3 Strain Party Cup Grow


Active Member
Oh sicc, it is so beautiful. (sheds a single tear)

I volunteer for taste testing. lol.

Also, do you think if you are doing closet grows only that several party cup grows might just be a better solution that trying to grow bigger plants?


Well-Known Member
^^Thanks for all the comments :mrgreen:^^

how long were they veged for? dont make me read 1000 post 2 find out lol

beautiful grow

Vegged for 4 weeks then topped, let them recover for about a week then tossed em into flowering

lookin great sicc wonderful have you took it completly down yet?

No not yet, ima try and keep her going until Sunday, 9 weeks

yo sicc i noticed our fan leaf is clipped .. are u like me and clip ever dead part to every leaf?

Yeah i dont like to leave a bunch of dead leaves, but they were really crispy if you look a the set of pics before my first recent update so i wanted to get rid of them, it was a pre harvest trim haha

Oh sicc, it is so beautiful. (sheds a single tear)

I volunteer for taste testing. lol.

Also, do you think if you are doing closet grows only that several party cup grows might just be a better solution that trying to grow bigger plants?
Well i was just going this for fun, since i had seen some grows on here that looked good, and I ended up doing really well so i gave it another go. I was planning on doing a bunch of cups, but now im going to do gallon pots when i finish up here.
I would say either way is good, growing in a party cup takes alot of work, they need alot of love and care


Well-Known Member
yea im the same way, i like everything green n fresh.
judging by your other grows, how much you think our looking at for harvest.


[QUOTE="SICC";4030450]^^Thanks for all the comments :mrgreen:^^

Vegged for 4 weeks then topped, let them recover for about a week then tossed em into flowering

No not yet, ima try and keep her going until Sunday, 9 weeks

Yeah i dont like to leave a bunch of dead leaves, but they were really crispy if you look a the set of pics before my first recent update so i wanted to get rid of them, it was a pre harvest trim haha

Well i was just going this for fun, since i had seen some grows on here that looked good, and I ended up doing really well so i gave it another go. I was planning on doing a bunch of cups, but now im going to do gallon pots when i finish up here.
I would say either way is good, growing in a party cup takes alot of work, they need alot of love and care[/QUOTE]

Keep doing the party cups lol, there amazing

how tall/how many nodes when u toped?


Well-Known Member
Anything over 14 G's and I'll be happy, not really focusing on the yield until the next grow.


i see those pics.. and it just amazes me. I use HUGE pots cause i feel like its the only way 2 yield alot... then u ... do stuff like that.. wow