Whats up with Alex Jones?


Well-Known Member
He attracts the same crowd Rush and Hannity do, almost uniformly ignorant about things that don't effect their day to day life. He then ties big world events together that make people like me LOL because of how crazy they sound. On other other hand his listeners who couldn't tell you the difference between a Sunni and a Shiite swallow it because it sounds legit to them.

O RLY? Your smarter than everyone else eh? Above all these Hannity/Rush/Jones morons who cannot probably add 1 and 1 and come up with the correct answer? Wow your ability to reason is beyond reproach, are you sure your not the smartest person in the world? I mean considering you just labeled 70% of the American population as Ignorant and unintelligent.


Active Member
The term police state describes a state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic and political life of the population. A police state typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there is usually little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive.

Looks like they are using it correctly to me, sounds exactly like the USA.
You should have kept on reading the wikipedia entry:

"The inhabitants of a police state experience restrictions on their mobility, and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement. Political control may be exerted by means of a secret police force which operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional state."

"Genuine police states are fundamentally authoritarian, and are often dictatorships. However the degree of government repression varies widely among societies. Most regimes fall into some middle ground between the extremes of civil libertarianism and totalitarianism."

Your own source shows that to call the United States a "police state" is at the very least a blatant exaggeration.


Well-Known Member
You should have kept on reading the wikipedia entry:

"The inhabitants of a police state experience restrictions on their mobility, and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement. Political control may be exerted by means of a secret police force which operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional state."

"Genuine police states are fundamentally authoritarian, and are often dictatorships. However the degree of government repression varies widely among societies. Most regimes fall into some middle ground between the extremes of civil libertarianism and totalitarianism."

Your own source shows that to call the United States a "police state" is at the very least a blatant exaggeration.

Umm everything there except the speech part is absolutely true, don't tell me that unless speech is restricted you can't be a police state. We ARE a police state, and pretty soon to fly on an airplane they will not only want to restrict your travel, they will want to check out your wifes/daughters/mothers ass and tits on their new full body scanners, won't that be a hoot.

From the Infamous Search for the Holy Grail.."Help! Help! I'm being repressed!!


Well-Known Member
Not too sure about You thereNear, but for those who Do attend action's and peaceful protests we are almost ALWAYS subject to moving away from view and essentially taken away our free speech. Either by police telling us or moving us forcefully to 'free-speech zones'.

Also when my countries military can occupy your country for no offial reason. and vice versa.. NORTHCOM


Active Member
Umm everything there except the speech part is absolutely true, don't tell me that unless speech is restricted you can't be a police state. We ARE a police state, and pretty soon to fly on an airplane they will not only want to restrict your travel, they will want to check out your wifes/daughters/mothers ass and tits on their new full body scanners, won't that be a hoot.

From the Infamous Search for the Holy Grail.."Help! Help! I'm being repressed!!
So we have a secret police force which is not bound by the constitution? Our state is fundamentally authoritarian? We have a dictator? Please, try to substantiate any of those ridiculous claims.

Not too sure about You thereNear, but for those who Do attend action's and peaceful protests we are almost ALWAYS subject to moving away from view and essentially taken away our free speech. Either by police telling us or moving us forcefully to 'free-speech zones'.

Also when my countries military can occupy your country for no offial reason. and vice versa.. NORTHCOM
As I referenced earlier:

"Genuine police states are fundamentally authoritarian, and are often dictatorships. However the degree of government repression varies widely among societies. Most regimes fall into some middle ground between the extremes of civil libertarianism and totalitarianism."

We all know that there have been troubling actions taken such as police brutality towards protesters and warrantless wiretapping. However, those actions do not automatically make the U.S. a police state. You're stretching the term to a place where it's vague and meaningless. According to your definition almost every country in the world is a police state.

This is what crazy commentators like Glenn Beck and Alex Jones do. They take a wide range of isolated cases and exceptions and turn them into a vast, overwhelming conspiracy which is going to destroy us all. It's blatant and false exaggeration which extremists eat up all day.


Well-Known Member
if alex jones was telling the truth wouldn't he just have a" heart attack". Alex jones probably gets money from the feds. They know you eat up that guy getting all emotional (think glenn beck also). All he does is reinforce that the government is all powerful. Why wouldn't they want that? let's all worry about fema coffins instead of how many people are getting killed in the mid east.


New Member
if alex jones was telling the truth wouldn't he just have a" heart attack". Alex jones probably gets money from the feds. They know you eat up that guy getting all emotional (think glenn beck also). All he does is reinforce that the government is all powerful. Why wouldn't they want that? let's all worry about fema coffins instead of how many people are getting killed in the mid east.
^now that is conspiracy-theorizing if i ever saw it :roll:


Well-Known Member
i agree he is a total fear monger. i heard one of his broadcasts back on the y2k thing and he was just reporting a whole bunch of nonsense about blackouts and other b/s. if i can find it ill post it.


Well-Known Member
I listened to him for a minute but realize although he does make points he goes completely overboard...He would have me covering up my vents ...putting foil on my windows....and stocking up on hemp oil...hmmmm last ones not a bad idea....some OG Kush hemp oil :joint:


Well-Known Member
You should have kept on reading the wikipedia entry:

"The inhabitants of a police state experience restrictions on their mobility, and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement. Political control may be exerted by means of a secret police force which operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional state."

"Genuine police states are fundamentally authoritarian, and are often dictatorships. However the degree of government repression varies widely among societies. Most regimes fall into some middle ground between the extremes of civil libertarianism and totalitarianism."

Your own source shows that to call the United States a "police state" is at the very least a blatant exaggeration.
and than the internet kill switch will pass but in the meantime you have the coast guard threatening arrest and heavy fines for taking pictures of the oil spill
or getting within so many feet of the spill. Or maybe the journalist who was doing a story on the texas refinery explosion from a few years back
being detained by the police and bp security at a gas station and intimidated with showing his pictures before he was allowed to leave.
Along with the countless stories of people being harassed taking pictures of any number of public buildings/transportation.
Then there is echelon which has been going on for over a decade monitoring all communication and what they couldn't handle with the rush of the internet
in the late 90's early 2000 they just told the telecomms to do it for them.
Yea you're right information isn't censored or anything like that in this country.
It flows freely...


Well-Known Member
i dont hes a fear mongerer by intention at all. i think he feels like i do and how many of you do when you hear of gov corruption all over the world, when you learn what freedom really means and start to see that we arent as free as we thought, i get mad, people get mad! i think he is a pissed off individual who just happend to become the biggest source of info on these topics. and people listen to him because they know hes telling the truth, but because it is him he comes with his personality, hes loud, aggressive type in your face type with a texan attitude. i personally like listening to him, not too many people out there like him. he makes good films and is doing everybody a service by sharing what he knows in his best way. even though i think that he maybe playing the im a christain thing, possibly for gcn the broadcaster of his show. theres no way knowing what hes been exposed to that he could still be christain, unless hes in denial himself


Well-Known Member
fearmonger-Someone who spreads fear, or needlessly raises the alarm.
in the first video, it is just bill cooper setting up what he is about to present, but hes basically saying hes a fearmonger. the 2nd has what alex jones was reporting on dec. 31 1999. which is mostly full of bs


Active Member
dont let it get to yas. just understand that that oil spill hasn't even stopped yet, and there's no hope in sight. a planet killer. dont worry about the gov't fucking us over. it's already over. bitches

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
I don't know what's up with Alex Jones but until he publicly recognises the Reptilian Agenda I can't take him seriously


Well-Known Member
i definately think the reptilans have majore influence but i think there are other ets that made the retilians that are behind it even further. then you even have the annunaki story. unless the annunaki are the reptiles, or i dont know ive heard too many things about the reptiles to know they may exist, but not sure of their exact story. ive heard they are from draco, or that they were part of the first humanoid experiments and are from earth and went underground after atlantis. or even that the annunaki shape into them to scare humans. all the old ancient stories that mention reptile humanoids gods, say they were tall and were highly advanced. the snake or the reptile has always represented wisdom, or knowledge, or the schemer. any way off topic but alex i think has done alot of homework on the old esoteric and mystical stories of earths past. all this definately sounds crazy if you havent yet opened up to the idea of aliens or ets


Well-Known Member
I haven't decided if I buy what he's selling yet, I suppose that is only for each person to decide. I have read and watched some of his stuff on youtube, it's at least entertaining.