Yea im thinking about getting some green cure and spraying the mothers. I heard its like herpes tho. The gift that keeps on giving haha. Ive heard of the milk thing...
I think bakingsoda works better.
The cuttings are going outside so i dont think it will get to bad. IF i give the clones a good grow space.. i wonder if they wont get it.
Sorry bro ....nothing so far kills PM permanently...there is no cure.... only treatments...Freakin herpes for weed
PM is systemic..its inside your plant...if you take cuttings from an infected plant its passed on to the cuts
PM spread to all my strains... even strains I thought were resistant to the PM..Bubba White widow Northern lights
I've had PM for a few years.....try everything new on the market to control or kill it when I hear about it
Organically.....the best thing I have come across is Greencure....10-12 day intervals or spot spray as need daily
Chemically...the best thing is Eagle 20 EW...systemic 30 day residual
Thanks California for the killer clones with PM
Reguardless of what you will always come back...Unless you strip clean your GR and start from seed fresh or a clean clone