first grow! one plant yellowing / drooping


Active Member
hey guys~ thanks for help in advance
just got these 4-5 days ago so far im not using any nutes except vitamin b1, i noticed the leaves yellowing on cindarella 99 so i backed off the B1 and did a nute flush after doing some research but so far its just getting worse, the other plants look fine to me but its my first grow. any suggestion on the other two?

its in an indoor grow room with the light about 4 feet away 400 watt hps system and humidifier in the room. during the day im moving them outside though to get natural sunlight but only for 4-6 hours a day tops and then im finishing off a 18 hour cycle indoors.

i'm also wondering if its important to transpanlt them immediately or if its okay to wait a little longer.

please excuse the noobness i tried research but didnt find the exact problen i was having:wall:
p.s. last picture is of the day before...maybe 2 days before damn you stoner memory



Active Member
Severe case of the mites for, if there that infested then you've probably haven't fed it correctly either................scrap it and clean your area with bleachwater..................


Well-Known Member
Above post could be right, but I cant tell if theres some serious spider mite problem, I see some yellowing/brown leaves, droopiness and what looks like some white specks on the good leaves, is that correct. Personally I would transplant them into some bigger pots with some good soil, foxfarm ocean forest works great, but any good soil will do. Let some others respond before you think about throwing anything away, Im not a bug expert and have had minimal problems with mites, although when I did I sprayed plants with neem oil and also mixed some w/ water and pour it directly into the pot for the plant to absorb, mites and bugs in general do not like the taste of neem oil, but theres diff sprays out there for mites, some cost quite a bit, not sure if you have a hydroponic grow shop in your area but you could probably find a cure. One piece of advice, its good that your vigilant about the plants but just remember there not always gonna look perfect, or atleast mine dont always, so alot of the time theres no need to seriously freak out. Again I would transplant them into some bigger pots with good soil, preferablly their permanent home, if you got some ocean forest those plants wouldnt need any supplemental feeding for a good 3 wks probably, the soil provides alot of nutrients. Whenever you have a problem you cant figure out, for me the first step is check the ph to make sure its not to acidic and enabling any sort of nutrient lock out. Hopefully you should get some help here, good luck, take care, peace
should i leave the current soil and rock wool when i transplant or try to free it the plant? =/
NO!! DONT SEPARATE THE ROCKWOOL AND SOIL FROM THE PLANT!!!! You will damage very sensitive root hairs or the roots themselves, which can shock and kill the plant. As an earlier post said, it looks like you've got a pretty bad case of spider mites on that middle plant, which leads me to believe by now they are on the others as well. If you are really serious about growing its probably best to scrap those plants, get your grow area clean, and start again. I'm basing this off the fact that your plants are so young and the infestation looks really bad :sad:

When you get new plants, immediately spray them with a neem oil mixture, which will prevent the mites from eating the leaves (if theyre even still around).

As far as the yellowing on the plants I would say that it is most likely pH lockout, as previously suggested. Digital pH meters are a little pricey, but are def worth it.

You can look here for more info:
The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles! - International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums

Good luck :leaf: