Did anyone hear about are U.S troops killing kids?


Well-Known Member
My brother told me yesterday that some videos leaked out of U.S troops shooting little kids as they begged for there life in the middle east. The kids were crying saying I dont want to die and the troops mocked them saying I dont wana die , I dont wana die as they shot them with a demonic look on there face. I am ashamed and sad to see hear that shit. I dont know if its on the net yet but they were talking about it on the world news.


Well-Known Member
i know someone whos fucked up in the head because one of his superiors made him shoot a little kid from a few yards because the kid might have had a bomb. annother of my friends was ripping on him calling him a baby killer. im on my ex-army friends side, it wasnt his fault and he obviously has remorse. they learn early "i say jump, you say how high. i say shoot, you say how many"


Well-Known Member
i know someone whos fucked up in the head because one of his superiors made him shoot a little kid from a few yards because the kid might have had a bomb. annother of my friends was ripping on him calling him a baby killer. im on my ex-army friends side, it wasnt his fault and he obviously has remorse. they learn early "i say jump, you say how high. i say shoot, you say how many"
Yea I know what you mean but this was not like that at all. They were not bomb kids and these troops will be facing death by hanging from what they are saying.


Well-Known Member
Yea I know what you mean but this was not like that at all. They were not bomb kids and these troops will be facing death by hanging from what they are saying.
this wasnt necessarily a bomb kid, but was killed because he could have been


Well-Known Member
My brother told me yesterday that some videos leaked out of U.S troops shooting little kids as they begged for there life in the middle east. The kids were crying saying I dont want to die and the troops mocked them saying I dont wana die , I dont wana die as they shot them with a demonic look on there face. I am ashamed and sad to see hear that shit. I dont know if its on the net yet but they were talking about it on the world news.
got a link to the news report or video...How your court case work out ???


Well-Known Member
got a link to the news report or video...How your court case work out ???
I bonded out after 7 days on a 25000 dollar bond. The state offered me 6 months and told me I better take it and my lawyer told him to fuck himself because he had a good relationship with my judge so I plead it up to the judge making my guidelines 0 to 5 years. On sentencing day when they all approached the bench the judge told the state that it was just weed and to quit being a nazi and gave me 7 days time served with no probation. Thanks for asking bro.


Well-Known Member
Wow really? Jesus..... Kids?
Thanks man! Good to see someone else who is anti kid killer. Saying that they might have bombs and its o.k to kill them would be like going to the hood and killing a black kid and saying he might be a gun toten crack dealer so lets kill him just to make sure. We got our own war on the streets in the U.S but we should not kill kids!


Well-Known Member
for the record, i am also anti kid killed side of the argument; i was saying it was fucked up how they could kill a kid because they might have a bomb. i was only sticking up for my baby killing friend because he doesnt need any one reminding him he had to do fucked up things. theyre trained like that. react first ask questions later and reflect on what youve done AFTER your tour is over

every aspect of the military is fucked up


Well-Known Member
for the record, i am also anti kid killed side of the argument; i was saying it was fucked up how they could kill a kid because they might have a bomb. i was only sticking up for my baby killing friend because he doesnt need any one reminding him he had to do fucked up things. theyre trained like that. react first ask questions later and reflect on what youve done AFTER your tour is over

every aspect of the military is fucked up
I agree bro. Our country brainwashes young men into heartless killing monsters and pays them peanuts while they get rich with there hidden agendas.


Well-Known Member
As always there are two sides to every story, I can't even begin to imagine the amount of stress our soldiers have to endure.


Well-Known Member
As always there are two sides to every story, I can't even begin to imagine the amount of stress our soldiers have to endure.
That's true but they signed up for that shit and soldiers like those only did it so they could kill. If you kill an unarmed child you are a dirt bag and need to be shot in your face!


Well-Known Member
Wow! Evidently, many of you have already convicted our troops of war crimes without even seeing any actual evidence.

While we do not know if any of this is true, we can be absolutely sure that you people hate your country and our military.
It's BS, they are playing the telephone game adding stories to the story. There were 2 wounded kids when they open fired on armed people as well as two unarmed reporters...funny how everything gets slanted as the story was spread. It is fucked up that it happened but I know the video I saw everyone was exhonerated of any wrongdoing but there were circumstances not released by the media...The majority of our troops are heros and shouldn't be tarnished by even a few bad apples when it does happen but there is more to the story, that is for certain.


Well-Known Member
It's BS, they are playing the telephone game adding stories to the story. There were 2 wounded kids when they open fired on armed people as well as two unarmed reporters...funny how everything gets slanted as the story was spread. It is fucked up that it happened but I know the video I saw everyone was exhonerated of any wrongdoing but there were circumstances not released by the media...The majority of our troops are heros and shouldn't be tarnished by even a few bad apples when it does happen but there is more to the story, that is for certain.
agreed that most of our soldiers are heros but many of them have that little dick cop complex and abuse there authority. You may have heard of a different tape because this one that they were talking about on the world news described soldiers mocking and making fun of innocent children as they begged for there life and then shot them and laughed. We had the same problems in nam. God bless America!


Well-Known Member
Watch the vid peeps there's to kids at the end an they say they shouldn't bring kids to a war zone there is bout 12 people 2 reporters an wat looks to be to armed men with ak's an the rpg is a 1 1/2 ft camera for wat reason did they open fire are the us the only people allowed guns there I bet there are lots of people with armed gards there 2 am not blaming ur whole army but wat they did in that helicopter was wrong full stop the prick who speaks the most should be shot.


Well-Known Member
We will see what happens. I just hate to see kids get harmed as a father. I really hope it's not as bad as they say but I dont have allot of faith in this world anymore with the amount of evil people out there weather they are part of the government or not. Peace!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Killing children is horrible, but so is killing an adult. There are very few reasons to go to war. I can't think of any that justify the USA being in so many countries militarily. Seriously what are the current reasons the USA is still in Iraq?