The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member

The Big Blue Rinse.....I tell ya, there was a million of the Blue Rinse mob at the Keukenhof last week (tulip fields in Holland)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahaha they may look old and infirm but i tell thee ive seen them cut up rough. 4pm down the marks n spencers all the cakes get reduced. its like a rugby scrum all boney elbows getting thrown about callin each other worse than you hear down the bigg market


Well-Known Member
i know what you mean bro...

i grew up around this magical herb and it still amazes me at times. i can look at them for ages, it just makes me feel at peace somehow which is a rare thing for me lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I think ill do an update with lights off again tomoz night and try and sort out the individuals for ya and their repective times in flores

mr west

Well-Known Member
of course lol the clothes come off in the ne a few weeks b4 the rest of the country dont they? Tho ill admit ive seen some ppl in shorts the last few days lol.


Well-Known Member
of course lol the clothes come off in the ne a few weeks b4 the rest of the country dont they? Tho ill admit ive seen some ppl in shorts the last few days lol.
I think that applies to the whole of the north of the UK lad.....images of not so white bra's over very white skin kicking around Glasgow parks on chilly Spring days...eeeeck:shock:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah lads ive been out in shorts n a hawaiian shirt in 6 inches of snow

its standard practise round the toon, why pay to put your coat in a cloakroom, your going to get too pissed lose the ticket fght with the attendant ala cheryl cole end up getting collared.

and youve got the beer jacket for the way home. coat = redundant