Worried Roommate. HELP!


I live at home with my mom and she is afraid that if i grow in my backyard there is a risk of her getting in trouble since its her house. I have my cannabis card and can legally grow 6 plants. Anyone know of any formal literature i can show her proving that she is in no legal danger? Thanks


Well-Known Member
laws differ from state to state, didnt they give you a whole bunch of paperwork when you got the card explaining your limitations and that? go to norml.org and they should have what your looking for.


Thank you. but i am still having a hard time locating it. I live in California. I'm pretty sure its fine i just want something official looking to show her so she can relax


Well-Known Member
yea you should of got a paper before you even got your actual card. and on the paper it has a picture of your ID and states that you can legally grow.are you in stanislaus county? we can only grow 6 here too


Well-Known Member
better safe than sorry bro.

if you're in cali you're good to grow.

if you have neighbors near by who you think might have a problem with it it might be a good idea to keep just one or two plants at first. to ease them into it sort of... instead of having flanders walk out into the yard to find six 8 foot flowering behemoths.......

my $0.02


Active Member
I like how you say "roommate" when it's your mom.. hahahaaa... Reminds me of that movie "Grandma's boy".


Well-Known Member
michigan laws state the plants must be in a locked facility. cali doesnt have that rule?

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
yeah dude move the fuck out and man up
ask the landlord if its cool if not dont movethere
if your "momma" roomate anit cool with it dont do it

legal or not
i dont beleive any grow should break rule 1, (never outside unless you can hide it )
and if you have to ask what rule 1 is stay the fuck away form the fight club and fight club members
all i have to do is wait for you to start flushing.... then bang you come home to an empty "yard"
and if the police catch me its just trasspasing not breaking and entering. and sence your a momma's boy i'll just wait untill you go shopping with here to hit you up
a make sure you grow some kush , i love smoking that shit