1st Grow: The Autos Under the Stairs- 600w


Well-Known Member
Hey all!

After years of lurking, dreaming, and paying 90 a half for schwag, ive jumped in...

-600w dig greenhouse hps w/ easy cool 6 hood
-160 cfm 6" inline fan for exhaust. Passive intake.
-two 4" stationary fans near intake kicking cool air up to the rear of
- A 12" ocillating fan thats agitating air between the hood and canopy

Genetics all from Attitude:
-10 fem Joint Dr. EasyRyder
-7 fem World of Seeds Afghan Kush Ryder
With this order i got 5 freebie fem seeds 1 of which is a Dinafem Fruit auto that will be grown w this group.

(i threw away alot of $$$ here on gimmicks possibly, ima sucker...lol)
-Greenfuse Root Stimulant
-Norwegian Kelp meal
-Fox Farms 3 part liquid, GB, BB, TB.
-AN sensizym
-AN B-52
-AN Overdrive
-AN Bud Candy
-The Guano Companys Super Tea Mix (5-5-1)

Plants to be grown in 2 gallon bags, filled ~3/4 full with-
-ProMix HP amended with roughly 10% perlite and 1 cup per cu.ft. TGC's Super Tea Mix.
Each pot was then dug out in the middle and topped off with-
-Fox Farms Light Warrior, also amended with roughly 10% perlite.

18 seeds were placed in wet paper towels and marinated on top of the power brick for my 360, within 36 hours all had popped cept for 1 easyryder...

4-1-10 - 17 seeds went directly into their permanent homes root pointing down, approx 1/2 inch below the soil. note the soil was soaked in a solution of root stimulant and kelp meal prior, @ a strength of 3ml/ gallon.

After 4 days in paper towel the easyryder did nothing-- so planted it outside.. good luck to it lol.

My grow area is kinda funny but has its perks.. its in that akward space that is made under stairs, floor dimentions are 35"x72" but the "ceiling" runs @ a 45 deg. angle, height varies from 0" at one end to 72" at the other end... Access to this area is a 2'x2' opening on the side. (pics below) So, the way it works out im allowed roughly a 35"x30" canopy/medium area>> hopefully 17 autos finishing in there wont get out of control, and minimal pruning is necessary.

4-3-10 - all have broke surface, the 600hps is my only light source, it is 30" above the seedlings, running on a 20/4 cycle. Lights on= ~38% rh, and ~79 deg F. Lights off= ~51% rh, and ~67 deg F. This day they were also watered w a solution of root stimulant @ 3ml/gallon, B-52 @ 3ml/gallon, and kelp meal @ 1 tsp/gallon.

4-7-10 - all have developed their first set of real leaves.. watered today w straight water.

4-9-10 - PICS!!

Let it be known i graciously accept all critique both positive and negative, ima try to keep up on this thing, ive read sooo many journals here and learned sooo much, this is sort of my feeble newb attempt to give a lil back. :peace:



Active Member
looks like a spot i would have to turned into a "club house" when i was 7.bongsmilie
good call on that one... Might eventually be one.

when I say this, I assume this is an apartment and that other people may eventually move in. But I guess it's possible if it's a house as well.


Well-Known Member
lol.. nice ta see yall :)

its a house.. my moms- shes cool as shit for not bein a smoker, i moved in w her n started college last fall, this is my student loan investment....

Im gonna give the ladies a well dilluted nute cocktail in the morning, the pots are gettin light now and they have 3 hours left of daylight, so i fig theyll be fine till "sun-up"


Well-Known Member
4-11-10, in the AM, plants were fed a solution consisting of the following:

-GF root stim @ 3ml/gallon
-AN sensizym @ 3ml/liter
-AN B52 @ 1ml/liter
-FF big bloom @ 1 tbs/gallon
-FF grow big @ 5ml/gallon

They seem to like the feed, was worried about burn as i have read numerous cases of nute sensitivity... heres a couple pics from last night (4-12-10) #3 is easyryder, #4 is afghan kush.

-10 days from breaking soil/10 days old-



Well-Known Member
hey all!

in the wee hours of the 15th day of april my young prepubescent ladies were fed the following:

-AN B-52 @ 2ml/liter
-AN sensizym @ 3ml/liter
-FF grow big @ 7ml/gallon
-FF big bloom @ 2tbs/gallon

Things are going well, i have a cpl lanky phenos i believe, the rest are rather robust tho... growing quickly... i was looking at the bottom of the pots today while tidying up my nook, and theres roots poking out the bottom holes!! 13 days from sprout, in a 2 gallon bag!! lacking experience i can only see this as a sign of vigor/health...

pics!! #2 is the easyryder ive been following in previous posts, and #3 is the afghan kush... :weed:



Well-Known Member
Aww yeah! I fed last night and upon inspection found pistils!! Yezzir, wish i had a better cam than my 2mp blackberry-- By today @ noon 15 of 17 were showin ladyparts!!

All plants were fed a solution of the following:

-FF growbig @ 10ml/gallon
-FF bigbloom @ 4tbs/gallon
-AN B52 @ 2ml/liter
-AN sensizym @ 3ml/liter
-AN budcandy @ 1ml/liter
-kelp meal @ 1/2tbs/gallon

Heres a cpl pics of the bushy lil babes.. :hump: #2 is the ER, #3 is the AKR.. Sorry the pics are under hps and cell phone style, lol, its my only way of documenting them...



Well-Known Member

Just wanted to note all my favs have shown sexies-- 16/17 were female... The only one to show male was the dinafem fruit automatic. He was also the runt, upon its sprout the seed casing stayed firmly attached, it as cutting into the cotlydons, when it finally fell off all that was left was two tiny emerging "real leaves", though it gained vigor it was stunted, i caught him very early...

Now in my tiny alcove are 16 thriving ladies. 9 Easyryder and 7 Afghan Kush ryder.... When i get back home ill snap a couple pics, there are bud sites aplenty!! Im doing a little leaf tucking to keep branches exposed. As they are so dense, the branches shot right up tight to the fan leaves directly above them and stopped. After tucking they are starting to shoot up to the stalks height, rapidly too might i add :-P

But yeah yeah pics in a bit... Gotta go to class!!


Well-Known Member
Is the stretch that occurs in flowering due to a photoperiod change, or is it just a part of the flowering cycle?? It makes no difference, im just curious-- lol