Amphetamine + Cannabis = Safe?


Well-Known Member
Basically my question is it safe to combine amphetamine (let's say a dose of 45 mg) with the ganja? The only reason why I'm asking this is because both substances raise your heart rate, so I don't know if it's something I should worry about or not. In past experiences, I've cominbined herb with Adderall, but it was only 15 mg and I was fine.

P.S. I have a moderately low tolerance for amphetamine.


its safe to smoke the ganja with everything
yeah id agree with that ,as im on about 15 prescriped tablets for all sorts of varies things as well,and its never interfered with them,i no it was on a slightley different note of drug..:eyesmoke: but i bet its the only drug thats actualy working as none of me tablets do nothing


Well-Known Member
There is no recreational drug that mixes poorly with marijuana. Aaah, the feeling of exhaling a big toke while on mushrooms. =)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Victozap, if you have never tried that before I would recommend that you smoke something near even indica/sativa, or indica dominant. I have seen some people when mixing speed with sativas get pretty paranoid and such.


The only reason why I'm asking this is because both substances raise your heart rate, so I don't know if it's something I should worry about or not.
If you are healthy don't worry about it. I had been taking addies all night and smoking sativas like it was my job, my heart rate (after sitting down for over an hour) was 120bpm.


Active Member
I say take some amphetamines and smoke some weed it gets you in this trance its pretty wicked. But don't roll a joint with amphets the taste of the weed gets ruined. But the cool thing is that your mouth gets numb for a while :D


Well-Known Member
Unless you have a medical reason to take amphetamines, I say leave that shit's all poison. Combining it with weed isn't going to make it any worse, though.


Victozap, if you have never tried that before I would recommend that you smoke something near even indica/sativa, or indica dominant. I have seen some people when mixing speed with sativas get pretty paranoid and such.


If you are healthy don't worry about it. I had been taking addies all night and smoking sativas like it was my job, my heart rate (after sitting down for over an hour) was 120bpm.
i been in and out of hospital,have had 3 operations and half me insides taken out,over the last 4 years,and been on loads of tablets which i still am,about 12 different ones i take,and during all this been smoking and taking stuff and my blood pressure and heart rate was ok,never once went high or nothing.nor did the smoking and taking what i was taking ever interefered,with any of my other tablets (prescribed ones )my 3 operations,any of the tests ive had,which ive had the full works,and done em all at least half a dozen times each,blood checked all the time,heart rate,blood presure,etc.but thats just my story,i supppose it will depend on what and how much you take...and i was taking a fair i wouldnt worry to much about your blood presure or heart rate going up to much..:weed:
I read once that cannabis prolongs the stimulant effects of amphetamine. It was an old book tho, so don't know if this has been discredited.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
the only reason your heart races is the anti-bodies racing around from all that smoke. The pills are no good to mix usually ever. No Booze ever some of that stuff hits alcohol and sizzles in your liver --like ajax and ammonia. hehehee... Get a Vaporizer no headrushes or heart rate bumps---as a matter of fact the noids clear your lungs up gets the tar out of the lungs. Me no cough no more unless dust or elements outside---me vape alot a day like I smoke 2 joints before I smoke 2 joints a lot HAHAAHA

dank nug

Active Member
when i was tweaking weed always brought me back up. i was smoking everyday and o.d'd and three days later i smoked weed and it brought me back up and i thought i was going to have a heart attack. so i wouldnt recommend it. people are probably going to call b.s. but......