Well-Known Member
choose your political stand (shao kahn quote)
Even in Amsterdam pot is technically illegal - it is decriminalized.
The problem with full legalization is that it would put the full force of the free market behind the pot industry which wouldn't be good. People need to realize how easily the public can be persuaded into doing things and accepting things. Full legalization would create a lot of new abusers and let's face it; pot can rob you of your ambition. In fact, I don't really advocate too much pot smoking. I just think people ought to be free to step on their own dick if they so choose.
I am good with people smoking in their own home if they choose, but I do think it would be detrimental to society to have advertisements for weed everywhere. No, vices are OK as long as kept on the down low. But, the public arena is no place to flaunt them. Respectable public conduct and decorum is one of the most important things in any society and standards must be upheld and respected. What people do in private is their business.
how can you be such a hypocrite? you advocate the individual's freedom of choice on one hand, then declare that the individual is incapable of properly exercising that same freedom of choice. the only question now is which circle of hell you should be assigned to.The problem with full legalization is that it would put the full force of the free market behind the pot industry which wouldn't be good. People need to realize how easily the public can be persuaded into doing things and accepting things. Full legalization would create a lot of new abusers and let's face it; pot can rob you of your ambition.
Even in Amsterdam pot is technically illegal - it is decriminalized.
The problem with full legalization is that it would put the full force of the free market behind the pot industry which wouldn't be good. People need to realize how easily the public can be persuaded into doing things and accepting things. Full legalization would create a lot of new abusers and let's face it; pot can rob you of your ambition. In fact, I don't really advocate too much pot smoking. I just think people ought to be free to step on their own dick if they so choose.
I am good with people smoking in their own home if they choose, but I do think it would be detrimental to society to have advertisements for weed everywhere. No, vices are OK as long as kept on the down low. But, the public arena is no place to flaunt them. Respectable public conduct and decorum is one of the most important things in any society and standards must be upheld and respected. What people do in private is their business.
how can you be such a hypocrite? you advocate the individual's freedom of choice on one hand, then declare that the individual is incapable of properly exercising that same freedom of choice. the only question now is which circle of hell you should be assigned to.
you can't have it both ways. can't you see that you are asking the law to micromanage morality? you are essentially saying that adults shouldn't be prosecuted for enjoying an occasional number, but we should put up with that infringement on their rights because parents might not be able to control their own children and the worst case scenario dictates that some may choose to take their freedoms too far. that's the very same mentality that keeps this insane prohibition going.While I do not want to see people prosecuted for smoking a joint, I do think it is best if a slight negative stigma remains. We don't want young kids thinking it is OK to smoke weed which would unquestionably happen were it fully legalized.
you can't have it both ways. can't you see that you are asking the law to micromanage morality? you are essentially saying that adults shouldn't be prosecuted for enjoying an occasional number, but we should put up with that infringement on their rights because parents might not be able to control their own children and the worst case scenario dictates that some may choose to take their freedoms too far. that's the very same mentality that keeps this insane prohibition going.
by the way, i looked it up and it seems you are destined for the sixth circle. don't worry, you'll have plenty of company.![]()
gee, i'm sorry. i honestly thought that if the hypocrisy of your stance was pointed out, you might at least admit the validity of the argument. obviously i was wrong. your argument is as insane as penalizing people for eating peanuts just because some folks are allergic to them. allowing people the natural right to ingest whatever substances they wish is not the same as glorifying it and permitting the sale of those substances is not the same as handing it out to everyone that asks. what you suggest is not compartmentalizing, it is rationalizing the use of totalitarian tactics for the welfare of society and is the same nonsense shoved down our throats by the liberal establishment for every other program that is supposedly for our own good. if you are a proponent of individual liberty, you can't just go around picking and choosing what sort of activities are acceptable. as long as those activities interfere with the rights of no one else, they are a matter of personal choice and of no concern to any authority. desiring anything short of that places you firmly in the same camp as the proponents of intrusive big government and mob rule, you just haven't yet realized what an enemy of liberty you really are.You need to learn to compartmentalize. Just because you like doing something and think people ought to have a right to do it, doesn't mean it ought to be held up as an example for all to follow.
If a dietitian enjoys eating cheese cake and pizza, it doesn't mean he should recommend it as part of a proper diet.
Weed can cause significant problems for a lot of people and can be detrimental to society. Sure, some can smoke a bit and it doesn't inter fear with their life, but for others this isn't the case.
I do not want Nazi storm troopers breaking in the doors of law abiding citizens for matters as trivial as weed. But, this point of view does not also mean that I think they should sell 9 kinds of pot at your local 7-11.
Everything in life needs balance and moderation. There needs to be a yin to balance out the yang.
See what I'm saying?
gee, i'm sorry. i honestly thought that if the hypocrisy of your stance was pointed out, you might at least admit the validity of the argument. obviously i was wrong. your argument is as insane as penalizing people for eating peanuts just because some folks are allergic to them. allowing people the natural right to ingest whatever substances they wish is not the same as glorifying it and permitting the sale of those substances is not the same as handing it out to everyone that asks. what you suggest is not compartmentalizing, it is rationalizing the use of totalitarian tactics for the welfare of society and is the same nonsense shoved down our throats by the liberal establishment for every other program that is supposedly for our own good. if you are a proponent of individual liberty, you can't just go around picking and choosing what sort of activities are acceptable. as long as those activities interfere with the rights of no one else, they are a matter of personal choice and of no concern to any authority. desiring anything short of that places you firmly in the same camp as the proponents of intrusive big government and mob rule, you just haven't yet realized what an enemy of liberty you really are.
Once again Under the Ice nails it.
i may seem a bit harsh on the matter, especially that last sentence, but i have never claimed to be other than the patient anarchist and the liberty of the individual is of paramount importance to such fools as i. we willingly pay the price for our follies, but demand the full reward of that risk.
Rick your statement really surprises me.Even in Amsterdam pot is technically illegal - it is decriminalized.
Putting the full-force of the free market in play for legal activity is always good. No exceptions.The problem with full legalization is that it would put the full force of the free market behind the pot industry which wouldn't be good. People need to realize how easily the public can be persuaded into doing things and accepting things. Full legalization would create a lot of new abusers and let's face it; pot can rob you of your ambition. In fact, I don't really advocate too much pot smoking. I just think people ought to be free to step on their own dick if they so choose.
Now you, RickWhite, have a problem with the First Amendment.I am good with people smoking in their own home if they choose, but I do think it would be detrimental to society to have advertisements for weed everywhere. No, vices are OK as long as kept on the down low. But, the public arena is no place to flaunt them. Respectable public conduct and decorum is one of the most important things in any society and standards must be upheld and respected. What people do in private is their business.
i fully accept that reprimand. baldly stating one's honest opinion is one of those follies, a risk with little reward but the satisfaction of being able to do so.yes, that last sentence was kind of "dickish"![]()