5 gallon pot start to end


Well-Known Member
Hello im going to be starting my first grow soon. im using 5 gallon pots in a 4x4x6.5 tent. 6 plants total. my question is i plan on starting my seeds in the 5 gallon pots to not have to deal with transferring them. Is there going to be any negative affects to the plants from this.
im hoping to finish them off around 3 and a half to 4 feet tall. ive ran my light i have a euro 6 reflector with a 424cfm fan hooked to it and i have to touch the glass under the bulb before it gets uncomfortably hot.
im just worried something will go wrong, being my first grow from seed is proving itself to be a very finger bighting experience. maybe im over paranoid about shit but would love some input about starting and finishing in the same pot.
my soil is a fertilite.(http://www.teskepetandgarden.com/browse.cfm/fertilome-ultimate-potting-mix-25-qt./4,831.html)
thank you ahead of time i tried searching for info on starting and growing through with the same pot and couldnt find anything. i might be burnet out on searching though and not looked hard enough.


Well-Known Member
Six plants at 48-inches tall will not fit suitably in a single 5 gallon bucket. Two, probably, but not one bucket.


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a retarded rule of thumb considering I've gotten a plant to grow 2 feet in a 6" pot half filled with dirt.


Active Member
The only problem you may have is with watering, your pots will be so large an your plants roots won't get anywhere near the bottom heck even the middle for a while. You may end up with a swamp down at the bottom of your pots and dry at the top. I'm assuming your using soil, so i'd buy some perlite and mix it in. It will help drainage and its cheap.


Well-Known Member
i go 1 gallon for every month old it is..root bound plants wont yeild half as much as they should!..i have 3 mothers flowering rite now 2 in 6 gal pots and 1 ina 5 gal...they went from cups,then 2 gallons pots,then the 6,5 gal pots...

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
yeah as mentioned by CJ if your going to do it clones or female seeds would be ideal. The problem with this method are going to be your watering schedule. You are only going to need to water like once a week or less and it can be real easy to overwater or have your plant dry out because although the medium might be moist or wet at the bottom, the roots are not able to use it because they aren't deep enough yet. Also if you have fertilizers in your soil the you will be leaching out the fertilizer where there is no roots to take it up. I would just start in smaller pots and transplant. Transplanting is really easy and I've never had a problem with transplant shock or dieing plants or anything from it. Plus you can give the plants different and fresh nutrients for different stages of growth.


Well-Known Member
yeah barneys sweet tooth femenized. they are nursery pots with holes in the bottom. the soil containes Sphagnum Peat Moss, perlite, wetting agent and slow release humic acids. i have water trays on the bottoms. i was going to get the 3 gallon pots but they look so tiny.


New Member
Well...in the beginning he/she won't have to water the entire pot...just from the center and outwards as it gets larger.

Could start the seeds in a 1 gallon and then move that...t would be super easy and no stress at all on the plant.

Just an option....

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Well...in the beginning he/she won't have to water the entire pot...just from the center and outwards as it gets larger.

Could start the seeds in a 1 gallon and then move that...t would be super easy and no stress at all on the plant.

Just an option....
Good point but it could still be very troublesome to determine where to water and how much since you can't see the roots. My friend used to just grow his plants outdoors in 5 gallon buckets from the get and he always had nice plants and big root systems.


Well-Known Member
I like to start mine & 6" nursery cups & transplant when rootbound around 1' tall so i know the roots are established. A quick transplant with no repercussions.


Well-Known Member
How much do they carry & how much do they cost? Did u ever figure out if u had a indica or sativa? ROFL


Well-Known Member
start in one gallon pots. once you figure out the sex of the plant move to a 5 gallon. This is why i only deal with clones, unless i need a new strain