sexing with black plastic on a branch

Hello all just time outdoor grower.all the way back to the super sativa seed club in 1988.on 4/8. I orderd sensi seeds early girl/guerilla gusto -flying dutchman haleys comet- seedsman hashpassion- kc brains braindamage and homegrown fantaseeds california orange(attitude)2 questions a) does anyone have experence with any of these strains.b)I live in southern mn.I'm hopping seeds will be here around 4/20.I always start my seeds under flourescent.then I have a 2nd storie deck.which I can harden them off on.I figure I will have about 35-40 seedlings.if possible I would like to try.the black plastic over a branch for 12/ weed out males.because the plants will go out into the bush.I would sure like to cut the work in half.all tips welcome.thank you


Well-Known Member
I would think that would work just fine. But I would just find the males once they get 7-8 nodes high. You can spot them kinda easy like. Just look between the 6-7 node and there will be the sex. A stem with a spade on top is a male, a spade like with no stem is female.

Welcome to RIU


I would think that would work just fine. But I would just find the males once they get 7-8 nodes high. You can spot them kinda easy like. Just look between the 6-7 node and there will be the sex. A stem with a spade on top is a male, a spade like with no stem is female.

Welcome to RIU

got a pic to show exactly what your talking about?
got a pic to show exactly what your talking about?
I've seen it many times on the web.I guess you take a piece of black plastic bag.wrap it around a branch.tie with a twisty.on at 6pm off 6am for 2 to 3 weeks.they show there sex.pitch the males.plant the girls out in the the grower who responded just look for sign at the 7th node.thank you but I'm not sure I have the comfidence.that I won't pitch some females this way.I've always just started a bunch of seedlings.spread them way apart.took good care of them.they either gave good bud.or I snappped them and threw dirt on I grow fine weed.I'm just not real bontinist about it.I now right what your talking about.I'm just apprehensive.I have around 300$ in seeds.more than the cash it kill me to pitch a tall/old would they need to be.I now 6th or 7th node.but wouldn't they only be like 4 to 6 weeks at that growth point?