

shawarma king
Will update once a week.

Strain: Afghan Kush


A section of closet that is roughly 2.6’ in width, 4’ in length, and 8’ in height.

A homemade flood and drain system composed of six one gallon buckets positioned atop a table that rest above a fifteen gallon reservoir.

A single 400 HPS.

A box fan.

*(Currently there is only a hole where a 6” exhaust fan will pull air into the attic.)

This is week one since germination. All six seeds germinated. Unfortunately, I did not take the advice to place seeds tap root down seriously enough. I planted most that way, but were the occasional seed landed sideways or upside down I let it be – all roots follow gravity right? Two of the tap roots grew straight up out of the rock wool. But, only one seems to have suffered any serious side affects as a result of this mishap.

Light Schedule: 18/6

Watering: Started under a makeshift dome and was able to avoid watering for first several days. Now checking every day and watering with ph adjusted distilled water when light.

Feeding: Not feeding at this time. (Have GH flora series)

Air Circulation: Box Fan on 24/7

Run Off PH: Between high 5's and low 6's

Temp: 75-80 F with a spike of 90+ (Ouch) Thanks to heating—

Humidity: 30%

I’m thinking I’ll scrap the guy who hasn’t sprouted yet (still alive but the one that is recovering from having its tap root exposed.) and maybe the one that has sprouted very slowly.

Let me know what you think. (Yeah, I don’t mind you saying it looks like shit – just so long as you can provide some practical advice to improving my grow.)

Thanks in advance-

The water around the seedlings was added to try to increase the humidity. Probably stupid, but I thought it was worth a try.



Well-Known Member
I particullarly like the part in your set-up,,where there is currently a HoLE there,,lol,,good luck on your grow from beginning to end

Keep on Growin



shawarma king
Week Two:

Only thing new to report is the addition of a 500 CFM exhaust fan. Temps are now more reliable.

Also the four strongest seedlings are being transplanted into the ebb and flow buckets tonight.

1/4 Strength GH Flora Series has been added to the res and the seedlings will begin to feed soon.



Well-Known Member
looking good Chewy ,,what did you pay for the 500cfm fan,,just curious

Keep on Growin



shawarma king
Not quite week three but I thought I would show the transplanted seedlings.

They have already received their first taste of nutes, 1/4 strength GH Flora series. (1/4 based on recommendation for seedlings)

They are watered three times a day -- for 15 min every 8 hours.

They have been under this schedule now for two days.

I can't even tell they have received nutes and I'm guessing that at this stage that is excellent.



Well-Known Member
Hey man I dig your setup. I do have one idea maybe. Move you light down a tish. You plants seem a bit small you three weeks. I only veg under a 250 Mh about 5 inches away from the top. My 400 Hps when its on is about a 1 foot way. Heres a pic of one of mine at like two weeks.
:joint: Good luck man


shawarma king
Week Three:

400 HPS: At 2' now

Nute Solution: 1/4 Strength (For Seedlings) GH Flora, 3 x Day for 15 min every 8 hours

PH: 6 - 6.5 (Both Res and Run Off)

Temp: 72 - 82

The plants seem to have focused a lot of energy on stem development. I am assuming this is because of a large box fan. :mrgreen: The last two days has seen an increase in foliage growth rate. I am hoping the veg state is beginning.

There has been what appears to be slight burn on two of the plants. But, because the problem is minor and has not spread, I think the plants are good. (They may just be weak or have some other def like mg.)

Anyway, here are some new pics caught during the first water cycle. As always, comments and suggestions appreciated.



New Member
wow crazy. Those are some dense little seedlings you have there.
You really do dabble in a bit of everything don't you? :)
Your efforts are clearing working for you.
Good job. I love your persistency!!!!!!")


shawarma king
wow crazy. Those are some dense little seedlings you have there.
You really do dabble in a bit of everything don't you? :)
Your efforts are clearing working for you.
Good job. I love your persistency!!!!!!")
Thank you Lacy.

I don't know if I am persistent, or too dumb to know when I can't do something. :mrgreen:


The russ0r
Looking good.

every 8 hours you feed? even during lights out?

2 feet on the hps is farther than i'd ever go, just helpful tips. looks like you're doing fine.


shawarma king
Looking good.

every 8 hours you feed? even during lights out?

2 feet on the hps is farther than i'd ever go, just helpful tips. looks like you're doing fine.
Thank you.

Right now it works out to 3 waterings all during the light hours. The last watering happens about an hour before lights out.

So, have one shortly after light is fired, another 8 hrs later and then 8 hrs later I catch the tail end of the light period.


shawarma king
Week Four:

Everything is exactly the same except now nutes are at 1/2 instead of 1/4 strength for seedlings. (GH Flora three part)

Yep, they are very small for four weeks. They look very healthy as well - sucks, but, haven't found anything to encourage faster growth. They just keep going along, growing but slowly.

Thanks for taking a look -

