My Plant is not looking healthy!! Pics inside


Active Member
Hey guys...

Is this plant dying? It isn't looking healthy at all! It sprouted about 2.5 weeks ago and a lot of the leaves are looking droopy/dying.... also it was growing very fast but it appears the last few days its growth has somewhat stunted

It's an easy ryder plant growing in Bio-Buzz allmix under a 250w CFL, I haven't given it any nuts yet and im using bottled water.

The leaves at the very bottom are all dry and crispy while the ones at the top are better, surely the bottom leaves shouldnt be dying already?

I have no idea what's going on :(



Well-Known Member
I'm guessing that it's not getting enough water when it's watering time, preventing the roots from growing and filling the pot. Roots won't grow into areas that never get wet, so it's possible that they have stalled because they've already filled the areas that get watered. Do you water thoroughly when you water? It's important to make sure that the edges of the pot get moistened, or else the roots won't be able to grow outwards to those areas.

Just a guess. :)


Well-Known Member
its an auto-flower... they need lotsa nutes. its starving.
the plant will consum it leaves for nutes it cant get out of the soil just like a mammal will burn fat when it cant eat....

you need to give it some 20-20-20 or 10-20-10. id go with the 20-20-20 personally at first, then switch over to the 10-20-10


Active Member
its an auto-flower... they need lotsa nutes. its starving.
the plant will consum it leaves for nutes it cant get out of the soil just like a mammal will burn fat when it cant eat....

you need to give it some 20-20-20 or 10-20-10. id go with the 20-20-20 personally at first, then switch over to the 10-20-10

is that why i have a huge array of tiny leaves as well?


Active Member
yea man those lil leaves ill grow bigger dont worry but like these dudes said....water and feed them!!!!

Okay basically there aren't any shops near me to get fertiliser i've got two things available to me at the present time in my posession.

One is a fairly weak fertilizer which is about 6-5-5 and then i have a flowering fert which is 0-49-32... what should I do? wait 4-5 days for something to come on order or feed it with one of those?


Active Member
I watered it and gave it some balanced nuts and its still not really grown at all overnight, when can i expect it to start shooting up again?


there are many possibilites why your plant is like this...
1. its an auto flower, it looks to be confused, not knowing what to do, like its in shock. my plants were stunted once for 60 days, i thought they were dead, basically lots of flushing, not messing with it and eventually it will come back.
2. ive read before that certain bottle waters are too clean, they strip alot of the stuff plants use because its for us to drink not plants. bottle water has alot of stuff added for taste, not really for plants the best is to use reverse osmosis
3.lastly be patient, as long as the plant is green its alive and growing, maybe next time do not using an autoflower, that way you deceide when it flower and how much to veg it. when you leave it up to the plant things like this happen


Active Member
if i was you i would use 6-5-5 fert what you have . Give your plants a blast of that fert and see what happens in a week .
I would only give your plants quater strenth , then that may bring colour back into your plants . The dead , dry ,crispy leafs might as well get cut off as they wont get better , Your plants will try to make them better but just cut them off as your plants will use all their energy trying to fix the dead leaf to no availe


Well-Known Member
I think that the problem lie's with the lighting that you are useing and not the plant.There is a little damage on the bottom set of leaves these are prob the result of some kind of burn be it nutes or excess salt in the medium.I would get some more light and either add on to what you have or get a 4 set of t5's.The plant may be a indica strain indica grow in this manner.