2010 outdoor grow-sc,nl,hh+more


Well-Known Member
I have been growing outdoors for quite sometime now. I have had everything happen to me from male's to friends rip me off to cops actually finding my plants.Because of this i would only get from nothing- maybe 2oz.
Until last year. After learning from my mistakes and taking my loss's for learning I grew over a pound last year of fluffy Northern Lights.
So this year i have brought in some new denser strains like Strawberry Cough and Holland's Hope(all clones). Also working on a bag seed picked up from a friend that's smokes a lot of good grass found some rare seeds in like 2 QP's. Have No pics of the setup at the moment but will by the weekend.

Set up at the moment:
-1 NL mother(12 clones just taken from her)

-12 NL clones in bubble cloner

-A just planted into 3-4 gal pot SC mother(not ready for cloning)

-HH clone on way(in cup ready for transplant)

-CFL's for light till they go outside. (few 42w couple 23w)

-4 out of 5 seedling sprouted after put directly in dirt after 3-4 days.


That's pretty much it. Any questions comments feel free!
Here are just a couple of pics from outdoors 2009! The first plant was my largest yeilder of just over 8oz:leaf:




Well-Known Member
Hell yeah nice looking plants. You are a ninja!

Do you know what seed bank the Nortern Lights from? Could u give us quickie smoke report?


Well-Known Member
Of course mate! And +REP for being the first person to post on my 2010 OUTDOOR GROW thread. The Northern Lights was acquired from Willy Jack seeds and is more sativa like than most NL you see. It's high is a take one hit and you can't sit down. Two hits and your asking to go play basketball and dunkin on all your friends:-P The smell and taste is fruity and everyone just loves it! The buds are more fluffy though like most sativa's so I'm going to try out some more denser bud this year. But of course also grow some NL at least 20 or more. Again thanks for poppin in!:leaf:


Active Member
that looks like a great spot and some beautiful plants man. how would you go about getting those buds to be more dense tho?


Well-Known Member
Anygivenmonday- Thanks for the comment and Shadow420- smart man for subscribing!

Here are some pics of getting started indoors. In the first pic is the 12 NL clones in the bubble cloner, pic 2 is my NL mother after she had 12 cuttings taken from her, and the third pic is the SC mother in the making. I plan on getting at least 2 more bubble cloners and filling them up also. We will be planting sometime between 4.19-5.1:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Looking good man, what kind of soil are you going to use?
When do you plan on going out side with em?


Well-Known Member
Looking good man, what kind of soil are you going to use?
When do you plan on going out side with em?
Thanks SC ! For the past couple years I have been using Fox Farm Ocean Forest and FF Happy Frog. This year i want to try something i have no experience with. Making my own soil! I purchased Bone Meal, Blood Meal, Perlite, and also found a nursery that sells soil with no added nutrients (at least that's what the owner said). I'm also working on getting cow manure, horse manure, Earthworm Castings, dolomite lime, Kelp Meal, Epsom salt, and my secret ingredient that you should never speak of....Owl Shit.
This should cut costs in the long run. And i wont be putting out until 4.20-5.1 which sucks, especially seeing all the grows going now down south.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
I make my own, I have to buy everythin at walmart cheep, not much for organics there. Thats my main problem.
Next was mixing it all up, that was hell tell i discovered my kids kiddie pool an mixed mine up alot easier.

I used...
3 big bag miracal grow Moisture control with coco (has 2 monthes time release fertz in it)
1 med bag mushroom compost
2 small bags pierlite
2 cups wood ash
2 tablespoons epsomsalts

An before i go in the soil I will add ZEBA starch based water absorbing polymer. has Osmocote 10-10-10 time release fertz in it)
The zeba an the coco an mulch on top should cut watering in half at least. Watering every 2 weeks would be very nice if it works.


Well-Known Member
I make my own, I have to buy everythin at walmart cheep, not much for organics there. Thats my main problem.
Next was mixing it all up, that was hell tell i discovered my kids kiddie pool an mixed mine up alot easier.

I used...
3 big bag miracal grow Moisture control with coco (has 2 monthes time release fertz in it)
1 med bag mushroom compost
2 small bags pierlite
2 cups wood ash
2 tablespoons epsomsalts

An before i go in the soil I will add ZEBA starch based water absorbing polymer. has Osmocote 10-10-10 time release fertz in it)
The zeba an the coco an mulch on top should cut watering in half at least. Watering every 2 weeks would be very nice if it works.

Very nice, cheap and simple combination! Most likely try this out, thanks mate +REP


Well-Known Member
So some bad and good news. Had a 5 day power outage on my street so lost about 8 Strawberry Cough clones. That's it though everything else is still on track.

This is a two man thing and me and my buddy have been doing this for over 5 years, bigger yeild every time. He has a mix of 12 NL and HH clones rooted and in soil(cups) and more in a week which would be the good news! I will be taking a mix of about 30 NL and SC cuttings with in a few days here to try and catch up on time lost. Picture update tonight.:leaf:

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hey man, just subscribed, man your avatar is so cool, man that brings back so many mermories, i was so good on that game, LoL. and that really sucks about the power and the clones. sorry


Well-Known Member
hey man, just subscribed, man your avatar is so cool, man that brings back so many mermories, i was so good on that game, LoL. and that really sucks about the power and the clones. sorry
Hey Concord Dawn thanks for subscribing! Ya my dad used to have one of these stand up arcade's in his Barber Shop back in the day. Now every time I find my self in a multi million dollar arcade...(Dave & Busters)...I'm sitting on Galaga over in the far corner:-P

Ever since the bad there's only been good! Turns out ALL 3 of BGS1 are female:clap:. Wasn't expecting this so short on soil but getting some tom. Transplanted one. Now this is the BGS that was given to me from a friend that said there was only a few to seeds to A LOT of KILLER weed. They might just be feminized:-P
BGS1 transplant420.jpg

