Advanced nutrients boycott


Active Member
its time to move on to the newest thing for some and some just do as they know .. anyone in here heard of cash crop???


Active Member
AN gives the best results as far as I can tell I have friends using lots of different stuff when I get my camera back from the shop I post some pics of the hemp star hands down the best herb in the valley and I've only seen better herb maybe 2-3 times ever been smoking for 17 years(I know post pic or shut up, give me a day or two) The hemp star is AN all the way and I think you'll be impressed.


Well-Known Member
Everybody needs to remember that you can't buy growing experience. You can spend $5000 on nutes, but still not get the results you were looking for. I mean look at the "super grow room" sticky thread. The guy spent like $15,000 on his setup and only yielded 3 lbs.

Just because you have great nutes doesn't mean you will have a great harvest. You can yield just as much using Miracle Grow nutes with some know-how as you will with the complete line of AN with little to no experience. It's more about reading your plants and knowing what they need. And its also about not believing all the hype.


Active Member
Shit, they just came out with Rosebud magazine which is basically just a giant advertisement for AN.".

Rosebud was a response to the Sunlight Supply (aka Hydrofarm, GH etc etc ) controlled Urban Garden Magazine. UG is way bigger than Rosebud and is a giant Sunlight and affiliates advertisement as well.

And whoever falls for the old AN is run by the mob tale is a fukin sucker. Sunlight reps spew that shit like piss and farts.


Well-Known Member
Rosebud was a response to the Sunlight Supply (aka Hydrofarm, GH etc etc ) controlled Urban Garden Magazine. UG is way bigger than Rosebud and is a giant Sunlight and affiliates advertisement as well.

And whoever falls for the old AN is run by the mod tale is a fukin sucker. Sunlight reps spew that shit like piss and farts.
Is UG really "controlled" by Hydrofarm and GH? Or is that just where they advertise because its a big publication? There is a huge difference. Yes UG has articles authored by GH, but this does not mean that they are "controlling" it.

Big Mike is the publisher of Rosebud, where as UG is distributed by Sunlight Supply. This is a huge difference. 99% of the ads you see in Rosebud are for AN or stores that sell AN. UG has all kinds of different companies advertising. Would you say that Sports Illustrated is controlled by Nike because they have a lot of ads in the magazine? No, you would say they are advertising there. Its the same with UG.

UG is a great publication with tons of info. Rosebud is a pile of shit full of garbage and ads for AN products. When I buy a gardening mag, I am looking for jsut that, a gardening mag. I don't want to have to sift through how to be better in bed, what online roleplaying games are the best, etc. I want grow info.


Active Member
I totally agree with you about the mags. If they werent free publications theres no way I would read either quite frankly. You will never see an AN ad in UG and you will never see a GH ad in Rosebud. It goes much deeper though. AN and Sunlight are not just competitors, they are personal enemies.

This is a fun video :
Big Mike is his usual eccentric self but what gets me is the other guy is going on camera, identifying himself as a former Sunlight rep and saying some pretty serious shit.

Bottom line for me is AN is going out there and pushing medicinal MJ. They are saying that their products are speciffically designed, engineered and tested on MJ. They are actively lobbying for better MJ legislation and are currently organizing and delivering medicinal MJ growers courses at colleges and universities all over North America.
AN has test gardens all over the place and regularly posts videos of these gardens, the results and interviews with the specific gardeners. They range from one light closet grows to warehouse sized operations..
GH/Sunlight etc and most others still to this day refuse to acknowledge the fact that
99.9999999% of their customers are using their products on MJ. The only literature they will support is related to using their products to grow strawberries and bean sprouts.

another good link:

A couple of months ago I called AN to ask about there Jumpstart product. They told me a competitor of theirs made a better product and to go buy it. THey said they were discontinuing Jumpstart untill they could come up with a better recipe than their competitor. The competing product was House and Gardens Root Excelerator. They said it was more expensive than Jumpstart but far supperior. I was shocked that they would do that. Jumpstart was litterally still on the shelf at my local Hydro store.


Well-Known Member
Go suck on somethin bro!
Alls you do is knock other brands and then come back with"try jacks classic". Ill admit, I was useing AN untill I listened to idiots like you. I was 5 weeks into flower with Big Bud and some little voice cryed out and said, "Go buy Dyna-Gro Bloom". Well I did. I used 1/4 strength and watered with 10% drain off. Couple hours later, THE CLAW. Fuck cheap nutes. There just like cheap gas. People dont like paying more for nutes, in fact my heart fucking pounds droppin 35 bucks on some Gravity. But, I do it because I KNOW it works. I tried Dyna Gro twice now. Both with the same results. Just way to strong.

As far as AN not being around more and more. Well, there are only so many shops that can represent AN. I would imagine, its the Hydro stores that can afford there packages. Some mofos just dont like em, I say try em. Youll change your mind. We need haters though. Thats what keeps me goin. Jacks Classic, phhhh, sounds like the Uncle Ben dionosuar has followers. Cheap bastards. Peace,SS

The Jack's Classics are the purest nutrients you will ever find. I've only ever grown in soil so I don't know much about dyna-gro but its what the pros that I've talked to use.

look up peters here. Then look up the nutes you use. tell me which look like "cheaper gas"
The Jack's Classics are the purest nutrients you will ever find. I've only ever grown in soil so I don't know much about dyna-gro but its what the pros that I've talked to use.

look up peters here. Then look up the nutes you use. tell me which look like "cheaper gas"

getting back to the original question - No, I haven't noticed a decrease in the Advanced Nutrients in the stores around me, but even if I did, I would just have assumed that a lot of people were buying them.

I mean, the signs for AN are still up and my hydro guys are still suggesting it to other growers, so I don't think the AN boycott thing has any merit.

I just love Advanced Nutrients so I hope it doesn't get boycotted at all. If I can't get it easily, it makes my life a bit more difficult.

And I don't want anything to be difficult - esp when it comes to my grow.



Active Member
It doesn't matter how much research a company does on their nutrients regimen, all they can do is establish a base general standard of the conditions they think most people will be growing in and improve their product according to that standard. A nutrient program that grows the best herb in the world for one grower might grow shit for his neighbor. The majority, or even all, of a particular nutritional need of a plant may be satisfied by your water source ALONE. Because of the effect of nutrient antagonism (basically, an excess of one causes a deficiency of another), unless you know exactly what is in your water to begin with before adding any nutes, or are using an RO system, you can never be sure how a nutrient program will work in your growing environment. I have seen the AN line produce impressive results and I have seen it produce complete shit. Basically, unless you are using a reverse osmosis system and an inert substrate (or you have had an analysis done on your water and your medium and know exactly what's in them) you might as well go with what you feel is your best bet, what you feel comfortable using, or what has the right price tag and the prettiest artwork. If you don't get the results you want, try something else.

Personally, I used to be a huge AN fanboy, telling everyone I know about the "nutrient challenge" and all their amazing scientific feats and the amazing results I've seen from them. And then I educated myself (have to give mad credit to uncle ben, fatman and some others on this site for linking me to great educational sources of info) on how nutrients really work and the importance of the water source, as well as concepts like nutrient antagonism, and I began to realise just how much of AN's marketing is just that: MARKETING. A lot of the claims they make now just seem downright silly to me, and I personally find their over the top style a little bit condescending, not to mention their price. They are certainly catering to the MJ grower niche and pretty much no one else.

Statements like the following, that I have ignored in the past, in my opinion now seem to insult the intelligence of the very niche they are trying to sell to: "Hey it's BigMike, and I want to give you the Big Fat BadAss Buds Blueprint a first in a short series of big bud getting special reports, video's and interviews with world class growers I've set up for you." To me this is the equivelent of saying: "Hey, this is Big Dick Darrel! I want to show YOU how you can add 3 inches to your PENIS is ONE WEEK! No more pumps! No more pills! No more gimmicks!"

"Big Fat BadAss Buds Blueprint"? Seriously? Do you think we're all thirteen years old? How can any reasonably intelligent person read that and go "OMG REALLY BIG MIKE?"

In conclusion, I don't think AN is the worst company on the planet or their nutes are the worst or anything like that. Over hyped? Certainly. Over priced and over the top? Definitely! All I'm saying is you can search the world over for growers who will tell you AN, or FF or Canna or whatever are the best nutes you can buy, but that won't make it true for YOUR SETUP. Don't be a fanboy, never assume you know everything, don't be afraid to admit you are/were wrong, do your research and you will not fail to grow some seriously chronic ganja.



Active Member
It doesn't matter how much research a company does on their nutrients regimen, all they can do is establish a base general standard of the conditions they think most people will be growing in and improve their product according to that standard. A nutrient program that grows the best herb in the world for one grower might grow shit for his neighbor. The majority, or even all, of a particular nutritional need of a plant may be satisfied by your water source ALONE. Because of the effect of nutrient antagonism (basically, an excess of one causes a deficiency of another), unless you know exactly what is in your water to begin with before adding any nutes, or are using an RO system, you can never be sure how a nutrient program will work in your growing environment. I have seen the AN line produce impressive results and I have seen it produce complete shit. Basically, unless you are using a reverse osmosis system and an inert substrate (or you have had an analysis done on your water and your medium and know exactly what's in them) you might as well go with what you feel is your best bet, what you feel comfortable using, or what has the right price tag and the prettiest artwork. If you don't get the results you want, try something else.

Personally, I used to be a huge AN fanboy, telling everyone I know about the "nutrient challenge" and all their amazing scientific feats and the amazing results I've seen from them. And then I educated myself (have to give mad credit to uncle ben, fatman and some others on this site for linking me to great educational sources of info) on how nutrients really work and the importance of the water source, as well as concepts like nutrient antagonism, and I began to realise just how much of AN's marketing is just that: MARKETING. A lot of the claims they make now just seem downright silly to me, and I personally find their over the top style a little bit condescending, not to mention their price. They are certainly catering to the MJ grower niche and pretty much no one else.

Statements like the following, that I have ignored in the past, in my opinion now seem to insult the intelligence of the very niche they are trying to sell to: "Hey it's BigMike, and I want to give you the Big Fat BadAss Buds Blueprint a first in a short series of big bud getting special reports, video's and interviews with world class growers I've set up for you." To me this is the equivelent of saying: "Hey, this is Big Dick Darrel! I want to show YOU how you can add 3 inches to your PENIS is ONE WEEK! No more pumps! No more pills! No more gimmicks!"

"Big Fat BadAss Buds Blueprint"? Seriously? Do you think we're all thirteen years old? How can any reasonably intelligent person read that and go "OMG REALLY BIG MIKE?"

In conclusion, I don't think AN is the worst company on the planet or their nutes are the worst or anything like that. Over hyped? Certainly. Over priced and over the top? Definitely! All I'm saying is you can search the world over for growers who will tell you AN, or FF or Canna or whatever are the best nutes you can buy, but that won't make it true for YOUR SETUP. Don't be a fanboy, never assume you know everything, don't be afraid to admit you are/were wrong, do your research and you will not fail to grow some seriously chronic ganja.

Quoted for fucking truth. Atleast on the first part. I think Big Mikes shit is kinda funny, if your not taking it too seriously. But people thinking that nutes are gona make them a better grower is just silly. Sure, some might be easier to dial in, and once you have them dialed in some might perform a little better, but if you havent got the experience to back things up then your nutes (no matter how expensive) arent going to magically make you better.

Water source plays a huge role, and I think its one of the most common things that people overlook. RO systems arent that expensive, and I recommend them to anyone thats trying to make their grow professional (or even just run a bit smoother).

I myself am a AN fanboy (unfortunately), but I dont deny that people can have impressive grows regardless of the nutrients they use. Ive just stuck with AN because its what im used to, and their active support in the MJ community.

Do I think AN helps my yields and quality? Ofcourse I do, or I wouldnt buy them. Even if I took the time to adjust to another nutrient company (which I dont want to do lol) I dont think theyd give me as good of results. But im not so crazy as to think that the differences are somehow astronomical.

But, as an AN fanboy, I gota throw the PH PPM perfect thing out there. I mean, can you imagine how fucking awesome that will be if it works?

EDIT: You are correct in assuming that plants can survive in the nutrients that are in tap water by the way. A curious thing the other day, I was at my cousins house, and I was outside helping his mother set up her garden. She had some big ass plants in 1-3 gallon pots, just plain old miracle grow potting soil. Now, she had taken these indoors last year to protect them from winter (she just put them next to big glass door). As I was bringing them outside, I asked her what kind of fertilizers she was using on them. To my suprise she told me she hasnt added anything to them, just watered from plain ass tap water. They had survived (and were still healthy and growing) after a fucking year. And I know all the nutrients that were in the soil had to have been flushed out by now. So apparently the plants were getting what they needed from tap water (and the tap water around here is nasty, coal mines ftl).


Well-Known Member
The reason those plants survived is without any fertilizer is because plants are able to make their own food. They don't actually "need" us to feed them. It helps a ton to give plants nutrients, but it is not required. If you just give your plants plain water, yes even RO water, and let them get enough sun they will grow just fine. If you are growing fruiting and flowering plants, you will have smaller flowers, less of them, etc, but the plant will still grow. If you are growing plants that do not flower, or are not flowering, you will see signs of deficiency in some leaves and stems, but you will have perfectly healthy ones too. You never have N def in your whole plant, usually just at the bottom because the plant transports the N to where it is needed. If the lower leaves are not "working" enough for the plant, they will drop them and continue to grow upwards toward the light in order to continue making more nutrients.


Active Member
The reason those plants survived is without any fertilizer is because plants are able to make their own food. They don't actually "need" us to feed them. It helps a ton to give plants nutrients, but it is not required. If you just give your plants plain water, yes even RO water, and let them get enough sun they will grow just fine. If you are growing fruiting and flowering plants, you will have smaller flowers, less of them, etc, but the plant will still grow. If you are growing plants that do not flower, or are not flowering, you will see signs of deficiency in some leaves and stems, but you will have perfectly healthy ones too. You never have N def in your whole plant, usually just at the bottom because the plant transports the N to where it is needed. If the lower leaves are not "working" enough for the plant, they will drop them and continue to grow upwards toward the light in order to continue making more nutrients.

True, kind of feel like an idiot now for forgetting high school biology. Thanks lol.


Well-Known Member
Fuck the good ol' boys club!

This argument is a circle jerk. This is about PRINCIPLES, and business ethics. If a manufacturer says they are the best than they will be put to the test. At the end of the day it is them that has to live with either the success or failures of their claims. Competition is the reason that the good ol' boys are mad. They don't want any. Competition is the fuel for innovation. Without it business goes nowhere.

Let me ask you this. What did House & Garden Van Swaan nutrients ever do to Urban Garden or Maximum Yield, or Hydrofarm or National Garden Wholesale, or BWGS wholesalers, huh?
Why won't they sell their products or allow them to advertise in thier magazines? They never said they were specifically designed for growing Cannabis. Yet they experience the same blackout treatment that Advanced Nutrients gets. It is most likely because they did not want to be corporate whores to the Good Ol' Boys. They, like Advanced Nutrients wanted to be recognized as their own company not a servant to Hydrofarm or Sunlight Supply (National Garden Wholesale) or BWGS. Most of the products you buy with the Hydrofarm name on them were made by independent contractors who placed a Hydrofarm sticker on it and you think "wow, Hydrofarm makes alot of stuff they are so cool" NOT. It's the Wal -Mart way of raping your suppliers. This is what the Good Ol' boys do when you don't want to give them a slice of your pie. And if you are stupid enough to go along with their game the piece of pie is never enough.

So go ahead and say what you will about Advanced Nutrients. Truth be told at least they have the balls to stand up for what is right.


Well-Known Member
AN is still on the shelves where I am.

Sunlight Supply can try to flex their muscles all they want but I don’t think Big Mike is the guy to mess with like that. They’ve picked a fight with the wrong guy I think.


Active Member
advaned is lame. the people who work there are idiots.
Hmm, you've posted a whole 5 times and this is what you post? *cough* shill

Getting back to the conversation....

All the stores around me carry Advanced Nutrients and the guys are always talking them up. All my friends used AN too right now. I don't see any boycott here. From what I can tell, AN is growing where I'm at.


Misguided Angel
I have been using AN for over a year now and I like the results I have been getting. I use canna nutes for years before that and liked them as well. I used miracle gro nutes before that and liked them but was told that MG is junk. In my experience I have found that I am getting the best results with AN, not huge leaps and bounds over canna, but enough for me to continue using it. My first grow with AN was brutal, I burnt the shit outta my poor girls almost the whole grow. One thing I will say about AN is that you do not even come close to mixing as per the bottle, this shit is strong. Now that I have my grows dialed in it is a no brainer. I also do not buy the whole product line as they say you should. I am currently running Sensi A/B, big bud and bud candy with good results in flowering. I think if I try something else next it will be GH. If you have tried AN and do not like it, then that is fine with me. But do not jusge it until you try it personally. As others have said another reason I like AN is because they are not afraid to market it as a MJ product, and they do a lot for the cause.
Advanced is marketing genius! The hydroponic stores that carry Advanced "talk up" the product because advanced was offering a kickback credit on their overall sales. The more the store sold the bigger percentage/ credit they recieved. Advanced just recently dropped this program so you may notice a drop in the "Talking Up".

To all you Advanced Nutrient Lovers and "NEW" product lovers. I just came across a company called "Gro High Cal". Some of their products have ingredients that I have not come across in any other hydroponic products. Their "Rain" product is formulated with pharmacutical grade Potassium Tri-Poly Phosphate, along with seaweed and humic acid. Has anyone ever heard of anything like that?

I used rain along with their complete set of other products and noticed a considerable difference when compared to Advanced. Unfortunatley, it is not easy to find. I know they are a California based company so you may only be able to find it in CA. I am not trying to sell the product, I just think they have really cool products!