Extra CFL ?


Active Member
Ok im still in the first wk but i wanted to get some extra lights just to give it a lil more lumens but all the spiral ones i c r soft white and i dont want those right i found ones wit 23wat wit 1800 lumens but there soft white will those wrk or stick to daylight that i cant find

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
I have never grown marijuana or intend to. Anything I post is knowledge gained from reading, not personal experience. Any pictures I post were aquired on the web or are fakes. Whatever ---HAHA

Read about CFL's and the manufacturers rating for color vs. name Ie: Soft white.

Mixing color is no biggie either. I am flowering in spring weather and have some 2700 color in my vegging room. It is a plant people grow them inside all the time in office buildings under all kinds of colored light. The length of the day is a biggie. Not saying it is not important to use the right color for the pinnacle of performance yet mixin wont hurt some like too, while they sing lulla byes to their plants as well hahaha!


Dude! the cfl lights are great! and i have been using 26 watt 2700k cfl bulbs from seedling all the way to the end. and have had great results. Good luck!


Active Member
I dunna if there soft or not this is everything the box says light output:1750,Energy used:26watts,Life"8000hrs. and it says energry star on the front 26watts=100watts general purpose,None of them at walmart said anythin bout daylight only soft white so i figured since these say general purpose and they put out 1750 lums it should be good righ..Thats appreciate everythin guys ill take a hit or two for yall keep smoking and happy growing


Well-Known Member
try to use a mixed spectrum, or if you cant- using all red or all blue spectrum during veg doesnt matter, the results will be almost completely the same either way. a mixed spectrum does better than either spectrum alone though.


Active Member
I dunna if there soft or not this is everything the box says light output:1750,Energy used:26watts,Life"8000hrs. and it says energry star on the front 26watts=100watts general purpose,None of them at walmart said anythin bout daylight only soft white so i figured since these say general purpose and they put out 1750 lums it should be good righ..Thats appreciate everythin guys ill take a hit or two for yall keep smoking and happy growing
in the tutorial sicc posted it mentions
Bulbs ranging in the 2700K-3000K spectrum are usually labeled Warm White or Soft White
so your all set for flowering but for veg your gonna want 5000-6500k otherwise your wasting electrcity on light the plants cant use as effectively, though its still better than not using them at all

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
man i go from start to finish with warm specturm
all i buy is 42w bulbs 2700 warm to soft
this helps keep your plant short and bushy


Active Member
man i go from start to finish with warm specturm
all i buy is 42w bulbs 2700 warm to soft
this helps keep your plant short and bushy
so the bulbs i have now r for flowering not just normal lightin considering im still in seedlign stage should i turn them off???thanks appreciate everythin this whole hydroponics is nothin like lettin mother nature do its job,even thou i think i no my answer i cant put these into 12-12 when they poke thru the hole can i ive read ppl using the garden to start frm seedling to flower or is that only auto flower i got auto indica and bubblecious

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
outside of auto's 12/12 is also how you would control the height of your plant
yes you can 12/12 form seed and get an ok size bud
here read this

this is a little help guide i've been putting together
copy and past what you want


cherry popping grow technic for indoor soil growing
(get a few grows under your built before jumping into advanced cultivation, learn the basic)bongsmilie

a good location, soil, nutes, lights, and co2 can only take you so far
big buds and good yeilds are based on genes and growing skills

plant life is tipicaly
2wks-1month veg 24/0 or 18/6
2-3 month flower 12/12
4 months (maybe 3) all together from seed to cured smoke

everything can be found at any bigbox store

place seed in a cup of water
check every day untill you see seed crack and or tap root
then place in a 1in deep hole covered with soil, in a 1 gal pot full of soil
now get a digital thermometer, one with a temperature and a humidity gauge
optional items : heater, a/c, dehumidifier
maintain lights on temps of 70-80 (with co2 you can let it go as high as 95)
at lights off stay above 60. keep humidity around 40%-60% light on/off
when you see a sprout
place light (26 or 42 watt CFL 2700k warm with hood and clamp) over it keeping light as close as 2-4 in.
one bulb type can be used from start to finish, but better results can be had by switching bulb color
...........cfl 6500 Kelvin (cool blueish/ white color spectrum) =to mh used for vegging bushing stem leaf
...........cfl 2700 Kelvin (warm redish/orange color spectrum) =to hps used for blooming fruiting budding
as the plant gets bigger add more light (if you use mh or hps follow light distance
guidelines, you'll find out more about them as you advance in you grow skill)
now time for veg growth
get a light with hood (and put it on an on/off timer set timer for 18/6)
water plants ever 2-3 days or when soil is dry
after 2 weeks of just plain water introduce nutes at 1/4 strength, every other water
when picking nutes (fertilizer) try to keep it simple npk are the 3 numbers (xx-xx-xx) on the container of fertilizer
for veg pick a nute high in N and low in PK
for flowering pick a nute high in P and slightly lower in K and verylow in N
N: nitrogen is used to stimulate new vegetative growth and overall health.
P2O5: phosphorus oxide is used to stimulate flower development and rooting.
K2O: potassium oxide is used to stimulate stem growth and overall health
a great fert for beginners are any tomato plant fertilizer
inrich air with co2 if you gat it (not needed if less then 6 plants, just open a window or pump in fresh air)
after 2wks too a months of vegging its time to sex and flower
tranpants to a 3-5gal pot
if still useing CFL's double or triple the amount of lights (the more light the more dence and bigger the buds will be)
set timer for 12/12 (depending on strain plants can double even triple in size (height) in this stage)
this will show sex and flower your plants, giving you smokable buds
keep the female's they grow white hairs
discard the males they grow grape like ball clusters (pollen sacs)
discard the hermi they grow both sex (re. if it has balls on it discard it)
give it 2 wks of 12/12 then increase nutes
lights will stay on 12/12 untill finish which could be 8-14 wks depending on strain dominates :
short plant with fat wide leaf = indicas = 8-10 wks,
tall plant with long skiny leaf = sativas = 10-14 wks
by far the best way to tell when the plant is ready to harvest is by looking at the trichome
you want to harvest at about a 40%-50% red to white ratio. you will need a minimum 30x zoom microscope (radio shack)
flush plant by feeding plain water no nutes for last 2 wks (improves taste)
cut, hang, dry 5-7 days @ 40%-50% humidity

place in mason jars sealed tight for 12hr in a dark place
open jar and take buds out and let dry for 30m to 1hr or untill dry to touch
replace in jars resealed in a dark place
repeat this for 2wks to a month or untill buds nolonger become wet in jar after 12hr
now smoke
or seal away for long term store

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____
cherry popping grow technic for indoor hydro growing
(get a few grows under your built before jumping into advanced cultivation, learn the basic)
this is just a basic understanding of hydroponics. great info for a first timer, many grower do differant
things differant ways, this is just a starting point gather as much info as you can before you start a hydro
grow. if this is your first time growing try mastering soil first it's much more forgiving
first choose your hydro system (hempy and dwc are the simplest, but there are many others)
as far as water and nutes go, over time, you have to find what works best for you
get some hydro specific nutes (non-hydro nutes can successfully be used in some setups )
when picking nutes (fertilizer) try to keep it simple npk are the 3 numbers (xx-xx-xx) on the container of fertilizer
for veg pick a nute high in N and low in PK
for flowering pick a nute high in P and slightly lower in K and verylow in N
N: nitrogen is used to stimulate new vegetative growth and overall health.
P2O5: phosphorus oxide is used to stimulate flower development and rooting.
K2O: potassium oxide is used to stimulate stem growth and overall health
most likely not a hydro nute but may work for your system, but a great fert for beginners are any tomato plant fertilizer
now get some water (tap is a good start but rain/snow is the best )
germ seeds or get clones (ezer with clones)
you'll also need a digital ph and ppm meter for liquid
one that is waterproof and has a replaceable probe
and should be able to tell you the pH range 1-14 and ppm range 1-1999
after adding nutes to water, test ph before adjusting because you may not have too
understand that water (plain) already has a ph value
you will need to invest in some ph up and down "the kind for fish tanks works fine"
try to keep hydro ph levels between 5.5-6.5
basic growroom info:
maintain lights on temps of 70-80 (with co2 you can let it go as high as 95)
at lights off stay above 60. keep humidity around 40%-60% light on/off
inrich air with co2 if you gat it (not needed if less then 6 plants, just open a window or pump in fresh air)
ppm level:
understand that water (plain) already has a ppm value and when you figure
out what ppm you want to run do not exclude your's water's value in the calculation
when adding nutes start at 1/4 strength and build from there
water + nutes = xxxx ppm
Clones 200-400 ppm
veg 400-800 ppm
veg-flower 800-1000 ppm
flower 1000-1400 ppm
(if useing an ec meter shoot for 0.8-1.4 for veg and 1.6-2.4 for flower, every strain varies.)
keep ppm's as low as you can untill you master the grow method and strain used
each strain likes differant ranges of ph and ppms
try to keep reservoir temps around 65-75
the reservoir should not be transparent (lights + water + nutes + roots = algea !!not good)
breeding grounds for bacteria
typically the reservoir should be changed every 2weeks
flush plant by filling final reservoir change with plain ph'd water
cut, hang, dry 5-7 days @ 40%-50% humidity
place in mason jars sealed tight for 12hr in a dark place
open jar and take buds out and let dry for 30m to 1hr or untill dry to touch
replace in jars resealed in a dark place
repeat this for 2wks to a month or untill buds nolonger become wet in jar after 12hr
now smoke
or seal away for long term store

rules to a successful longterm grow
1. tell NOone
2. NEVER ever break rule 1
3. dont grow where you dont own
4. restrict weapons of any kind on property
5. be seen, but keep a low profile in community
6. suppress or eliminate odors emanating from grow room
7. pay your bills
8. descretly acquire & place items
9. descretly despose of waste
10. don't talk to the police. if caught tell them your name and ask for your lawyer. say nothing, sign
nothing. sign nothing that says you said nothing. ask for your lawyer

I just bought 50 of those CFLs. 26wt, but = 100wts. The ones that you have are the exact same as mine. GE brand right? They are the 2700k, and the right spectrum for flowering. The package didnt indicate what the kelvins were so I called the 1-800 number on the package and asked tech support and they told me that they were the 2700k. Part # 15517???
I am adding 8 bulbs each on three sides for a total of 24 as supplemental ligting for the 2 1000wt HPS in my room which will give me a total of 4400wts!!! Im stoked to see what kind of improvement I gain.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
if it dont say what k you have on the bulb
there is an ez test to see
its not 100% but it's damn close
hold a white sheet of paper under the light
if it looks redish orange it a warm soft white used for flowering close as hell to 2700 kelvin as it get
but if it looks blueish white its a cool brite white or natral light used for vegging close to 6500 kelvin

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
it takes time but there are terms that they use but 9 out of 10 times if it doesn't say the kelven then its a warm bulb used for flowering


so should i remove them considering im not flowering
Yes certain hormones are released due to certain light temp. 6500k promotes foliage and energy production, so it is used to veg because the more leaves you have increases the energy production and surface area for CO2 absorption as well as better respiration. 2700-3000k promotes stem growth and flowering hormones which go hand in hand beacause weak branches cant support heavy buds, the plant knows that.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Yes certain hormones are released due to certain light temp. 6500k promotes foliage and energy production, so it is used to veg because the more leaves you have increases the energy production and surface area for CO2 absorption as well as better respiration. 2700-3000k promotes stem growth and flowering hormones which go hand in hand beacause weak branches cant support heavy buds, the plant knows that.
i grow with only 2700 and do fine
the whole plant tends to grow shorter and tighter with leaf set closer together