Growing Marijuanna At School ;)

This is probably the dumbest thread i ever read! why on earth would u grow pot at school..are u that much of an idiot? i know riu is for support but whats just stupid.. sorry man! i think my best advice for u is to not do it! good luck!bongsmilie
What were your charges?

He probably got charged for "attempting" to cultivate Marijuana. I'm still waiting for your legendary plant pics.

Here's you now. :cry: and kiss-ass

and the rest of the rollitup community is smoking :blsmoke: and hittin' the bong bongsmilie. We're totally fried :eyesmoke:

While your in the pen sharing showers. What a dumbass kid.
Probably urinating in public, cuz he hasn't had time to grow anything. I agree with an earlier post that said he's a cop.
poor kid, instead of ragging on the dumbdumb why not stear him into outdoor? dosent he know they grow outside too? wow
next time hope you listen to good advice.....
you might as well tried a grow outside the police station with your address tied around the plants
fuck got booked and charged
LMAO you are as dumb as you type! Now you got a record. IDIOT! I knew you got bagged, dame ppl know how to fuck shit up for the real G's. Do something more constructive and kill yourself, go in the bathroom, open the cabinet, and eat the pills. lol
HE GOT ARESSTED Y'ALL we all called it.
Hey Legend,
Can you give us some details? Sucks that you tried this thing. You learn the hard way sometimes. Tell us how it transpired.
Rofl you guys failed. what a troll. for 5 or so pages you guys keep talkin about it LMAO!

Pics or GTFO

you GTFO! I followed this thread from the getgo. I predict you won't last long either with 2 posts so far and one that really pissed me off! Go find another dope forum asswipe! You would have probably encouraged this kid to do this. We all warned him and I don't think it is unreasonable to try and get details. Trolling is maliciously trying to start shit which I have not done!
this thread is a joke. this has to be a prank to increase posts or a member here got high and thought it would be funny. would love to see the admin run the ip this account logs in from against the database and see what other users come from that ip. nothing this stupid actually happens.......
I can believe this thread is still kickin'. Is it worth reading the other 13 pages or is it just going to piss me off?
ive been planning on growing in our townz polize station... what do u think guyz? the last place they would expect to search huh.. lol haha i think my idea is safer then yours .. its really not a smart idea man.. the worst place to grow is in a school.. and if U say ur 18.. that makes it even WORSE because when U get caught.. ill probably hear about you in the newZ here thousandz of milez away across the ocean!! and they'll make an Xample of U for trying this just to scare ppl stupid enough to try ..Y dont U grow in your home.. if u'r really smart think of somewhere else and think of a better 'masterplan'.. like build a secret area in ur room hidden underground or between the walls.. or a secret basement on the roof of your house :|