Tamjam's 2nd grow Snow White 250w


Well-Known Member
Sorry mate, didnt mean to sound unsympathetic there :mrgreen:.... I know what its like myself!
oh no i didnt think you were mate, looking forward to 4pm then im gonna go score some medication for my back and drink some more cider out in the garden :mrgreen:

oh what a lovely day it is :lol:


Well-Known Member
hi guys will update the big ladies later once they have soaked up their water :-P

ok here gos, clone update.

one mutant clone had rooted but was crispier then a crisp so i ditched it, it had rooted but was a state, the other mutant was fine and has rooted well and has been repotted:-P along with one of the indica type ones, so i have one of each which im happy with.

i may put them outside later in the sun :bigjoint:

they aint in the bestest condition but im sure they will perk up!

hey and its the grand national tomorrow and im gonna go to the bookys later and place some bets


Active Member
Morning tam,

Those clones fine mate, nothing wrong at all with them! I've seen clones almost dead and lying flat make the most amazing recovery here, yellowing is normal but all new growth will be healthy green again so bear with them :-) Glad you got one of each and if you ever need future clones of the SW I'll have them here for you as I'm going to keep the bonsai mother going.

Sit em on the windowsill, mine were there all day yesterday and they loved it :-)

Looking forward to the updates on the big plants, can you show me which one my cuts came off please mate? .... as with good puppies its always nice to see the parent !! :-)


Well-Known Member
Morning tam,

Those clones fine mate, nothing wrong at all with them! I've seen clones almost dead and lying flat make the most amazing recovery here, yellowing is normal but all new growth will be healthy green again so bear with them :-) Glad you got one of each and if you ever need future clones of the SW I'll have them here for you as I'm going to keep the bonsai mother going.

Sit em on the windowsill, mine were there all day yesterday and they loved it :-)

Looking forward to the updates on the big plants, can you show me which one my cuts came off please mate? .... as with good puppies its always nice to see the parent !! :-)
cheers mate yeah will do in abit gotta pop out then i will get the new camera out :-P
all the puppies are being collected by thier new owners today and tomorrow!!!


Active Member
cheers mate yeah will do in abit gotta pop out then i will get the new camera out :-P
all the puppies are being collected by thier new owners today and tomorrow!!!
Cheers mate. I need to do some work myself!

Btw, been following those pups progress on FB, going to be quiet for a while there?


Well-Known Member
Cheers mate. I need to do some work myself!

Btw, been following those pups progress on FB, going to be quiet for a while there?
hi mate lol my house quiet? never is my house quiet lol it hectic as hell !!!:lol: when the last two kids are gone then it will be quiet :-P

right big changes again! the plants are going back up in the loft, i have been checking the temps up there the last few days and its been warm as hell !!! and the fans are making a right racket and you can here them going when your out in the back garden:wall: and the only way i can tame the 250 in there is with four fans running and they are starting to smell and it is just alot easier for me to have them in the loft.

i will get some pics of the ladies in a minute :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
heres some pics :blsmoke:

first up is the best plant which is in the lead and will be the first ready, and all the buds have a sort of purple/blue colour to them:blsmoke::mrgreen: but this is the plant i didnt take any cutting from :wall: this plant is deffo going for a re-veg ( and a couple in the post to you MS :mrgreen: )



Well-Known Member
next up is the mutant, this plant is deffo the bushiest and im sure when shes ready for the chop she will have the best yield. the main stems are totally flat? like not round like they normally are!!

this one is in second place! and is sure mutated:blsmoke::mrgreen::eyesmoke:

( this is the mother to the cuttings with the slender leaves MS )



Well-Known Member
and in last place:neutral: its the one with the fatter leaves, this plant is pretty far behind
the other two but it doesnt matter as im not in a rush to chop them all, which ever one is the most done in 2 weeks is getting the chop as its frustrating paying 25quid for a measly 8th/3.5g of weed:-?
but shes doing well and is sure gonna give me lots of bud:mrgreen:

oh and this is the poor lady that got burnt:wall: and this is the mother to your fatter clones MS



Active Member
LOkking really nice .. IM jealouss too bad i aint got the cash to get me a HPS :(

one day ..... one day....


Well-Known Member
hey i just thought that now they are going back up in the loft i may reveg all three as im sure all three plants are gonna give me enought weed to last a while:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
LOkking really nice .. IM jealouss too bad i aint got the cash to get me a HPS :(

one day ..... one day....
hi zig thanks for the comments mate, but seriously you dont need HID to get good buds, cfl's do the job just fine, you just got to use them properly:mrgreen:


Active Member
hi mate lol my house quiet? never is my house quiet lol it hectic as hell !!!:lol: when the last two kids are gone then it will be quiet :-P

I know what you mean mate! My eldest has left home but still spends loads of time round here with her 5 month old daughter and we have 2 younger daughters still at home so theres not a lot of peace to have here either :-o I reckon thats why we have to smoke so much herb, helps keep the sanity! :weed:

Great pics and thanks for pointing out where the clones came from. Certainly the mutant is way ahead here too so I may have to re think which one I keep now as a mother! if I can I may take 2 cuttings from her when shes ready and keep one of those. can I see a tint of colour in those buds? Always nice when buds get that blue/purpleish tint to them.

Can understand why you're going back in the loft too. When the cold weather returns next winter have a think about a small electric oil filled rad up there, they are VERY safe and have a thermostat so you can set it on low and just hold those temps up slightly on a timer. I used mine for 3 years up there and its still working perfectly and its 5 years old now, best £30.00 I ever spent on my loft grow. Argos sell them. Dimplex I think it is. Will solve all your problems.

Have a good weekend down there :-) weathers lovely here, just been over the beach with the dog and its like a summers morning.

*edit* meant to add, those buds are looking GOOD!


Well-Known Member
Heyyy. watsup? I followed ur 1st grow for a while.. had no idea u had another one goin tho. looks good!

OK..I am hapy to say tht I know what is wrong with your mutant plant....... =) You know how you said theres all that extra foliage.. well my plant (Nirvana's White Widow) has the same thing.. There that one branch.. and towards the top where the main bud is... its coverend with a shitload of leaves right? wayy too many than there should be?

You have a Poly-Ploid Bud... =) I just recently found out about it a month or 2 ago.. when I put my plant into flowering.. i had one stem that was producing twice as many leavees.. adn ii said.. jokingly.. Hmmm. i wonder if it will produce double buds... hahahaha.. adn sure enough it DID!

I can tell just by looking at your plant which one is the Poly-Ploid bud. I nicknamed mine the "Siamese Twin" Bud. lol.

Look all down that branch.. you know how usually there are 2 buds that grow at each node..? if you look at yours.. there should be at least 3, if not 4 buds. There should be double the amount of leaves everywhere.. and your stem should be almost flat. wide and flat.

Im maddddd excited to see someone else who has one of these too!! They're EXTREMELY rare.. from what I've heard.. kinad wierd tho that you got ur seeds from Nirvana.. and theyre snow white ( a white widow cross ) and i got mine from Nirvana.. and it IS White Widow...

You can check out my journal if u want.. its in my signature.. im about 7 1/2 weeks into flowering.. im harvesting at 9 weeks. I have lots of pics of my plant.. I do pics every Tuesday and Friday.. adn im obsessed with pics.. soo i post about 30+ lol.

PS*** If you can... try to take a clone from that branch!!! I know your a lil ways into flowering.. soo u might not be able to.. but if you can.. it would be awesome.. since there will be a chance the clone will have poly-ploid buds as well. And lemme tell you.. my Poly-Ploid bud is fucking HUGE! and this thing is fucking SOLID!! Its gonna be a big chunk of my yield... If possible.. try to put as much light as u can on that bud.. the more the better.. becuase that thing can grow to be ENORMOUS!!!

Here... im gonna post a couple pics of my Poly-Ploid Bud... tell me if this is what yours looks like. ( i was gonna ask you if you could maybe take a few closeups of your Poly-Ploid Bud as well and post them so we can compare )

** Nirvana's White Widow 7 1/2 Weeks into Flowering - Poly-Ploid Bud **

heres the top bud

Heres the stem thats wide and flat.. and about as wide as my finger

Just a shot of the the top part.. its just a mess of buds and leaves

Here it is again next to a normal looking bud

** Here is a top shot.. But this is ANOTHER Poly-Ploid Bud I have on my plant.. and is not the same bud as the pictures above.. This Poly-Ploid I noticed 1st.. but when flowering started.. it did not turn out as good as the other 1 showed above **

OK. Sorry if the pics are too big. =/ Like I said.. Im just happy i finally found someone else with the same thing!! Consider urself lucky! This are very rare.. or so im told.

Hope this helps.. adn check out my journal if ya want. just in case ur looking for another strain to grow after this.. the White Widow is AWESOME!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
wow.. just realized too that u said the mutant plant is the mother of the clones... Pheww!! Thats good man!! I cant gaurentee you that the clones will produce Poly-Ploid buds.. but there is a chance! Which would be AWESOME!! hope my post helped you out.. Im subbing.. DEFF. and +Rep for growing a nice Nirvana Strain... for taking some nice ass pictures... for having a poly-ploid bud as well... lol. theres a lot.. Good fuckin job!!

and u know whats really funny too.. in your 1st journal.. you started out with 5 CFL's.. and a 20 watt floro tube.. which is wat i started out with.. then u said u added another 5 CFL's.. soo u had a total of 10. adn the 20 watt floro tube.. adn as of now.. that is wat i have too. lol. mine White Widow has a total of 330 watts!! =) and is doing great!