Well-Known Member
There have been a few threads by/about people with clinical depression - but very few people know how clinical depression differs from having the blues. I'd like people to give their experience and understanding, if you know someone that you think is clinically depressed - or if you think that you are - ask some questions if you're up to it. Say Hi if you're not.
No one will ridicule on this thread without the post being reported and dealt with by RUI staff immediately, if you find this forum too open please private message me and I will at least be a supportive person that you can talk to. I'm running this thread to reach out to the people who need help but have been scared into silence by forum bullies. And for healthy people who want to understand clinical depression.
I've been dealing with my own depression (bi polar + rage) for 25 years and give bud for medical purposes to 3 people who are battling clinical depression. I'm not a medical professional but I can listen, confidentially, and help you to get the help you need.
I've found that there are two reasons that people do not understand clinical depression:
1. Depression can mean many things, like different types of snow the word means different things to different people.
Everyone gets depressed now and again - feel bad, things aren't going great, broke up with girlfriend, broke $. The mind is depressed and can be taken to a different state by changing environment or life circumstances.
2. Clinical Depression, however started, results in a change in the way the brain works - chemically, electrically, there is no physical test on brain chemistry (blood, urine, brain fluid, rarely an EEG) but psychiatrists give their best guess and prescribe meds without sticking a needle in the patients brain to see if their brain chemistry is actually out of wack. When the brain doesn't work properly it is hard to make the mind work properly.
Once this change in brain chemistry/brain wave activity happens telling the clinically depressive to use their will power and positive thinking is like telling a double amputee to stop being so lazy and get up and walk - the physical ability to be happy is no longer there for the clinically depressive.
We all look for cause and effect - he's sad so there must be something wrong so: fix it, tough it out, be a man (or a butch woman). Unfortunately a lack of understanding leads us in the wrong direction because the cause is not (or is no longer from) circumstances or environment but is actually physical - the problem is in the brain now, not just the mind.
The computer's hardware is faulty and is making the software work improperly. We can never make the program work like it would on another computer until we fix our hardware or modify the program to work around the physical fault. And that patch is difficult to write. To be fully depressed, manic or in rage and to be able to function in society takes years of your own type of meditation and training. I'm constantly rewriting the patch, but I'm functional - and 3 weeks without attacking a client. Be content and take pride in small successes.
The brain must be fixed before the mind can work properly, or the mind must be taught how to be functional with a broken brain.
"The road back from madness is a struggle. Only the luckiest of people find their way, more or less, back to the world you live in." - Dr Bishop, Fringe.

There have been a few threads by/about people with clinical depression - but very few people know how clinical depression differs from having the blues. I'd like people to give their experience and understanding, if you know someone that you think is clinically depressed - or if you think that you are - ask some questions if you're up to it. Say Hi if you're not.
No one will ridicule on this thread without the post being reported and dealt with by RUI staff immediately, if you find this forum too open please private message me and I will at least be a supportive person that you can talk to. I'm running this thread to reach out to the people who need help but have been scared into silence by forum bullies. And for healthy people who want to understand clinical depression.
I've been dealing with my own depression (bi polar + rage) for 25 years and give bud for medical purposes to 3 people who are battling clinical depression. I'm not a medical professional but I can listen, confidentially, and help you to get the help you need.
I have been around mental illness and depression all my life yet I still find it hard to understand. Maybe that is why it kinda pisses me off because I had to deal with it and can never understand it. I get depressed too, like everyone, but my life is pretty balanced and I am thankful for that.
I've found that there are two reasons that people do not understand clinical depression:
1. Depression can mean many things, like different types of snow the word means different things to different people.
Everyone gets depressed now and again - feel bad, things aren't going great, broke up with girlfriend, broke $. The mind is depressed and can be taken to a different state by changing environment or life circumstances.
2. Clinical Depression, however started, results in a change in the way the brain works - chemically, electrically, there is no physical test on brain chemistry (blood, urine, brain fluid, rarely an EEG) but psychiatrists give their best guess and prescribe meds without sticking a needle in the patients brain to see if their brain chemistry is actually out of wack. When the brain doesn't work properly it is hard to make the mind work properly.
Once this change in brain chemistry/brain wave activity happens telling the clinically depressive to use their will power and positive thinking is like telling a double amputee to stop being so lazy and get up and walk - the physical ability to be happy is no longer there for the clinically depressive.
We all look for cause and effect - he's sad so there must be something wrong so: fix it, tough it out, be a man (or a butch woman). Unfortunately a lack of understanding leads us in the wrong direction because the cause is not (or is no longer from) circumstances or environment but is actually physical - the problem is in the brain now, not just the mind.
The computer's hardware is faulty and is making the software work improperly. We can never make the program work like it would on another computer until we fix our hardware or modify the program to work around the physical fault. And that patch is difficult to write. To be fully depressed, manic or in rage and to be able to function in society takes years of your own type of meditation and training. I'm constantly rewriting the patch, but I'm functional - and 3 weeks without attacking a client. Be content and take pride in small successes.
The brain must be fixed before the mind can work properly, or the mind must be taught how to be functional with a broken brain.
"The road back from madness is a struggle. Only the luckiest of people find their way, more or less, back to the world you live in." - Dr Bishop, Fringe.