :lol:

Oh boy.... just then his wife walks in.....and just stares at us both. She worked nearby as well and stopped home for the same thing except the dooby...she was straight.

So there we sat.... smoking weed and watching porn in her living room at 12:10 pm....

and there she stood .... 7 months PREGNANT ....

I NEVER did that again.... :lol: get me the heck out of here was all I could think about....
yeah i really hate when guys like to look at the sceen where the guy is getting head for like 30 min
i'm like fast forward past that shit
i dont mind watching him do her for a long time
but not the other way round
i usely go right to the fucking thrers nothing better then dick in pussy :clap:

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
Dont kick back and put your feet on my Coffee Table. im from the south and all but damn it,,,, i roll Joints there i dont want your dog shitty shoes or your van dams stinking up my shit.


Active Member
When you smoking out doors in an intolerent country (like moi) ffs be discret! A like gettin stoned, but not as much as i hate handcuffs!


Well-Known Member
When you smoking out doors in an intolerent country (like moi) ffs be discret! A like gettin stoned, but not as much as i hate handcuffs!
This brings up a funny coincidence...

I am very open about my pot use, whether in public, etc... and I've NEVER had trouble from the police.

My friends on the other hand, are very careful, always warning me that I'm too open, and a few of them have had plenty of trouble regarding pot and police.

I think being more natural with it is the way to go, when you try and hide or be discreet, you get noticed more easily... simple, right? :bigjoint:


Active Member
you hit the nail on the head mate, naturals how it gotta be done! just blend in, maybe try be downwind a big crowds tho :bigjoint:
I bring 3-5 joints to our meetings on tuesdays with 20 some people and usually 4-5 people being what they have. BULLSHIT
If I bring it and you are out, once is ok, 2x is pushing it and the 3rd time you can suck my ass.
Dont hog the J, puff, puff pass
Unless its me and its my weed.
I dont talk about work, family or politics when High.

If I start laughing at you for no reason dont get mad...its just really good weed.


Active Member
This brings up a funny coincidence...

I am very open about my pot use, whether in public, etc... and I've NEVER had trouble from the police.

My friends on the other hand, are very careful, always warning me that I'm too open, and a few of them have had plenty of trouble regarding pot and police.

I think being more natural with it is the way to go, when you try and hide or be discreet, you get noticed more easily... simple, right? :bigjoint:

Almost everyone one I know does that and they get all upset when I smoke in open places. Nobodies gonna say shit. I don't wanna walk 2 blocks just to find a dumb hiding place which isn't much of a hiding place.


Active Member
MAANNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnn........... never smoke in public. Ok last week was spring break for me. It was the first day of break, like we just got out of school early at 11:15 and me and some buddies decided to match each other on blunts. So we're by this cemetery, about to fire one up when i notice some stairs going to a basement door on one these buildings in the cemetery. So im like ay, lets sit here and smoke. So me and one buddy sit on the bottom most stairs and my other friends sit on the middle stairs. We get thru 1 blunt fine, no scent of ham, bacon, or pork anywhere. So the next blunt gets fired up, and we get thru that one too! As soon as my other buddy puts it out, WHOOP WHOOP. "Awe shit" was all i could think. so i throw the rest of my weed (I stay wit weed) in some leave piles at the bottom of the steps. Long story shortened a bit, the officer finds it, I fess up, (I wasn't gonna let everybody go down, that would've been a "hoe move"). The ticket was
!!!$429!!! WTF for just over a dime!!!!!WTF seriously man,WTF.
Great way to start spring break, eh.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
yeah i say no smoking out in the open
and i really hate when people i smoke with tell other people (even though they too smoke) that i smoke

for example my sister she smoke with any and everyone and if i'm around she would be like "he's cool he smokes too"
STOP THAT SHIT if i want someone to know i smoke i'll ask to hit your weed , dont be tellin my bussness, and further more i keeps weed, i'll just blaze one of mine if i needed to smoke
and stop bringing strangers over my house to smoke, i dont care who they are

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
yeah i say no smoking out in the open
and i really hate when people i smoke with tell other people (even though they too smoke) that i smoke

for example my sister she smoke with any and everyone and if i'm around she would be like "he's cool he smokes too"
STOP THAT SHIT if i want someone to know i smoke i'll ask to hit your weed , dont be tellin my bussness, and further more i keeps weed, i'll just blaze one of mine if i needed to smoke
and stop bringing strangers over my house to smoke, i dont care who they are
to me its something i love doing but i like keeping it on the DL i'm the same with alcohol this is just the way that i will always be even if made completely legal like alcohol
i guess i'm just a home body type of person so it's like if i open my house to you or private life keep it that way because thats what i do, i was even the same in my youth i hate when smoking friends wanted to walk down the street smoking or come into a class room smelling like a fresh burnt pound. or lighting up in the movies or on the back of the buss

maybe doing all thats shit is what made me love the fact that now as a grown man i can blaze and watch tv in not be in fear of blowing my high being apart of some dumb shit


Active Member
I didn't mean like out in the open looking for attention. I meant just walking down the street or taking the dog for a walk. If it's around other people it's either a jay or blunt so it's barely suspicious unless you smell it. It's not like people are looking for other people smoking weed, unless you smoke weed, in which they wouldn't care.


Active Member
yeah i say no smoking out in the open
and i really hate when people i smoke with tell other people (even though they too smoke) that i smoke

for example my sister she smoke with any and everyone and if i'm around she would be like "he's cool he smokes too"
STOP THAT SHIT if i want someone to know i smoke i'll ask to hit your weed , dont be tellin my bussness, and further more i keeps weed, i'll just blaze one of mine if i needed to smoke
and stop bringing strangers over my house to smoke, i dont care who they are
see da bit about tellin strangers you smoke and bringin strangers into the house, couldnt agree more mate! My best pal few weeks back brought a complete stranger into flat on the basis that hes ok because hes a smoker too, fair enough hes a smoker so hes a liberal sorta dude but i always assume that every person that knows can potentially tell 2 people! and a live in a small town!