Oops! Missed jury duty...


Well-Known Member
So yeah... suddenly it hit me I was forgetting something, looked through my filed mail and saw my jury summons for 3-29-2010. Mind you the original summon was for December 2009, I had it extended to march. Well I forgot and missed the date, being it 4/7/2010.

Anyone... know... anything? lol. What to do... what will they do?


Well-Known Member
that sucks. they might have a bench warrant for i dunno. id call someone. you shoulda went. i had jury duty, didnt get selected for a trial and they paid me for 5 days.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
It depends on where you live, but call the numbers on your jury slip ASAP and tell them what ever and work it out. You contacting them before they contact you will look good in your favor. It's simply contempt of court for not showing up, but depending on the judge and his mood...Work on fixing this.


Well-Known Member
So yeah... suddenly it hit me I was forgetting something, looked through my filed mail and saw my jury summons for 3-29-2010. Mind you the original summon was for December 2009, I had it extended to march. Well I forgot and missed the date, being it 4/7/2010.

Anyone... know... anything? lol. What to do... what will they do?
It seems trivial but it is very serious. You need to call the phone number on the summons and talk to someone asap. When you missed your civic obligation for jury duty I'm almost certain that an attachment was placed on your license. You will need to head this off before it snowballs and they send someone out to pick you up (not likely but has happened). Because if your growing, you don't want Leo at your door for this kinda BS


Well-Known Member
call and check if got bench warrent.
i was selected as a juror in a manslughter case, cause the accused was around my age.
two weeks of my time added up to like, well, shit money. don't remeber exactly, but none the less shit.
all i did(for the most part) was stare at the accused persons relatives. one of them chicka's was damn fine.


Active Member
Here in Texas, I've heard you can get fined or they could even put out a warrant.. You need to call asap and get it straightened out before they come looking for you.


Well-Known Member
Well the court phones are closed after 4:00pm so I guess it'll have to wait until tomorrow. It's been ~2 weeks.

And yeah yeah yeah I know my civic obligation yadda yadda. Jury duty is a fucking sham.

But yeah I shouldn't of forgotten about the date, I woulda showed up at least hahaha


Global Moderator
Staff member
Thanks for making this thread Benassi - reminded me that I have JD next month. Must be different where you guys are as I just have to call in every evening (for the month of May) to see if I need to show up the next morning.


Well-Known Member
Well the court phones are closed after 4:00pm so I guess it'll have to wait until tomorrow. It's been ~2 weeks.

And yeah yeah yeah I know my civic obligation yadda yadda. Jury duty is a fucking sham.

But yeah I shouldn't of forgotten about the date, I woulda showed up at least hahaha
Not trying to get off the subject but jury duty is not a sham as you put it. It is a right by every person to be judged by a jury of their peers for their crimes. Unlike other countries that deicide your guilt or innocence by the flip of a coin. A lot of brave men and women have fought and died to preserve this right as with other rights we are afforded under the constitution. I lost my grandfather in WW2 and an uncle and a cousin in the middle east protecting these rights. Not trying to rant at you but its kinda personal when people take for granted what we have in this country as opposed to what others don't have in theirs.


Well-Known Member
No, it's a sham when there's thousands of people in every city who would LOVE to attend jury duty all the time and they don't get called. It's bullshit that they want stupid, mediocre citizens that are easy to persuade. It's bullshit that if you know anything about law, they don't want you.

It's a sham. Just as is our justice system. They're protecting the faults in their laws by having low-edumacated people be jurors so that people can be put away on bullshit sketchy laws because the douche attourney/ lawer persuaded the turds in jury.


Active Member
No, it's a sham when there's thousands of people in every city who would LOVE to attend jury duty all the time and they don't get called. It's bullshit that they want stupid, mediocre citizens that are easy to persuade. It's bullshit that if you know anything about law, they don't want you.

It's a sham. Just as is our justice system. They're protecting the faults in their laws by having low-edumacated people be jurors so that people can be put away on bullshit sketchy laws because the douche attourney/ lawer persuaded the turds in jury.
I totally agree!!! Why do you keep sending it to me when I have to work, but you have 1000's of others that are dieing to do something with there day. All the unemployed don't get it, but the employed that will get shit always have to attend.

There's always the box to fill out and say that you read every paper, you always form an opinion, and are a complete sexist and racist. Then they seem not to come anymore.

I think if your a felon you don't get them anymore, but I'm not sure.


Well-Known Member
I predict either getting jail time (because I'm that lucky), or getting a huge stupid ass fine AND going to duty.

Whenever I call tomorrow I'm gonna say I was out of town (I actually was out of town the week before when you have to call in), and that I wanted to come attend it just slipped my mind, remind them I contacted them before they contacted me, yadda yadda. See how it goes from there... either way I see a shitty outcome... ALONG with going to duty.


Well-Known Member
I want to be on jury duty just for the experience.Id definitely vote not guilty no matter how much evidence the prosecuters present.Unless it was some fucking child molester.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I want to be on jury duty just for the experience.Id definitely vote not guilty no matter how much evidence the prosecuters present.Unless it was some fucking child molester.
Not guilty cause you happen to be locked down & hoping for reciprication?
Guess I don't understand why if someone was proved beyond a shadow that they had comitted a crime against a fellow law abiding person that you would elect to allow them a pass?
Rebellion against the system to make a point?
Not being a dick, just curious.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
No, it's a sham when there's thousands of people in every city who would LOVE to attend jury duty all the time and they don't get called. It's bullshit that they want stupid, mediocre citizens that are easy to persuade. It's bullshit that if you know anything about law, they don't want you.

It's a sham. Just as is our justice system. They're protecting the faults in their laws by having low-edumacated people be jurors so that people can be put away on bullshit sketchy laws because the douche attourney/ lawer persuaded the turds in jury.
Hahaha i think you hit this right on the nose man, hella made me laugh to, tried to give ya some rep but "must spread rep before giving to Benassi again"

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Personally id love to get love to get Jury duty just for the sheer fact that i hate talking on the phones all day and would use any excuse i could to get out of that! But i def do agree Benassi that the system uses peoples stupidity to get people locked down, believe it or not people make money when people are locked up and thats why their is such a push to keep our prison system full... Problem is they keep them so full that they are forced to let people out early and its never the people that deserve to get out early IE drug convictions, theft (depending on the crime IMO), Nope usually its the rapists and sex offenders that get out early... Sex offender gets 1-2 years and a drug dealer gets 10-15, man thats some fucked up shit!


Well-Known Member
Turns out here in LA if you miss your reporting date they take the liberty of rescheduling it for you like the nice people they are... So much for going to jail and finally living off everyone elses taxes.

Oh well time to get all my grandmother's old medical records of her stroke and say I take care of her with no pay and i'm unemployed. Fuck jury duty.