What would you pay for a plant in veg?


Asshole Patrol
So, there's a possibility that I might need to get rid of a plant or two at some point. What would be a good price to get rid of em for? They would be good solid strains, and very healthy plants...



Asshole Patrol
haha no risk. I have good trustworthy friends that would take them off my hands... I just dont know what to ask.

I just dont want to have to chop one or two down if all of them end up being ladies and I dont have the room to flower them all... I would much rather one or two go to a good friend that can take care and enjoy them...


Well-Known Member
good question which i don't know the answer to (that happens a lot). One thing to consider - you could make it a holiday gift to a good friend. Especially if you'd have to get rid of them anyway.

or you could work out some kind of trade maybe.


Asshole Patrol
It wouldnt be until after the holidays... I'm not opposed to just giving them away, but figured a few coins here and there wouldnt hurt the cause either. :-)


Well-Known Member
haha no risk. I have good trustworthy friends that would take them off my hands... I just dont know what to ask.

I just dont want to have to chop one or two down if all of them end up being ladies and I dont have the room to flower them all... I would much rather one or two go to a good friend that can take care and enjoy them...
Then i would just give it/them to him. :mrgreen:


Asshole Patrol
they're at four weeks now... I have to wait for my flowering ladies to finish sometime next month, and then I'll sex the little ones and know where Im at.

This is all a bit premature... I just wanted to know if anyone had done this or if you guys typically just kill the plants that you dont need or have room for?


Well-Known Member
they're at four weeks now... I have to wait for my flowering ladies to finish sometime next month, and then I'll sex the little ones and know where Im at.

This is all a bit premature... I just wanted to know if anyone had done this or if you guys typically just kill the plants that you dont need or have room for?
Done what? Kill or toss out health female plants? Yes i have done this before when i had more plants then space/light... what a sin i should be shot!


Well-Known Member
oooo i got an idea, give it to him for free like you are being really nice, but then be like well can I atleast get an ounce or 2 of the harvest:mrgreen: then baboom, he'll say ok and you just made $300:mrgreen: or smoked for free


Well-Known Member
Be generous, it came out of the earth, just give it to them. My boy gives me some of his when hes got alot of clones and he knows that when the time comes i'll pay back the favor. Just don't be givin to random people, ya know.

Ya DiG?


Well-Known Member
give it away. i could never charge for a plant. i take a box of cuttings to the club and trade for a 1 gram sample. they go to friends for free. i gave some away on craigslist before. put an ad up "free white widow, mother and clones". it worked. i actually met a few nice people in the process.


Well-Known Member
yo i would just give them to your friends and then ask for some tree in return i actually did this with my friend we still have to figure out the percentage i will receive for giving him a beautiful 2 foot mrs. but thats not a big deal right now it can only work out good for both of us


Asshole Patrol
Ok, so where do the legal boundaries lay when posting something like that on Craigs List? Seems a quick way to get thrown in the can. :)

Thanks all for the input. I think the verdict will just be to pass them along when the time comes, free of charge. :-)


Asshole Patrol
Dumb question deleted...

Yeah, I've looked through Craig's List here in Seattle, and havent come across anything. Though, I guess I've never really needed to find em. haha