This point has been talked about, here, many times. What it all comes down to is "A little bit of knowledge is a bad thing!". People are far to quick to pick up on the concept that "Certain plant developement functions occure at night" - without thouroughly understanding the way the process works!
Yes, it's true! Cannabis grows (in actual size), mostly, at night. But darknes (in, and of, itself) does not contribute to this growth in any way! Growth is, mostly, determined by the amount and quality of: photosynthesis, nutrients and water. Photosynthesis is the "Main Engine" that makes plants work and it can only happen during "daylight" hours (when the Sun or "Lights" are shining)! Photosynthesis envolves just about every part of the plant and is (by far) the most labor intensive process a plant accomplishes. During the daylight hours, the plant gathers up light , water and nutrients and through the process of photosynthesis, convert these into "sugars" and other "pigments" that are stored away to "feed" the plant. The point is, all that keeps the plant very busy during the day. Aha! This is where plants have a tremendous advantage! They have the ability to "Timeshift" certain functions to when the plant isn't so busy (like at night, for example!). Given the chance, a plant will "grow in size" at night - but only because it did all the hard work to make that possible during daylight hours. Deprived of darkness, a plant will grow just fine under "24/7" of constant light - "Proof" that darkness, itself, doesn't do much!
During flowering, the concept is the same. Except that the duration, or length, of the "dark" period also triggers, controls and maintains the "satatus" of the plant, in regards to it being "In the flowering stage". But "Be addvised" - the amount of darkness, itself, doesn't contribute to the formation or "amount" of THC. That's stll, largly, a function of the amount and quality of photosynthesis, as well as the plants natural potential due to genetics.
To make a long story short, if you cut the "light hours" down below 12 hrs. - You are just reducing photosynthesis!. And if you are increasing the "dark hours" up above twelve hrs. - You aren't doing anything helpful anyway!
In other words, "The 12-12 Photoperiod" is just an "On-Off Switch" - not a "Volume Control"!