OK, I said this was the scroungers guide, this means scrounging will be involved. However please do bear in mind NOTHING in life is free, so all of you potheads out there UNFORTUNATELY you will have to spend SOME cash. If youre smart enough you can usually scrounge the spare wood freely from somewhere, just open your eyes Dumpsters / Skips , Behind Industrial Estates , The Pallets Left over behind Shopping Centres, Old Doors Left For the trash Etc Etc Etc, There are more sources for ample scrap wood than i can write in this post .
Find Some Screws and Some sort of Wood Adheisive, Make some measurements ( These will be unique to youre situation/conditions) Cut to size and bang together the wood,and fix with adheisive and screws, Ensuring that youre structure is now the correct size for what you plan to grow and also that it is Airtight.
Congrats, You now have the Outlines Of a Beautiful Thing.
Reflection : YOU CAN BOOST THE EFFICIENCY OF YOUR LIGHTS BY 10% with the proper reflective materials.
Now you will Need reflective Mylar or Reflective white plastic
Being a scrounger i Managed to scrounge some 1/8" mylar coated polystyrene sheets (Normally used for Floor Insulation ... But what the hell - It works ) Line the inside of your growroom with said material, if you have any heat resistant reflective tape it will come in useful now. I actually went and bought some as it was UN-Scroungeable - HAHA
Ventilation :
Most bathroom exctractors move over 100 cfm, if you dismantle them you will find (LO AND BEHOLD) they are generally made from a small inline fan that can move over 100 CFM - Perfect for my little grow area
By Using a passive intake you can maintain a negative pressure, i have no idea how to make a carbon filter so i just bought one, although with a little research i'm told theyre very easy to make for pennies
And so for a total cost of £32 GBP, I have built this ...
The Slapdash attitude of my thread is for the entertainment of the reader, PLEASE everybody you must know that this is the product of months of research dont think just by nailing some wood together and putting lights inside you will have a growroom as youre more likely to get a fire. Please follow all/any safety precautions as the use of power tools WILL be required . I DO NOT advocate the stealing of materials, just the scrounging of products that have been abandoned before their time.
One Last Note , Clean anything you pick up before using it in your growroom, the last thing you want is to bring pollens, bugs and bacteria back into your home / area you want to grow in .
As you can all see I'm far from done, any advice would be helpful as this is my first grow , so stay tuned for more budget growing adventures