The UK Growers Thread!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
yeah man. and how noone has complained yet... there are maybe 200 people living within 50 meters of these guys, and they must be waking every single one of us up at 7am. bystander apathy or WHAT! fucking classic example. i can imagine a dog must be hating it, especially a young pup
takes the piss mate but like you said mate they gotta justify there over spends somewhere, it is driving the pup nuts but it's quiet cute to watch he's getting brave now and barking at them as they walk past outside his bark is still pretty pathetic and every time hebarks at them he runs back in the room and squeezes behind my legs lol he's supposed to be a staff i've had harder and much braver cats lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
house up the road from me is getting raided, saw the cop van and car there this morning as i drove past, but the posty tells me their chucking all his gear in a skip outside so it was defo a raid poor bastard.
poor bastard what a waste of our taxes huh, i was hearing last night that some1 we all know down my way got done the other day none of us knew he was growing til he got busted from what i heard last night they caught him with about 25 plants and un rooted clones of the 25 that he had just put into flower from what i was told he's looking at or got can't remember i was steaming a £200 fine and a slap on the wrist which seems pretty good because if that's all i got i'd be back up and running the next day or 2

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
they filled a skip with his gear, I didn't see the plants come out, but apparently it was his whole double garage which was in use.
poor fucker lets hope he stays outta prison with a bit of luck he was growing big1s and not a ridiculous amount of clones any ideas how many you'd have to have to get locked up for a while, from what i can tell anything under 30 and your walking away without much of a headache apart from losing all your gear?


Well-Known Member
poor fucker lets hope he stays outta prison with a bit of luck he was growing big1s and not a ridiculous amount of clones any ideas how many you'd have to have to get locked up for a while, from what i can tell anything under 30 and your walking away without much of a headache apart from losing all your gear?

I've seen varying reports on who gets away with what,


Well-Known Member
feeling a bit rough today lads, sat up till i guess 6 am drinkink vodka and sniffin marching powder. one nostril has packed in (the left) and my head is pounding out a drum and bass are off school and screaming around the house at full blast (daddys just about to go fuckin ballistic). i have had better days.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
all depends if they can prove intent to supply, if you got scales bags and txts on your phone your pretty much screwed. they can take everything from your car to your house as profits of illigal earnings.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
feeling a bit rough today lads, sat up till i guess 6 am drinkink vodka and sniffin marching powder. one nostril has packed in (the left) and my head is pounding out a drum and bass are off school and screaming around the house at full blast (daddys just about to go fuckin ballistic). i have had better days.

hahahah i know that pain.... drinking the spirit like its going out of fashion and its not touching the sides cos of the bolivian then it runs out and its a whole world of pain. large spliff a valium and a toddle off to the pube i suggest


Well-Known Member
hahahah i know that pain.... drinking the spirit like its going out of fashion and its not touching the sides cos of the bolivian then it runs out and its a whole world of pain. large spliff a valium and a toddle off to the pube i suggest
very very good suggestion unfortunately its gonna have to wait a few hours coz im sprog watching but oh god i could murder a beer.or possibly 2 .......mite have a third, and its been a while since i had a rum n coke, or whiskey and water,i do enjoy a nice gin and bitter that a new shooter uv got, ah fuck it set them up.......any cunt got a gram...3 for a ton?... yeah that sounds good....hi there you just started working here? oh you stay up there? thats on my way home.....a coffee yeah that'd be on silent:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hi all. Can you see from my four/five week old seedlings any problems with them? In the 2nd pic there are a few new leaves that are brown and withered. Is it crying out for nutes? So far I have been feeding them only water when the top two inches are dry with tap water that has been left for one to two days. I put them outside about three days ago. Should I bring them in of a night? All help/advice will be greatly received... :confused:
Also what else should i do to them? Or should i just leave them and let nature do its thing?



tip top toker

Well-Known Member
no pictures but if the new growth is brown and mangly, then something is not right. at 4/5 weeks those shoudl not be seedlings they should be a foot tall!

i went to ikea, wandered arou/nd for an hours, saw a pair of scissors i liked, had no money. didn't even have 45p for a hotdog :( think i'll rearrange the flat instead, i'm thinking multiple televisions in the lounge!

edit: there are the pictures. i'd say those should be on 1/4 or 1/2 strength feed at present. looks like they've stretched a good bit as well, might want to consider a couple of long coctail sticks if they're going outside, don't want them blown over on their side


Well-Known Member
lookin fine buddy, maybe a little pale, what strains are they? personally i wouldnt put plants outside just now but im up in scotland so its fuckin cold until june. what kinda soil u workin with? i'd maybe try a 1/4 strength nute feed

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
very very good suggestion unfortunately its gonna have to wait a few hours coz im sprog watching but oh god i could murder a beer.or possibly 2 .......mite have a third, and its been a while since i had a rum n coke, or whiskey and water,i do enjoy a nice gin and bitter that a new shooter uv got, ah fuck it set them up.......any cunt got a gram...3 for a ton?... yeah that sounds good....hi there you just started working here? oh you stay up there? thats on my way home.....a coffee yeah that'd be on silent:blsmoke:

which pub you going to?? sounds like a plan


Well-Known Member
my local, the nut as we call it, more dealers per square foot than any other pub round here. its actually that bad that if u take a shit in the bog everyone goes mental coz it reeks when u go for a line, etiquite requires u use the disabled bogs for a dump. ive walked in on saturdays and seen a queue of up to dozen guys all standin waitin to get in to the cubicle to have a sniff, the owner made his money to buy the pub from dealing , i feels so at home in there. and there are some tasty barmaids.


Well-Known Member
My usual sexual position with the wife is the 'air bed'.

I pump away tirelessly for what seems like an eternity and ultimately end up disappointed with the result.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
my local, the nut as we call it, more dealers per square foot than any other pub round here. its actually that bad that if u take a shit in the bog everyone goes mental coz it reeks when u go for a line, etiquite requires u use the disabled bogs for a dump. ive walked in on saturdays and seen a queue of up to dozen guys all standin waitin to get in to the cubicle to have a sniff, the owner made his money to buy the pub from dealing , i feels so at home in there. and there are some tasty barmaids.
aye weve got a few like that in the toon skinning up at the tables allowed cheap booze and you can get whatever you want brought to you for the right price haha

i love it when the scrotes turn up to try n flog you whatever they happen to have lifted that morning for their skag money. hoovers to microwaves at one point they were actually boasting theyd nicked one of the flat screens from shearers bar down at the footy ground. fuckers wanted an extrra 100 bar for it too haha