Climate Crisis Fraud -written by a man who shares the Nobel Prize with Al Gore


New Member
Dishonest Political Tampering with the Science on Global Warming
Written By: Christopher Monckton, Denpasar, Bali​
Published In: News Release
Publication Date: December 5, 2007​
As a contributor to the IPCC’s 2007 report, I share the Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore. Yet I and many of my peers in the British House of Lords - through our hereditary element the most independent-minded of lawmakers - profoundly disagree on fundamental scientific grounds with both the IPCC and my co-laureate’s alarmist movie An Inconvenient Truth, which won this year’s Oscar for Best Sci-Fi Comedy Horror.​
Two detailed investigations by Committees of the House confirm that the IPCC has deliberately, persistently and prodigiously exaggerated not only the effect of greenhouse gases on temperature but also the environmental consequences of warmer weather.​
My contribution to the 2007 report illustrates the scientific problem. The report’s first table of figures - inserted by the IPCC’s bureaucrats after the scientists had finalized the draft, and without their consent - listed four contributions to sea-level rise. The bureaucrats had multiplied the effect of melting ice from the Greenland and West Antarctic Ice Sheets by 10.​
The result of this dishonest political tampering with the science was that the sum of the four items in the offending table was more than twice the IPCC’s published total. Until I wrote to point out the error, no one had noticed. The IPCC, on receiving my letter, quietly corrected, moved and relabeled the erroneous table, posting the new version on the internet and earning me my Nobel prize.​
The shore-dwellers of Bali need not fear for their homes. The IPCC now says the combined contribution of the two great ice-sheets to sea-level rise will be less than seven centimeters after 100 years, not seven meters imminently, and that the Greenland ice sheet (which thickened by 50 cm between 1995 and 2005) might only melt after several millennia, probably by natural causes, just as it last did 850,000 years ago. Gore, mendaciously assisted by the IPCC bureaucracy, had exaggerated a hundredfold.​
Recently a High Court judge in the UK listed nine of the 35 major scientific errors in Gore’s movie, saying they must be corrected before innocent schoolchildren can be exposed to the movie. Gore’s exaggeration of sea-level rise was one.​
Others being peddled at the Bali conference are that man-made “global warming” threatens polar bears and coral reefs, caused Hurricane Katrina, shrank Lake Chad, expanded the actually-shrinking Sahara, etc.​
At the very heart of the IPCC’s calculations lurks an error more serious than any of these. The IPCC says: “The CO2 radiative forcing increased by 20 percent during the last 10 years (1995-2005).” Radiative forcing quantifies increases in radiant energy in the atmosphere, and hence in temperature. The atmospheric concentration of CO2 in 1995 was 360 parts per million. In 2005 it was just 5percent higher, at 378 ppm. But each additional molecule of CO2 in the air causes a smaller radiant-energy increase than its predecessor. So the true increase in radiative forcing was 1 percent, not 20 percent. The IPCC has exaggerated the CO2 effect 20-fold.​
Why so large and crucial an exaggeration? Answer: the IPCC has repealed the fundamental physicalthe Stefan-Boltzmann equation - that converts radiant energy to temperature. Without this equation, no meaningful calculation of the effect of radiance on temperature can be done. Yet the 1,600 pages of the IPCC’s 2007 report do not mention it once.​
The IPCC knows of the equation, of course. But it is inconvenient. It imposes a strict (and very low) limit on how much greenhouse gases can increase temperature. At the Earth’s surface, you can add as much greenhouse gas as you like (the “surface forcing”), and the temperature will scarcely respond.​
That is why all of the IPCC’s computer models predict that 10km above Bali, in the tropical upper troposphere, temperature should be rising two or three times as fast as it does at the surface. Without that tropical upper-troposphere “hot-spot”, the Stefan-Boltzmann law ensures that surface temperature cannot change much.​
For half a century we have been measuring the temperature in the upper atmosphere - and it has been changing no faster than at the surface. The IPCC knows this, too. So it merely declares that its computer predictions are right and the real-world measurements are wrong. Next time you hear some scientifically-illiterate bureaucrat say, “The science is settled”, remember this vital failure of real-world observations to confirm the IPCC’s computer predictions. The IPCC’s entire case is built on a guess that the absent hot-spot might exist.​
Even if the Gore/IPCC exaggerations were true, which they are not, the economic cost of trying to mitigate climate change by trying to cut our emissions through carbon trading and other costly market interferences would far outweigh any possible climatic benefit.​
The international community has galloped lemming-like over the cliff twice before. Twenty years ago the UN decided not to regard AIDS as a fatal infection. Carriers of the disease were not identified and isolated. Result: 25 million deaths in poor countries.​
Thirty-five years ago the world decided to ban DDT, the only effective agent against malaria. Result: 40 million deaths in poor countries. The World Health Organization lifted the DDT ban on Sept. 15 last year. It now recommends the use of DDT to control malaria. Dr. Arata Kochi of the WHO said that politics could no longer be allowed to stand in the way of the science and the data. Amen to that.​
If we take the heroically stupid decisions now on the table at Bali, it will once again be the world’s poorest people who will die unheeded in their tens of millions, this time for lack of the heat and light and power and medical attention which we in the West have long been fortunate enough to take for granted.​
If we deny them the fossil-fuelled growth we have enjoyed, they will remain poor and, paradoxically, their populations will continue to increase, making the world’s carbon footprint very much larger in the long run.​
As they die, and as global temperature continues to fail to rise in accordance with the IPCC’s laughably-exaggerated predictions, the self-congratulatory rhetoric that is the hallmark of the now-useless, costly, corrupt UN will again be near-unanimously parroted by lazy, unthinking politicians and journalists who ought to have done their duty by the poor but are now - for the third time in three decades - failing to speak up for those who are about to die.​
My fellow-participants, there is no climate crisis. The correct policy response to a non-problem is to have the courage to do nothing. Take courage! Do nothing, and save the world’s poor from yet another careless, UN-driven slaughter.​
The writer is an international business consultant specializing in the investigation of scientific frauds. He is a former adviser to UK prime minister Margaret Thatcher and is presenter of the 90-minute climate movie Apocalypse? NO! He can be reached at [email protected].​


New Member
Jeeeze, if you wont believe it from the U.N.'s own scientists, what will you believe?

Hey! These are all links to one website. You need to widen your research zone. Reading from one source gets you biased information.

You'll notice, too, that everything hinges on CO2. Very soon that gas will be debunked and then man's role in global warming will be conpletely debunked and everyone will have to admit to have been swindled into the greatest tax scam ever.


New Member
Jeeeze, if you wont believe it from the U.N.'s own scientists, what will you believe?

Oh, a bunch of layman's websites.

There's more from around the world. scientists who don't work for corporations. Do you really want me to post a few, of course you do so here:404
An international panel of climate scientists said yesterday that there is an overwhelming probability that human activities are warming the planet at a dangerous rate, with consequences that could soon take decades or centuries to reverse.

Please don't make me continue. If there were any hope for your awareness, I could go on for pages. It is abvious that you have closed your mind to this possibility. I do not know the reasons, they may be monetary and that may justify killing our planet with your head in the sand, I just don't get it. We are dumping trillions of tons of garbage into the atmosphere, cutting down forests, the icecaps are melting and you think we (Mankind) have nothing to do with it. Wake the fuck up.


New Member
sometimes i just can't believe how 2 people can look at the same evidence and reach different conclusions. you're free to believe what makes sense to you.

but i can tell you one thing: the government LOVES alarmist, crisis news. we, the citizens, need to demand greater standards of evidence before we begin schilling out money for them to give to their big, capitalistic corporate friends.

don't hold your breath for my 'awarness'. in a few years, you and the rest of the world is going to realize how good they got you. al gore is fucking laughing his ass off right now. ask him why he wont debate real dissenting scientists.


Well-Known Member
Dude, this is the DEA, just about something different. Lies, more lies. Al Gore is daring the Democrats to ignore him. VV


Well-Known Member
The proponents of Global Warming are using flawed information to try and control what the world should do, just like the Drug Enforcement Agency does. Al Gore will make Millions of dollars if we believe and participate in his fraudulent conclusions. After the award ceramony, he answered the question of him being available for political ofiice. Funny, Obama rising, Billarey slipping, and now Gore says the only job he would accept is President, like he would be doing us a favor. You know I don't link, you have to connect the dots. Gore in my opinion is a baldfaced liar. He is getting rich off of all of this, and its based on a flawed model. Go back and check, you will find second hand smoke was based on lies too.
Our rush to use corn as Biodiesel will not produce good results, and we will starve the folks in the third world countries. If they really wanted to do something constructive they would have to legalize hemp. This would stop us from having to use forests for paper and a lot of building products can be made from it as well as fabrics etc. It makes better boidesiel than corn, without the addition of oil based fertilizers necessary for growing corn. It can be grown in all 50 states so you don't have to truck it anywhere. Then you look at the health benefits you could get from hemp in your diet etc.
The web, put on in 1937, is getting torn apart. In order to strengthen ...... Look, its like this, I think I can show how all of our supposed problem's are created to keep us under control for the good of a few.
Those few are willing to see the world starve so we don't break their Monopoly on our money. There was an article today about the beginning of testing for Sativix, another Marijuana derivative. How can they start clinical trials so fast? When the Universtiy professer has been trying to do research for years, and can't get the marijuana to proceed, but a UK company can give a Japanese company the exclusive rights to test and market a part of the Marijuana plant in the US. And they don't say cocain and heroin they call them opiates. Why?? Well because they are afraid that we will find out, these much more dangerous drugs have been being used for years to treat cancer victims and MJ is better for thier health, Billions of dollars wasted. Health care costs thru the roof, we get another pill for pain.
We simple can not afford to continue down these destructive paths to protect the wealth of less than 5% of the American people at the expense of the other 95% and the rest of the world. The drug companies get so much money they can afford to have buses going around giving out their produtcs for free. No one has ever died from an overdose of MJ, it's physically impossible to do so, you can't say the same for aspirin, yet you can buy about 40 varieties 'over the counter'. Check it out. VV:peace:


New Member
The writer is an international business consultant specializing in the investigation of scientific frauds.

I think this pretty much sums up his motivation, No? You can have someone tell you black is white and if you choose to believe it, well then it's on you. Write a letter to your great grandkids now. Tell them you're sorry for not heeding the global warming predictions and altering your lifestyle to alleviate the problems. Tell them you were a stupid ass, and bought into corporate paid scientists that only had the corporations profits in mind. tell them you're sorry for being part of the problem instead part of the solution and then go back to your massive carbon footprint lifestyle,~LOL~, I'm sure they'll have fond memories of you 100 years from now.


Well-Known Member
Whether or not Global Warming is bullshit....I still wasnt going to sell my '72 Blazer and get a POS hybrid. Call me a non-conformist :mrgreen:


New Member
Whether or not Global Warming is bullshit....I still wasnt going to sell my '72 Blazer and get a POS hybrid. Call me a non-conformist :mrgreen:
Wow, a 72 blazer, I had one of those in '72', a real gas hog, but gas was only 39 cents a gallon, who cared. I sold it in 75 after the gas went to 65 cents. I thought that price was rediculous. I have a real Gas hog, gets about 6 miles to a gallon, but since I only drive iT 1/4 mile at a time, a tank last a long time.


New Member
The writer is an international business consultant specializing in the investigation of scientific frauds.

I think this pretty much sums up his motivation, No? You can have someone tell you black is white and if you choose to believe it, well then it's on you. Write a letter to your great grandkids now. Tell them you're sorry for not heeding the global warming predictions and altering your lifestyle to alleviate the problems. Tell them you were a stupid ass, and bought into corporate paid scientists that only had the corporations profits in mind. tell them you're sorry for being part of the problem instead part of the solution and then go back to your massive carbon footprint lifestyle,~LOL~, I'm sure they'll have fond memories of you 100 years from now.
the writer is not a scientist, true. but you cannot argue facts. only the interpretation of facts.

i love how you keep refering to our grandchildren, like all the other bullshit propaganders out there do when the want to sell you a lie. just like the dangers of weed to our children. 'SAVE THE CHILDREN, SAVE THE CHILDREN!'
show me science first. as it turns out, the science is bunk, political hysteria with an agenda. our children will all be fine. though yours may be impoverished as you sink your money and unquestionable loyalty into socialistic scammers.


New Member
the writer is not a scientist, true. but you cannot argue facts. only the interpretation of facts.

i love how you keep refering to our grandchildren, like all the other bullshit propaganders out there do when the want to sell you a lie. just like the dangers of weed to our children. 'SAVE THE CHILDREN, SAVE THE CHILDREN!'
show me science first. as it turns out, the science is bunk, political hysteria with an agenda. our children will all be fine. though yours may be impoverished as you sink your money and unquestionable loyalty into socialistic scammers.
So you are admitting the writer is not a scientist, therefore scientists must be wrong, Brilliant. I wonder how you got as far as you claim to be with your disbelief of truths. You are the one claiming truth rules yet you take the words of a business consultant over all the scientific jargon I've posted. I'm Beginning to wonder about you closet, you must assuredly have an agenda with this pollution gig. Do you run a coal fired generating plant, one without carbon scrubbers that pour tons of thick black smoke into the atmosphere, hah, I'll bet you have some insidious job like that. Well believe what you want, I'll just take what you post on this site with a huge grain of salt.


Well-Known Member
Wow VV, excellent post!!!

"just like the Drug Enforcement Agency does."


"Our rush to use corn as Biodiesel will not produce good results, and we will starve the folks in the third world countries. If they really wanted to do something constructive they would have to legalize hemp."

This is all waaay too true!!

Here is an interesting development regarding this debate:

The Pope condemns the climate change prophets of doom

By SIMON CALDWELL - Last updated at 14:48pm on 12th December 2007

The leader of more than a billion Roman Catholics suggested that fears over man-made emissions melting the ice caps and causing a wave of unprecedented disasters were nothing more than scare-mongering.

excerpted:The Pope condemns the climate change prophets of doom | the Daily Mail

I wonder if med is Catholic?


New Member
I wonder if med is Catholic?

Nope, that religion is way too demagogic for me, worshiping Idols and all that. I worship the church of common sense and spirituality, one quite a few on this site need to join,~LOL~. I'm sure the pope has a vested interest in keeping things as the status-quo, since the catholic church is invested in hundreds of businesses and corporations worldwide. I see a rock as a rock and a cock as a cock and know the difference, one has feathers,~LOL~.


New Member
News flash... Gore takes public transit to receive his un-nobel peace prize. His luggage takes a stretch limousine. I wonder if he bought offsets? It is all so comical I can hardly believe the ignorance, especially coming from people who are most likely "intelligent" in other fields of activity. The DEA comparison is excellent. Weed aint killing and the earth aint melting! Just more government oversight, brought to us as usual, by the control all liberals. Have you noticed in what states it is now becoming punishable to smoke cigs in public. How about bans on transfats, what states support actions such as these. Ahh, they are blue as I am in the face making points to a choir of screaming alarmists.


New Member
News flash... Gore takes public transit to receive his un-nobel peace prize. His luggage takes a stretch limousine. I wonder if he bought offsets? It is all so comical I can hardly believe the ignorance, especially coming from people who are most likely "intelligent" in other fields of activity. The DEA comparison is excellent. Weed aint killing and the earth aint melting! Just more government oversight, brought to us as usual, by the control all liberals. Have you noticed in what states it is now becoming punishable to smoke cigs in public. How about bans on transfats, what states support actions such as these. Ahh, they are blue as I am in the face making points to a choir of screaming alarmists.
Red, isn't that the color of those hated commies,~LOL~, you Nazis just can't win can you? When I'm appointed Commisar, I'll review your social history and determine if you need to be re-programed in a Gulag or not, from what I can see, I believe it would take at least ten years of re-programming to cure you, maybe you are incurable, then it's off with your head, no torture here, one second your screaming no,no the next your head is in the basket,~LOL~, and you think I'm kidding, HAHAHAHOHOHEHE~LOL~. I am.


New Member
No, the colors of the modern day commie are green, and the rainbow! You probably fall under the rainbow banner, and jeez, you are obsessed with giving head jobs. Get real.


New Member
med, if you are really of the church of common sense then would you be reasonable enough to watch one or two of the oposing videos? at least then you could give an informed rebuttal to the arguments instead of these emotional attacks with almost fanatical devotion to this idea.

why would anyone believe you are a reasonable when you wont hear boths sides of an argument. they are all scientists, are they not?

here's "What is Normal?" on youtube; YouTube - What is Normal? Climate Video Part 1