Does War Actually Make Money?


Well-Known Member
I have read numerous threads claiming that war drives the economy and is actually a money making scenario for the nation involved. In money making i dont mean that they do it on purpose, as this would be condemmed for obvious reasons, but i find it hard to believe that a nations government can spend so much money on the entire process and anyone can feel that its profitable. Sure certain business with thrive but in the scheme of things surely it is detrimental in the long term. Am i wrong? does not. War is always a last resort, despite what some ppl say.

Like in the Godfather...when Sollozzo kidnaps Tom Hagen.... "blood is a big expense".

Lost lives mean lost productivity and societal fragmentation. No profit all. does not. War is always a last resort, despite what some ppl say.

Like in the Godfather...when Sollozzo kidnaps Tom Hagen.... "blood is a big expense".

Lost lives mean lost productivity and societal fragmentation. No profit all.

I do like your Godfather analogy but i was more directing the thread at a finacial perspective. Why is there this belief that so many prosper from it?
Because it's an easy way to smear a cause you don't believe in.

It's basically untrue...but if you throw enough mud....something sticks.
war has boosted the economy in the past (WWII) but now its putting us deep into a hole our grand children will have a hard time getting out of
Because it's an easy way to smear a cause you don't believe in.

It's basically untrue...but if you throw enough mud....something sticks.

CrackerJ i am glad someone is talking sense. I only usually visit the politics forums for a brief visit but wanted to get an opinion from someone from the US. Not sure if thats where you are from but that seems to be where the most people believe what i have mentioned. I guess most agree with your diagnosis.
Kennedy was assassinated because he tried to stop the war machine. Helicopters, tanks, armor, etc, everything needs to be bought.
Yeah it's not so much the country that makes money from war it is the banks who are loaning money to the nation in question. Also. some industries make a lot more money during times of war like businesses that make weapons or oil industries and things of that nature. That's why it is a conflict of interest if someone in power also has stock in this kind of industry. Wasn't Dick Cheney like CEO of Haliburton or some shit?

It is common belief that most wars have been financed by bankers and companies who profit from war. They will loan money out to both sides of the war to keep it going or instigate the war. The ending result is nations in debt and some very rich people. Check out these videos.
The State can only survive as long as a majority is programmed to believe that theft isn't wrong if it's called taxation or asset forfeiture or emminent domain, that assault and kidnapping isn't wrong if it's called arrest, that mass murder isn't wrong if it's called war.

- Bill St. Clair
How do banks make money off war and also China? The wonderful, money making machines that banks are were having to be bailed out not long ago werent they? Do you know who will end up having to clear up that debt?

not us, lets keep spending and let our children s grand children worry about the deblt we rack up

Yah.... it's the war sinking us in debt.... not Obama... :lol: Uh huh....

i get it; your anti obama. but obama is not the reason we are in debt. its because were spending money left and right like a 12yo with daddys credit card. and it didnt start with obama, it started when bush started this war on oil. clinton brought us prosperity and extra money. as soon as bushs war on oil... i mean terror, started we were dumping money where it didnt bellong. war costs money, and our country isnt really producing much that other countrys want; ergo our current debt

you cant just say "its obamas fault" weve been on a downwrds slope for almost a decade
I do like your Godfather analogy but i was more directing the thread at a finacial perspective. Why is there this belief that so many prosper from it?
the ones that prosper are those that sale the arms. an army has to have wepons. we the us made lots of money in ww2 we sold arms to most of the countries fighting hilter and japan. after ww2 the us had most of the world's gold. us manufactors made lots of money from ww1 & ww2.the money was made from tank,plane and gun sales. the us even made money from the loans to rebuild the war torn countreys in both wars.its sad that in order to make money some one has to die:cry:
I am not from the US so have no issue with Obama but wasnt it Bush that started the war anyway? There seems to be a lot of bashing of Obama at present but i would be happy as a local that he is trying to install some kind of health reform. You certainly needed a dramatic change to your current format. With respect to the war sure a small minority become wealthy but as a nation you suffer a great deal. I would have thought this obvious but there seems to be so many out there thinking the opposite.
the ones that prosper are those that sale the arms. an army has to have wepons. we the us made lots of money in ww2 we sold arms to most of the countries fighting hilter and japan. after ww2 the us had most of the world's gold. us manufactors made lots of money from ww1 & ww2.the money was made from tank,plane and gun sales. the us even made money from the loans to rebuild the war torn countreys in both wars.its sad that in order to make money some one has to die:cry:

I would have thought that these companies that make the weapons etc are actually private enterprises and not government owned. I may be wrong but irrespective you would need to get your hands on a lot of gold to come anywhere near the cost of WW2 or the Iraq conflict.
Germany was a nation in poverty after the first world war because they lost and were than charged massive amounts of money as penalties. This is why the the germans were manipulated into WW2 through propaganda but someone had to finance the war. Companies that are still around today financed the holocaust companies like Ford and others.
I would have thought that these companies that make the weapons etc are actually private enterprises and not government owned. I may be wrong but irrespective you would need to get your hands on a lot of gold to come anywhere near the cost of WW2 or the Iraq conflict.
This is the problem. It doesn't have to be the government that owns the company that makes money. All that is needed is for the companies who are malking money from this kind of thing to pay large sums of money to candidates. It takes a lot of money to run a campaign. It doesn't matter who is president IMHO they don't have the enough power to make the differences needed. Our politicians are controlled by special interest groups. People just get tired of republicans so they vote democrat and than republican but both sides are really the same as they operate in the interests of people who give them $.

Maybe their was a lot of money spent on WW2 and nations don't come out ahead, but the people loaning money to the governments are going to make money regardless. The nations pay the bankers back in the form of taxes and debt. Here in America there is debt attached to each 1$ that is printed by the Federal Reserve. They loan to the government dollars that were basically made from thin air and the government must pay the Federal Reserve a 1$ plus interest. the Federal Reserve is in charge of the manufacturing of the money so in order to get money they need to borrow more money with interest attached to it. This causes our nation to be in debt and that debt is an agreement that it's citizens will work for free to pay it back. So we pay taxes because our nation is in debt. They can manipulate the amount of money in the system by simply not circulating it or heavily circulating it. When they say they want their money back the economy crashes, it's totally predictable.