New Cabinet Grow - 9'x4'x18" - Complete Build Journal - Lot's of Pics


Active Member
Here's a big part of the change. Still the same concept of hanging the bulb socket from the outside of the tube. I was high and thinking of different things and discovered that the balance point from front to back is about a half inch from the edge of the socket. This get's a lot of wire out of the way and gives access to the bulb from inside the tube. The wire is bent with the right amount of spring, based on the close proximity of the balance point, keeps the bulb floating level in the center of the tube.

Why a hanger? I have lot's of different gauge wire around the place. But none of it, even doubled up, had the same stiffness, "springy-ness" but still easy to bend into shape properties that the hanger wire has. Go figure.

Only a stoner would come up with this to position the bulb within the tube. You guessed it, the part of the hanger you thought I'd throw away turns out to be the best part! :clap: But you'll have to wait for me to write the next reply to see it work. :lol:


Active Member
Step 1 - slide 5" hose clamp over tube
Step 2 - insert reflector between tube and hose clamp
Step 3 - hook the socket/bulb assembly over the tube/reflector at the top of the arc
Step 4 - slide 5" hose clamp over tube, reflector and wire hanger
Step 5 - tighten hose clamps (tenderly...speaking from personal experience).

Step 6 - Insert spring to keep bulb from swinging in the tube. As it turns out, it's a bit off center which allows me to raise or lower the bulb in the tube by spinning it around. Right now the bulb is closer to the top.

Step 7 - Slide the reducer collar on the socket end. Remember the channel to slip the wires through

Step 8 - That's it. I've added the flapper valve and a 90* elbow to show what will connect. The flapper will screw to the back of the cabinet. The PVC elbow will have to be rigged with a bit of 4" pipe and more Duck tape to create a slip seal to the tube. Next slide please....


Active Member
The flapper valve is screwed to the back of the cabinet. Next a 4" PVC 90* elbow will be connected to the flapper on the outside of the cabinet. Notice the same foam/tape trick?

Everything in place. View looking up from the floor of the cab.

Side view

Front view

Everything fits nice and snug. The cool tube is hung using brass hooks and chain. The PVC is hung using plastic strapping. Both 90's slide off easily to get access to the bulb.

Boyz N Da Hood

Well-Known Member
wow man i just found this and i've got 2 say i like the creativity :clap::clap::clap: i'm designing a grow box right now and i had a question as 2 how ur connecting all the fans at different levels.... i dont know much about electricity oh and where did you get the 5 inch garden drains at??


Active Member
fuck yeah man its looking great.

I love this stuff :)
wow man i just found this and i've got 2 say i like the creativity :clap::clap::clap: i'm designing a grow box right now and i had a question as 2 how ur connecting all the fans at different levels.... i dont know much about electricity oh and where did you get the 5 inch garden drains at??

Thanks folks! I have to say this stuff is great for the mind! It's fun working with a concept, figuring out what you need, taking 2 hours to walk through Lowe's or HD until you see something that seems to work perfectly! I've been buying lot's of different things to try out on small scale and if it works go back and buy everything to fill the rest out. Needless to say, my return bag is getting pretty big for all the stuff that didn't work or pan out. But to be fair to Lowe's/HD I always exchange for store credit.

I'm getting ready to update my grow journal (see my sig). Just to give you a teaser, I already had a first day disaster and almost lost 2 ladies. All the PVC ducting in the back had fallen over and pulled all the fans off. What was the result? I'm typing that up right now...stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
Hey Gamber,

LOVE the layout of this cabinet and i must say your cooltube idea (every stage of development) is F***ing GENIUS :D. its scary how good a low budget growroom can turn out just by using a little brain power,A LOT of planning and some innovation :bigjoint:

IM subscribed although i forsee all the action moving onto the actual growing of your plants now so maybe il hang around your grow thread more than the actual development from now on. Once more GREAT JOB you have been a wealth of good ideas



Active Member
wow man i just found this and i've got 2 say i like the creativity :clap::clap::clap: i'm designing a grow box right now and i had a question as 2 how ur connecting all the fans at different levels.... i dont know much about electricity oh and where did you get the 5 inch garden drains at??
Hey Boyz, I forgot to answer your questions. First the 5 in garden drain grates are with plumbing by the large 4" PVC connectors in the drainage section at both Lowes and HD. They come in various sizes as well as tall ones They fit 4" PVC connectors perfectly.

All the fans are basic 120mm PC case fans that you can purchase at any computer store. for this cab I'm using 2 80cfm fans for the cab and one 130cfm fan for the cooltube. I have an old 230W PC power supply which will drive all the exhaust fans perfectly and the plugs are all stock. If you are using an ATX power supply you will have to jumper the power switch. I don't have that link handy but it's pretty straight forward. Nice thing with a power supply is that all reds are red all yellows are yellow, etc so you can actually cut everything out and splice in the power how you want.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, js!
I had a lot more catching up to do than I thought!
I thought I was here a couple of days ago and it looks like you have done 2 weeks worth of work. would take me 2 weeks anyway.
They must know you pretty well by now at Lowes and HD. When I did mine I was at Lowes at least every other day and had to come up with a lot of scenarios to explain my project and get advice. I am not blessed with the indepth knowledge of all the crafts that you seem to have...just a basic understanding. I live near a small town so I always saw the same people and we only have a Lowes out here.
Otherwise I have to drive to the city and it is quite a bit further.
Anyway, you have done a hell of a lot since I was here last and you seem to be on a roll. Ain't this fun!!!
I can see you are having a great time with it. It really does take you to a place where you can put everything else out of your mind.
I don't have any technical questions but I did wonder one thing and it is a little bit off topic. What program did you use to draw your plans? It looks vaguely familiar but I can't place it. I have several that I have used in the past but mostly use AutoCad.
Ok dude ...helluva job man ...5 star thread for sure!


Well-Known Member
Damn Gambler, Can't believe I didn't catch this one earlier. Looks bad ass. Ventilation is a pain in the ass. The Cool Tube design is sweet too. I'm working on one now but yours gave me a hint or two on mine. Building stuff for my grow room is my physical therapy. My next project is gonna be a Fridge w/ 150w HPS Cool Tube. I'm thinking your cabinet would be a great inspiration.


Active Member
Holy shit, js!
I had a lot more catching up to do than I thought!
I thought I was here a couple of days ago and it looks like you have done 2 weeks worth of work. would take me 2 weeks anyway.
They must know you pretty well by now at Lowes and HD. When I did mine I was at Lowes at least every other day and had to come up with a lot of scenarios to explain my project and get advice. I am not blessed with the indepth knowledge of all the crafts that you seem to have...just a basic understanding. I live near a small town so I always saw the same people and we only have a Lowes out here.
Otherwise I have to drive to the city and it is quite a bit further.
Anyway, you have done a hell of a lot since I was here last and you seem to be on a roll. Ain't this fun!!!
I can see you are having a great time with it. It really does take you to a place where you can put everything else out of your mind.
I don't have any technical questions but I did wonder one thing and it is a little bit off topic. What program did you use to draw your plans? It looks vaguely familiar but I can't place it. I have several that I have used in the past but mostly use AutoCad.
Ok dude ...helluva job man ...5 star thread for sure!
I'm telling you Munk I'm having a blast! Since cloning is my next step, I think I'm going to practice on some of my outdoor plants. We re-landscaped our yard with a California Native approach but to keep costs down we focused on hard scape and did minimal plants hoping to add more along the way so we are sparse on plants right now. I was thinking of experimenting on those for a bit while things are going well with my ladies.!

The program I use is Google Sketch Up. Download for free at

Damn Gambler, Can't believe I didn't catch this one earlier. Looks bad ass. Ventilation is a pain in the ass. The Cool Tube design is sweet too. I'm working on one now but yours gave me a hint or two on mine. Building stuff for my grow room is my physical therapy. My next project is gonna be a Fridge w/ 150w HPS Cool Tube. I'm thinking your cabinet would be a great inspiration.
Man don't I know it. But because all this stuff comes apart so easily it's easy to reconfig if something doesn't work right. Case in point, I wasn't happy with the air flow for the cool tube so in 5 minutes I changed out for a 130 cfm fan.

Very nice idea :clap:

I will be watching :weed:
Hey Hulk thanks for the kudos and welcome aboard!

As a reminder to all, I'll stop by here and add updates as I tweak the Mother cabinet (need to make some changes) and as I start to build out the first Flower cabinet. So head on over to the grow journal for the latest. Getting ready to post updates in a bit (editing pics is a pain sometimes).



Thank you firstly for this thread. Lots of great info as I am currently on my 1st grow also!

2ndly, Thank you KB for this post! Im about 2 weeks in & figured it wouldnt smell my house up! Im happy I came across this early!

Thanks again


Active Member
Thank you firstly for this thread. Lots of great info as I am currently on my 1st grow also!

2ndly, Thank you KB for this post! Im about 2 weeks in & figured it wouldnt smell my house up! Im happy I came across this early!

Thanks again

Thanks for stopping by kRoNiiK. Unfortunately none of the pictures are mine at this point. Same with my Grow Journal. Hopefully Admin will fix it soon.

However, check out my albums. All the pics are annotated so it should give you an idea what's going on until they fix this.
