Truth oR Fact?


So you mean to tell me it's o'k to smoke something to give me cancer but i can't smoke the other thing because greedy rich people wan't the hard working man to suffer.. when i was in court i was there for drunk in public but my friend was called to face the judge and the judge stated "you are hear for cannibus" and you know what the judge gave a smurk and was looking at the charges like it was a waist of his time...
They don't want YOU to suffer, they don't want THEMSELVES to suffer. If cannabis were legalized the timber/paper/clothing industries would have a huge competitor that would wipe them out. It takes 40 years to grow enough wood to make a ton of paper, takes a fraction of that to grow hemp and make a superior paper that does not need the kinds of chemicals they use in paper.
Pot is illegal because they don't want kids abusing it and not doing what they ought to be. It is a valid concern. Of course, we all know there are better ways of keeping kids off drugs than what we are doing now.

If you ask me, the huge numbers of pot smoking slackers we have in this country don't help the cause as they are the poster children for the war on drugs. Pot should be enjoyed by people who have their shit together and have earned the right to use it - not by kids who ought to be studying for exams or bums who need to be out looking for a job.

Really, I could care less if someone wanted to smoke weed and do nothing all day, just don't apply for aid of any type. Cigarettes are only legal due to the huge tobacco industry - apples and oranges.
They don't want YOU to suffer, they don't want THEMSELVES to suffer. If cannabis were legalized the timber/paper/clothing industries would have a huge competitor that would wipe them out. It takes 40 years to grow enough wood to make a ton of paper, takes a fraction of that to grow hemp and make a superior paper that does not need the kinds of chemicals they use in paper.
that may be true, but if the companies involved in those industries were smart enough, they would adopt hemp, instead of compete with it, you know what they say, "if you can't beat em', join em'!"
yeah, it is the responsibility of the parents to take care of their children, not the government's.
i hope you realize that it is also the parents' responsibility to feed, clothe, and see to the health of their children and not the government's or the taxpayers'. it's odd that so many see no correlation between these two sets of responsibilities and are willing to allow parents to cede them to the taxpayer supported welfare state in some naive fit of compassion.
In the spirit of the opening of baseball season I would like to say that Undertheice really got a piece of that one as usual.

Not long ago I read a book called "Influence" by Robert Chialdini. It was one of those truly amazing eye opening works. In it, he discusses the subconscious nuts and bolts of how and why people are influenced to take certain action. What I learned, as would anyone who reads this book, is just how powerful certain things are when it comes to our choices.

Of particular importance is a concept called "social proof." This has to do with a natural tendency to follow the heard and it is extremely powerful in people. In fact, there are guys who even make a study of these concepts that they use to get women into bed.

The point is, we as a society must give careful consideration to what we make publicly acceptable. When we make things socially acceptable, we put these powerful motivators into motion and the effects can be downright amazing. The last thing we want is too much pot use - that could really be bad for many reasons. This is especially harmful for young people who need to be focusing on school and not fucking up in life. People concerned with eradicating poverty ought to be very concerned about kids smoking pot.

Now, I do think the way our government is handling things now is nothing short than a crime against humanity. And I think grown adults have a right to use pot responsibly or even to be fuck ups if that's what they choose. But, we do need to be responsible in setting boundaries and making it clear that pot smoking is not always the most productive use of time and not something kids ought to be doing. I think we can do a much better job of this through education, treatment and prevention than through the use of the state sponsored brute squad.