The Fab 5! DNA Genetics


Active Member
Looking good! Are you trying my suggestion of the 2 to 1 iPhone x HTC touch, or the full spectrum together w the coolwhite Sony Ericsson V600? ;)

I heard of this guy who grew a seed to harvest in 17minutes using the sun and a magnifying glass...

Keep it real!



Active Member
JN if you liked that other thread, the iPhone thread, I think you might find this amusing.

I searched around here on the forum on the topic "flushing" and I found an amusing thread :mrgreen:
This guy starts a thread and asks this:

I've read a bit about flushing nutes about a week b4 flowering. This is my first grow and plants are looking quite nice. They have been flowering forever and i would say they better b done in 2-4 weeks. anyways i read that you must flush a week b4 cutting those bitches down. I would like to ask what the consequences will b if i dont do this.

4 minutes later he posts these questions:

And also, flushing is simply overdosing the plants with water, correct? If its that simple, how do i know how much water is safe to give them at once?

4 minutes after that he posts this:

well, i've picked the plants and microwaved them allready and contrary to what i hear, the smoke was EXTREMELY SMOOTH. i dont know why, but ive never flushed them and if this was the result of enhaleing fertalizer vapor into my lungs, then hell yes, i want to do it again

Didnt he say he thought hes plants had another 2-4 weeks to go? 8mins after that statement he has chopped hes plant(s), microwaved it and ready for a smoke report. LMAO :mrgreen: Impatient SOB...hahaha!!!


Active Member
^^^^^ i need to know who posted that! Lolololol
I tried searching but I didn't find it right at this moment. I remember when I first posted this summary of another members thread I didn't want to post the members name, we're all confused at some point in our life and I didn't want him to suffer anymore, he'd suffered enough smoking that microwaved sh*t :bigjoint: It's not made up, if I find the thread again I will send you a link in a PM...



Well-Known Member

I'm not gona lie i was the same way lol. So impatient, cutting that shit 2 weeks before harvest. Ya Live AND Ya Learn!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
JN if you liked that other thread, the iPhone thread, I think you might find this amusing.

I searched around here on the forum on the topic "flushing" and I found an amusing thread :mrgreen:
This guy starts a thread and asks this:

4 minutes later he posts these questions:

4 minutes after that he posts this:

Didnt he say he thought hes plants had another 2-4 weeks to go? 8mins after that statement he has chopped hes plant(s), microwaved it and ready for a smoke report. LMAO :mrgreen: Impatient SOB...hahaha!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, Im not gonna lie, there has been some confusion, and Im starting to lose track of what strains in what pot..... that being said, I know maybe half for sure.... And they are about to be transplanted again.... Pics opon completion...


Well-Known Member

heres what they are going in.... you guys have no idea how much of a PAIN IN THE ASS it is to carry all this shit 5 blocks on top of my back pack and a HUGE bottle of wine.. I look fucking crazy, plus dont forget i live in the hood, the place where i bought the pots is a bodega and I went in their with these 2 HUGE bags of soil over my shoulder and there is a cop standing in the door way eye balling the shit outta me

. I really wanted to say something, but I figured stay calm, but I know for a fact he knew what i was doing. I am a young guy and dont look like I grow flowers. I got to the indian guy working there and say, "You guys got flower pots" LMFAO, cop continued to eye ball me the entire time i was there.. Coming up to the counter with 5 flowerpots and a huge role of duct tape. Then I walked home with all this shit, not to mention 5 books in my backpack.. hahahahaha the whole time I kept making sure i wasnt being taled.. Oh the things i do for my girl mj :weed:

For all of you who dont believe in rootbound..




Well-Known Member
Why would u say its rootbound? U just have alot of roots! Rootbound almost stops all new growth, which hasnt happened to you. Your roots would be almost completely thru the plant, no visable soil. They also might show def, as they stop taking nutrients. Party Cup Comp, check the tread son:):)


Well-Known Member
Why would u say its rootbound? U just have alot of roots! Rootbound almost stops all new growth, which hasnt happened to you. Your roots would be almost completely thru the plant, no visable soil. They also might show def, as they stop taking nutrients. Party Cup Comp, check the tread son:):)
dude, if u see these plants in comparison to the 3 i transplanted 3 weeks ago ud understand.. The other 3 are like twice the size.. I dunno if thats cause I transplanted or cause the 3 i transplanted were the nicest, but i honestly think its cause I transplanted... if that makes any sense... :) Just WAY WAY more vegitation on the 3 i transplanted....


Well-Known Member
Now this rootbound.

Now I agree the transplanted ones in bigger pots are growing bigger. But a rootbound plant, would be sick, and at a complete haul..


Well-Known Member
looks pretty close to me... but anyways I guess people have different defintions of rootbound..


Well-Known Member
I got soooo much shit to do tonight.................gotta write an 8 page paper... gotta clean this trash pit of an apartment.. gotta read a 300 page book... gonna get some new ass tomorrow on the plus side :hump:


Well-Known Member
Id say the plants are bigger, he root system was able to blast of like a rocket thus giving the fatter looking plants eh?? Haze2


Well-Known Member
I got banned from RIU yesterday...... by fdd... I woulda left too if he didnt re-open my account... I was soooooooo pissed...(oh, btw i opened another account) I raised hell, and told him off, probably a bad move.. Lol after telling him off for an hour, I said "fuck it" anyways, to make a long story short, he re-opened my account and you all get to see the finale of "The Fab 5" ;)

If your reading this Fdd, sorry for being a dickhead again...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yeah caught up this morning reading it all, glad your back
thanks man :mrgreen:, I deleted the majority of it, it got ugly... glad to be back though :blsmoke: I will post updates probably tomorrow, lots of new growth to show.. I appreciate the support :)


Well-Known Member
Did you ever clone these out? Im about 2 weeks from cutting mine down and they all look better than the rest of the stuff Im growing and smell better 2. I got like 20 strains growing and I was going to keep only the best 3-5 strains and from the looks of it now I will only be keeping the skunk crosses. I have the regular LA Con , OG #18 and Kushberry and they don't look half as good as the ones that were crossed, go figure. Anyways, when I get finished I will throw up some pics of all the skunk crosses so hopefully you can figure out what is what. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Did you ever clone these out? Im about 2 weeks from cutting mine down and they all look better than the rest of the stuff Im growing and smell better 2. I got like 20 strains growing and I was going to keep only the best 3-5 strains and from the looks of it now I will only be keeping the skunk crosses. I have the regular LA Con , OG #18 and Kushberry and they don't look half as good as the ones that were crossed, go figure. Anyways, when I get finished I will throw up some pics of all the skunk crosses so hopefully you can figure out what is what. :leaf:
NICE dude! :) nah, I didnt have any room to clone, :( shit cant wait to see what u got :bigjoint: