Bulk monotub shroom grow.

A boer is an afrikaner, I am an afrikaans speaking white, who grew up under the dogma of the appartheid regime that fell appart during my highschool days.

The boere or boers as you english call us were the settlers that basicaly fought for the independance of south africa... you can read about the anglo-boer war against brittian.
But its a long time ago. Today we are being murdered in a systematic genocide. Its sometimes hard not answering hate with hate. I try and treat everyone with the respect they deserve. But then again I have lots of hippie tendencies.
So were those boers on lethal weapon 2? You know the ones that called riggs a keffa lova. p.s I thought white people ran South Africa.
Lol, no, not for the last 2 decades almost, we just get to pay for everything.
Its a realy sad story, but I try to be positive and work with anyone and befriend anyone who just wants to go about an ordinary life without blameing children for the sins of the father.
sometimes I think we all need a big communal shroom session....:P

Lol the afrikaners you see in most hollywood productions all have russian accents, I think our R's makes it easy to confuse the sound between the two...
But like people in NY speak nothing like people in the deep south there is also two very strong sets of accent among us. You may be familiar with the Johannesburg accent from the movie district 9. Although that is actualy an english guy putting it on a little thick for the movie.
Lol, no, not for the last 2 decades almost, we just get to pay for everything.
Its a realy sad story, but I try to be positive and work with anyone and befriend anyone who just wants to go about an ordinary life without blameing children for the sins of the father.
sometimes I think we all need a big communal shroom session....:P

Lol the afrikaners you see in most hollywood productions all have russian accents, I think our R's makes it easy to confuse the sound between the two...
But like people in NY speak nothing like people in the deep south there is also two very strong sets of accent among us. You may be familiar with the Johannesburg accent from the movie district 9. Although that is actualy an english guy putting it on a little thick for the movie.
Yea Im from the deep south and we dont get along with Yankees too well for the most part. I like anyone who treats me with respect myself. As for you ANC your my favorite boer African any day! Sorry to hear about your countries politics. We have plenty of our own. I would love to visit Africa and maby bag me a lion or something.
I never got that.... I mean yo usee a magnificent animal in nature, minding its own business, go about what it was made to do.... And BANG! Shoot it with a camera....
I never got that.... I mean yo usee a magnificent animal in nature, minding its own business, go about what it was made to do.... And BANG! Shoot it with a camera....
I woulden't shoot a fucking lion bro it was just an African joke. I don't believe in killing anything I wouldent eat and even then I get it from the store.
Because we call it Afrika in afrikaans, Africa is just english.
That dude was a little bit extreme in his younger days and probably a bit of a white supremacist.
But, in his later years all he has been asking is for some land for the afrikaner to rule itself.
As it is the have nots decide what happens with the taxes of the haves.

When the ANC took over we had pristene infrastructure, health care system etc...
Instead of expanding things like hospitals to areas mostly inhabited by black afrikans (afrikaners are also africans), they made 50 million people take over things which were designed for not even a tenth of that.

Today our state hospitals are the last place you want to be caught dead, our roads disintegrating, our policeforce actively participating in crimes, our army laying drunk and useless in weed overgrown barracks our schools a disgrace even though they dropped the scores needed to pass a grade to something like 30%... lol, realy.

There seems to be no place for common sense.

THe ruling party refused to upgrade our electricity generation abilities in line with predictions of requirments, basicaly bringing us to our knees, while paying big bonuses to the CEO's, then they invested in Hitatchi and now got a loan from the world bank to build generators while earning over a billion rand for the ANC.... top point of corruption.
Because we call it Afrika in afrikaans, Africa is just english.
That dude was a little bit extreme in his younger days and probably a bit of a white supremacist.
But, in his later years all he has been asking is for some land for the afrikaner to rule itself.
As it is the have nots decide what happens with the taxes of the haves.

When the ANC took over we had pristene infrastructure, health care system etc...
Instead of expanding things like hospitals to areas mostly inhabited by black afrikans (afrikaners are also africans), they made 50 million people take over things which were designed for not even a tenth of that.

Today our state hospitals are the last place you want to be caught dead, our roads disintegrating, our policeforce actively participating in crimes, our army laying drunk and useless in weed overgrown barracks our schools a disgrace even though they dropped the scores needed to pass a grade to something like 30%... lol, realy.

There seems to be no place for common sense.

THe ruling party refused to upgrade our electricity generation abilities in line with predictions of requirments, basicaly bringing us to our knees, while paying big bonuses to the CEO's, then they invested in Hitatchi and now got a loan from the world bank to build generators while earning over a billion rand for the ANC.... top point of corruption.
Well I'm spelling it Afrika now that I have an Afrikan friend. I just want one of my dumb friends to try and correct me on it so I can school em. It sounds pretty rough out there man. Are you happy living there?
Yes, its just like any other place under the NWO.
I'd still choose it over say the US or the UK any day.
It is realy beautifull, as are the people.

There are a few turds in every race. Oh yeah you might find it interesting, we have 3 main races, blacks, coloureds and whites.... coloured people are brown, and look more similar to people from india and south america, they are the decendants of the bushmen or san or koisan as they are also known, the true first inhabitants of south africa, but also with lots of mixed blood from slaves like the malays etc from 300 years ago... and they are the people pulling the shortest end of the stick... alot like the aborigines in oz or even your indians in reservations, lots of alcohol abuse, broken families and everything that comes with that.... although you can't paint everyone with the same brush. Shit, I met and even worked under coloured people who had much more class than my family could ever pretend to have.

Yes, its just like any other place under the NWO.
I'd still choose it over say the US or the UK any day.
It is realy beautifull, as are the people.

There are a few turds in every race. Oh yeah you might find it interesting, we have 3 main races, blacks, coloureds and whites.... coloured people are brown, and look more similar to people from india and south america, they are the decendants of the bushmen or san or koisan as they are also known, the true first inhabitants of south africa, but also with lots of mixed blood from slaves like the malays etc from 300 years ago... and they are the people pulling the shortest end of the stick... alot like the aborigines in oz or even your indians in reservations, lots of alcohol abuse, broken families and everything that comes with that.... although you can't paint everyone with the same brush. Shit, I met and even worked under coloured people who had much more class than my family could ever pretend to have.

Yea I would choose allot of other countries than the U.S, It's overrated
I love this movie.
Dude I cant believe you busted out with that. I loved that movie when I was a kid. I havent seen it in years. I think I might watch that again for old times sake.
I don't know, but it's probably better to leave it out. Some people are sensitive that way...
Personaly I don't care much. Especialy for barry the communist obama who pretended to have studied in the US, while he was studying in Moscow. http://www.infowars.com/the-obama-spin-machine-fights-trial/

just one more lie on the stack of the demon with two faces that speak with one voice.
I don't know, but it's probably better to leave it out. Some people are sensitive that way...
Personaly I don't care much. Especialy for barry the communist obama who pretended to have studied in the US, while he was studying in Moscow. http://www.infowars.com/the-obama-spin-machine-fights-trial/

just one more lie on the stack of the demon with two faces that speak with one voice.
It's all part of the new world order and barry soetoro is a big part of it I took it off again cuz Ive already rubed fdd the wrong way a little and weather Im right or wrong I enjoy riu.
Smart move. Next try to find out what is hapening in the gulf Aden, and see the pirate attack stories for the ruse they are...